New Year, New Friends?

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A/N: The script with be slightly different to fit the storyline lol

Lexi arrived at the party and instantly went to find her friends. She continued insisting on Cassie, calling her almost nonstop. She found Maddy on her way to the bathroom. "Maddy, have you seen Cassie?" Maddy looked at her, confused.

"I thought she was with you." Lexi looked down for a moment. "She had texted me you were going to come." "We like got in a screaming fight and she got out the car," Lexi said. Her tone of voice made it known she was ashamed.

"Wait, what? What were you fighting about?" "She was drinking while I was driving." Maddy's face went from concern to sympathetic. She knew how Lexi felt about drinking while driving.

They would always pregame before getting in the car. "How long ago was this?" "Like an hour and a half," Lexi said worried. "Did you call her?" Maddy was trying to make Lexi feel better, but Cassie was missing.

"She's not answering," panic was setting in her voice. "She always answers," Maddy blurted out without thinking. "I know. That's why I'm concerned." "It's fucking weird."

'Shit! I'm really bad at this,' she thought to herself. "Im worried, she was very drunk. You know, with everything going on in her life. I shouldn't have left her alone."

"I'm sure she's fine. There's no way Cassie's gonna miss a New Year's Eve party. I really have to fucking pee, but call me if you find her," she said as she rushed off. Lexi took another look around the entire house, looking for her sister. She finally found Kat and Jules.

"You made it," Kat cheered. "Have you guys talked to Cassie?" "No," the two girls answered while looking at each other slightly confused. "Will you let me know if you do?" The two nodded as Lexi moved away.

"Don't stress too much, you aren't her mom," Kat scream after her. Lexi ignored her while calling Cassie once more. She sat down on the edge of a couch and sighing as it went to voicemail. "Yo, you Rue's friend, right?" She turned her head to the sound and realized it was Rue's 18-year-old drug dealer, Fezco O'Neil.

"Yeah, since like preschool," she blurted out. 'That's stupid. Why does he care,' she thought. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that." Lexi looked down at her lap, nervously.

"Nah, you good. You met where you met," he said while smoking his joint. He offered her his joint but she shook her head in slight discomfort. "Yo, what was your name again?" 'He says it like if he knows my name in the first place,' she thought to herself.

"Lexi," she smiled nervously. "Lexi. I like that. That's a nice name." "Thanks," she said while looking down and slightly blushing.

He was cute despite his occupation. There was a silence after that. Not those weird ones, but a comfortable one. She was going to get up to call Cassie, but she didn't because Jules sat down. "Hi, have you seen Rue?"

"No," Lexi stated, slightly confused. "Yo, Happy New Year, Jewel!" "It-it's Jules." "Yeah, come on. I know your name, Jewel."

The two girls looked at each other and giggled. "Have you seen Rue?" "Um, yeah, she's somewhere around here," Fez said while looking around. "Is she," Lexi questioned. She looked around the house a lot, and she never bumped into Rue.

Jules got up and left after that. Lexi tried calling her sister again, but failed. Fez waited until she put the phone down. "So, did you, like, have a good Christmas, or are you Jewish or somethin'?" "Yeah," she began answering.

"Well, my mom's Jewish, but she always says if the Christians can steal Christmas from the Pagans, then the Jews can as well." "You say the Christians stole Christmas?" "Well, in order to convert the Germanic Pagans who, like, celebrated winter solstice and stuff, the Christians were like, 'fuck it. Let's just say Jesus was born this day, and you can hang tinsel and stuff.'" Fez was fascinated by what the cute, smart girl sitting next to him was telling him.

"How you just go and change the man's birthday?" "Well, in the same way King James was rewriting in the Bible. On one side, the castle had witches trying to turn his pee into gold. While on the other-." "Yo, how the fuck do you know all of this?"

He was so impressed, he didn't realize he interrupted her. "I don't know, by reading," she said. This was the first time a guy had ever been impressed by her brain. The first time her nerdiness didn't scare them off. "Do you, like, not believe in God?"

Lexi shook her head, she didn't believe in God. "Damn, Lexi... you fuckin' fearless." This was also the first time she was called fearless. It made her feel empowered. It also made her blush.

"Thanks. Do you believe in God?" "Hell yeah, I believe in God." She looked at him confused, "like, there's a man sitting in the clouds... judging all of your actions and stuff." "Hell yeah," he stated, as if it was obvious.

'How did he justify selling drugs," she thought. "Can I ask you a personal question?" "What's up?" "How do you justify dealing drugs then?" Maybe she shouldn't have asked that question.

"Well, I mean, my Uncle Carl got diabetes from eatin' too much McDonald's. You don't see nobody goin' after they ass." She understood what he meant, but he believed in God. "Yeah, but if I were God, I don't know if I'd let McDonald's CEO in Heaven. I'd be like, 'fuck that guy'."

She really needed to learn how to control her mouth. "Yeah, that's a good point. I have to get back to you on that one." She nodded awkwardly. Should she be concerned?

He didn't seem to mind it. "I'll be back," she murmured before leaving the couch. She made her way to the bathroom, as she called her sister. It was wide open and Maddy was in there with a boy she didn't recognize. She instantly hung up on Cassie.

"You didn't hear that," Travis began questioning. The two girls ignored him. He looked at them, concerned. "Have you found her?" "No, I'm getting really concerned."

'They are looking for me,' Cassie thought while her guilt grew. 'I heard something,' Travis thought. Travis went to open the bathtub curtains.

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