Lexi Has A Crush On You

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Ashtray would prefer the preppy bitch over the junkie. But he still wish his brother wasn't dumb. Faye sighed before going into Fez's room. Ashtray wouldn't let her step foot in his room, the grandma's room creeped her out, the kitchen and the living room were off limits, and she didn't want to stay in the security room with Ashtray because he was scary. Maddy, Lexi, and Fez didn't notice their interaction.

Lexi let out a cough, like she was choking. "You exhaled, didn't you?" Lexi nodded while laughing which caused Fez and Maddy to laugh. Soon the laughter died out. Maddy was staring off into the distance, sad.

Fez decided to be the first to speak up. "Yo which one of yo's friend did you like that?" Lexi and Maddy's thoughts snapped back into reality. Maddy didn't want to say her name out loud, it would make it more real. Lexi nodded that a decided to answer for her.

Lexi looked down ashamed, "my sister." She took another hit of the joint, this time not coughing. His eyes widened as he realized who it was, her sister was that blonde who was always with Maddy. "Callie?!" Maddy chuckled silently at the name mistake.

He remembered when he went to school before dropping out he would see them do everything together. "It's Cassie," Lexi corrected him. "Cassie?! Yo you're lying. That's crazy, y'all was like this," he said as he held up two fingers.

Maddy took another hit of the joint. Lexi gave him a look that made him realize what he said was the wrong thing. He always spoke without thinking. He felt bad it caused her harm. Maddy looked into the distance while a single tear rolled down her eye.

"Yo Maddy, I'm sorry I-," his apology was interrupted. Maddy knew he didn't mean to make her more upset. "I want to get revenge," she stated as she took another hit. Lexi felt torn by the statement. On one hand Lexi got it, she would be pissed too and out for blood.

While on the other hand, that was her sister they were talking about. Her sister was dumb and she craved male validation. She did fucked up things in the name of love but she did them because she thought that was what love was. Lexi didn't know how to feel until she did. "I want to make them regret it."

"Shit I would too." "I don't blame you, I would too," Lexi admitted before taking another hit. She wanted to get high to not stress about it. Maddy found it funny the girl was actually smoking weed with them. She thought the girl would have one and call it quits.

"Let's forget about them for today. Tomorrow we'll start the scheming." "Deal," Maddy said while taking another hit.


The girls were as high as a kite. Fez had brought out another joint for them to share. He wasn't as high because he had a higher tolerance. He knew he couldn't get too high in case something bad would happen. They were currently dancing in the living room to Doja Cat.

Specifically So High by Doja Cat. "I know you ain't a drug but you get me so high," Lexi sang along while making eye contact with Fez. 'God, she looks so beautiful,' he thought. 'I wish he would kiss me,' she thought. Their moment was destroyed by happy Maddy hugging Lexi.

"I love you, Mae Mae. Fez?" "Yeah?" "Isn't Lexi sooo pretty? Wait this is Lexi, right?"

Fez chuckled at the statement, "yes that's Lexi and yes she's beautiful." Lexi turned as red as a tomato. "Lexi has a crush on you." Lexi's eyes widened at the statement. "You have a crush on her."

"I do," Fez stated thinking she was asking him. Maddy squeaked while pulling on Lexi a bit too hard causing them to tumble onto the ground. "Shit, y'all good?" Fezco moved closer to them. He reached out a hand to help Lexi up.

Maddy was already on the couch looking up at the ceiling. "Then kiss her, already." Lexi felt nervous, was he going to kiss her? "I will, when we all are thinking clearly. I want her permission."

"That is too sweet." "Now come on we got to lift your spirits up," Fez said while taking Maddy's hand and pulling her up. 'He's so sweet,' Lexi thought before joining them. They continued dancing and singing along to different songs from different genres. They were having a good time.


They were all tired from all the dancing, singing, and laughing. So they were taking a break and just sitting. "I'm hungry," Lexi stated. "Hungry doesn't even began to describe it, I'm starving," Maddy groaned. "Shit me too, I'll doordash some shit."

Fez pulled out his phone and clicked on his app. "What we in the mood for?" "I couldn't really go for some pasta," Maddy said while thinking about how delicious it sounded. "I could go for anything. Pasta sounds amazing."

"Yeah that shit would probably smack right now. Any restaurant in mind," he said while scrolling through. The three teens were around the phone ready to order as much food as they could eat. "Damn, I should as Ash and Faye if they want anything." Lexi tensed up at the name, the pretty blonde that has been staying at his house.

"Yo Ash, Faye, come here!" The two emerged from where they were. "Y'all want something?" Ashtray was going to say no so he could leave but he was hungry. "Yeah what you buying?"

Faye noticed the joint in the ashtray. She went to grab it while saying, "get me whatever." She noticed Lexi looking at her. "Wait Fez, the shy and pretty brunette from the store is here," she whispered. "Yeah, it's Lexi remember."

"Right, you are constantly babbling about her," Faye said while sitting down on the couch and looking at her. "Can't blame you she is really pretty." "Yeah she really is," Fez said without thinking. "This is the shit I'm talking about. I need a better boyfriend, Cluster never babbles about me being pretty."

Fez and Lexi blushed. She assumed they were dating. "Oh we aren't-," Lexi trailed off. "Oh you haven't admitted your feeling for her yet?" "Yo Faye, shut the fuck up, you embarrassing me."

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