Can I Hold Your Hand?

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Lexi felt nervous, it was 100% confirmed that he liked her. She had heard it with her own ears for his own mouth. He also knew she liked him. She really tried to concentrate but all that would pop up into her head would be Fez. She thought back on all their encounterments.

Lexi thought about his blue eyes, his lips, his big calloused hands. She thought back to her time earlier. 'I will, when we all are thinking clearly. I want her permission,' ran through her head. Her sister always told her she had too high expectations for wanting a boy to ask for consent even if they dated.

"Boys aren't as polite as they use to be. You should lower your standards, no one will meet them." Her own mother even agreed. Lexi began to believe her sister had a point, that was until New Years. Hanging out with Fez proved them wrong.

He asked her for permission and would get nervous and shy if he accidentally grabbed her hand without it. She thought back to earlier. He said, "I will, when we are all thinking clearly. I want her permission." Was he going to make a move now that she was sober?

The streets were almost completely empty, allowing Lexi to think about her situation without holding up the line or something like this. Surprising Lexi was quite, Rue wondered why. She was about to ask when Lexi parked in the parking lot. "We are here. Now what?"

"Let me call fez," rue pulled out her phone. She dialed fez's number and after a few rings he answered. Rue had him on speaker but he didn't know that. "Rue? The hell you want at 1:30 am," he asked in a groggy voice.

Lexi thought he's voice was more addicting now. Dirty thoughts began filling her head. Right after that those thoughts however, she thought about how he seemed annoyed he was woken up. She got nervous. He was asleep and they woke him up.

"Well Lexi and I just wanted to talk but I guess since-," Rue started. A thud was heard in the background. "Wait hold on. Y'all want to come over? You and Lexi?"

"Yeah, I was talking to Lexi-," she started before getting interrupted once again. 'Yup this man is falling for Lexi so bad,' Rue thought. "Are you girls on your way?" Before Rue could speak Fez interrupted once more. "I can go pick y'all up."

'Can he like stop interrupting,' Rue thought. "No fez that's ok," Rue explained. "Don't want y'all wandering around at night. It's not safe." 'He's so sweet,' Lexi thought.

"Actually we are outside, well kind of, we are in Lexi's car. Want to walk us to your house?" "Stay there with the doors locked, don't step out." "Ok dad," Rue joked. "I'm not fucking play Ruby."

Rue shut her mouth and frowned. "You know how bad my neighborhood could get." She wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying, she was busy thinking about him saying her full name. He knew she hated when people called her Ruby. It brought up too much memories of her father.

She didn't want to be reminded of his death. She thought the full name should be a thing only his dad said to her. "You know how much I hate my full name." Fez didn't answer back. "Fez?"

No reply was heard. The two girls got closer to the phone, "fez?" The phone suddenly disconnected causing the girls to begin to worry. "Boo," Fez scream as he slammed his hand against Lexi's car door. "Ahhhhh," the girls scream before they realized it was him.

"Shit, I didn't mean for you girls to get this scared." Rue got out of the car, "let's just head inside." She really needed something now. She couldn't with the pain of all the happy memories she had with her father. She wasn't going to laugh with him or hug him even again.

She rushed off to the stairs without waiting for Lexi or Fez. Meanwhile Lexi's heart didn't slow down, if anything it beat faster. She was alone with Fez. Fez, her crush. Fez didn't seem as nervous, or at least that's what she thought.

His heart beat faster as he pointed down at her door. She nervously began opening it. "Hope I didn't scare you too much," he smiled at her as he stepped closer to her. Her heart melted as she watched him smiling at her. She got closer to him as she closed the door.

Both of them were nervous as hell. She looked at him through her eyelashes, his knees felt weak. Before Lexi could say anything a loud Rue ruined the moment. "Are you two coming up or not?" Fez moved out of the way, "after you."

Lexi thought back to the advice Maddy and Kat gave her. She was going to try something bold. She looked at him with her big brown eyes and a soft pout. "Can I hold your hand?" 'She wants to hold my hand," Fez thought.

Fez looked at her with a blank expression. "I'm still a little jumpy from the scare you gave me before," she shyly said while tucking her bang behind her ear. 'She looks so beautiful. Say something dumbass,' he scream at himself. Fez snapped out of his head to see her nervously shuffling side to side while softly running her arm up her upper arm.

'Dumbass, she probably thinking you don't like her cute ass,' he reprimanded himself. He grabbed her hand before slowly guiding her to his house. With her other hand she grabbed a whole of his arm. The two of them blushed while going up the stairs. Rue watched all this go down.

She was happy her friends were happy. She was also frustrated they were talking things so slow. She was also mad because she want to get high or dragged up. She wanted to feel numb.

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