Call Me

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Cassie shrugged while continuing to lie down. Suze forced a smile before continued to run her fingers through Cassie's hair. Which was something that Cassie loved when she was upset. The thing was that they didn't know the reason behind it. Was this a sort of late reaction from the abortion?

Or was this a late reaction from the break up with McKay? Cassie was lost in her thoughts. All she wanted was for Nate Jacobs to call her. To tell her that he felt the same way she did. Tell her that he didn't care what Maddy would say.

She sighed while trying to pay attention to her mom's tv show. Lexi looked at her confused. What was going on with her sister? They have never been the closest so it wasn't like she could just ask her. She won't tell.


Later that day, Cassie entered her room with some chips. She had to climb around all the clothes and trash to get to her bed. "When are you gonna clean your side of the room?" Lexi was in her bed with her laptop open. This was the second week she wore Fez's sweater to sleep.

"When are you going to let go of that sweater?" "I didn't wear it on wash day." "But you wear it almost every day after washing it." "I still wash it." "You are strangely attached to it."

"It's really comfortable." "Still weird." "You think I'm acting weird?" "Yes, that exactly what I think." Lexi put her computer down and straighten her back.

"Well, I'm not the only one acting weird. The rooms a mess, you check you phone every time it beeps, you cry more often. What the fuck is going on Cas?" Cassie ignored her while snuggling into her bedsheets. Lexi looked at her confused.

Of course she thought it was weird. Lexi wouldn't understand how this guilty and yearning felt. She felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest. Worst part was she couldn't talk to her best friend about it. She couldn't even tell her own sister, she would tell Maddy.

Sometimes she wished her sister wasn't so perfect and non-broken. It won't make her life easier.


It's been a week and Lexi didn't text him. Was it cause of the drama he caused? Maybe she needed to lay low or people would gossip? Or was it because he scared her off for good? Faye sat down next to him on the couch.

"Do you want to smoke?" "Geez Faye, that the only shit you think 'bout?" Faye shrugged before rolling her eyes. "Better than over thinking about some shit. I knew it, that curly haired junkie is eating your ass."

He looked at her confused. "You know exactly who I'm talking about." Was she talking about Rue?! "Yo hold on, yous tripping hella hard Faye. Rue is just a friend, mah sister even."

"Then which junkie got you frying your brain. I know it's not someone else. You don't have time for meeting someone other than a junkie." "First, put some respect on my clients Faye. Second, she doesn't do all this."

"So there is a girl?!" "Yes she's not like anyone I know. She's a good girl." This whole time, Ashtray was watching. "And my third point was," fez started.

"You better watch your whore mouth," Ash interrupted. "Yo man, why y'all tripping so hard. There's no need for this language. We can all get along, no need for that shit." Ash ignored his brother.

"So there's a bitch in your life? Grandma Kitty talked to us about this." Fez zoned out his brother's rant about how love was weakness and it's disgusting. He just continued stressing about Lexi. Maybe he should ask Rue about her.

He just wished she could call him. He enjoyed his time with her.

A week later

Cassie finally showered and cleaned her room. Well kind of, she pushed everything into her closet. Maddy wanted to come over and hang out in her hot tub. "Hey Mads, glad you are feeling better," Lexi commented. "I would have been here sooner but someone didn't answer my texts or calls."

"She ignored all of us don't get offended." Cassie ignored both of them until she heard Nate's name. "Nate sent me the most beautiful text message this morning." "Really? What he say?"

"He said 'thank you for taking care of me. I love you always and forever'," Maddy smiled. "That's so sweet," Cassie whispered. She was annoyed she didn't get any calls or text from him. "Yeah, I know he's a horrible person, but I'm kind of torn."

"Let's forget about him. Forget about boys. We are all young and single." "Wait when's the last time you've been single," Maddy was shocked. Cassie was shocked too, she was going to give a time she was single but she couldn't remember. Maddy continued talking about god knows what.


Meanwhile, Cassie thought about how he was probably going to call her soon. Two days later, Nate called Cassie. She rushed outside to answer the phone in private. Suze saw her daughter outside, moving her arms frantically. "Lex?" "Yes?"

Lexi looked up to acknowledge her mother. "What's going on with your sister?" Lexi didn't know but also questioned it. However, she was more worried about Fez. She wanted to text him but didn't know how to. She wanted to know if he was okay. She was texting Rue, asking about him in a subtle way. "I think she's having a nervous breakdown," she said nonchalantly while looking down at her phone. "About what?" Lexi wished her mother worried about her that way.

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