Worried Momma

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Both stood there in the middle of Maddy's room. At this point Lexis arms had moved around his chest, while his moved towards her waist. It was a beautiful moment, neither of them wanted to let go. They weren't planning on it, but Lexi's phone began ringing. She pulled away, almost instantly regretting it.

"Ummm...I-," she nervously started. The phone kept ringing in the background as she nervously tried to find a way to explain it wasn't personal. It stopped and then started again. She wanted him to know that she really wanted to stay in his arms. "I-," she started again.

Once again the phone stopped and rang again. "You should really answer that shawty. Looks like they really need to get to you." It started upon one more time. Lexi nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She glanced down at her phone to see who was calling her. 'Shit,' she thought as she realized it was her mom. "I'll be right back," she said as she rushed to the bathroom. Fezco sat down on Maddy's vanity chair. "Hello?"

"Alexandra Mae Howard! Where the hell are you?! Follow up why aren't you answering?! I called you 4 times before you finally picked up! I've been worried sick since I woke up!"

Lexi felt her face heat up as she realized that Fez could hear everything going on because of how loud her mom was being.

"Sorry, my phone was turned off." "That doesn't explain where you are so late." "I thought I told you I was going to Maddy's to get her a few things." "Maddy, she's a good girl you know. She doesn't deserve any of this."

Her mother had a short attention span. "I can't believe what went down today. I mean Nathaniel is the boy I least expected to do this type of shit." Fezco snored quietly at the last statement. He didn't know what Nate did this time but honestly nothing would surprise him at this point.

"Wait did you know about this?" "I mean I figured Cassie was seeing someone and I had my suspicious." "But you didn't want to believe she was capable of this?" "Exactly," Lexi said quietly. There was a bit of silence between the two before her mother spoke up.

"Hey Lex?" "Yes, momma?" "I- my car and Maddy's car are both in the driveway, so how did you get there?" Lexi's eyes grew widen as she realized she didn't think about that before leaving. "Oh, I- well," she started while panicking not knowing what to say.

"Ms Perez called to see how everything was going." "umhm," her mother said not quite believing the story but wanting to know in what direction it would go. "I told her how the party went, well not the Cassie getting together with Nate, and she said she was going to get home from her shift and would pick me up." Lexi was starting to get more anxiety. Would Ms Perez back her up?

"So, she's going to bring you back?" "I actually told her she could go to sleep. I'm taking an Uber back." "I can go for yo-," her mother started. "No," Lexi said quickly without thinking about it.

"Excuse me." "I- I'm sorry, didn't mean for it to come off as rude. I just don't want to bother." "You're my daughter and I'm worried about you being out this late." "I just think it would be best if there's someone at home still in case Maddy wakes up and needs to talk."

"Right," Suze said unsurely. "Great, I'll be there in a little," Lexi said as she pulled the phone away from her face to hang up. "Now wait a min-," Suze tried to stop her daughter from hanging up. Suze sighed; this wasn't like Lexi at all. What was going on with that girl?

Suze grabbed her wine bottle while going out the front door and hiding in a bush. "I'm figure it out," she mumbled to herself. Meanwhile, Lexi rushed more to get everything ready. "Did you just lie to your mom?" That's a stupid question, of course she did.

Lexi's mom would never approve of a guy like him. He was kidding himself if he really thought they could work out. She deserved better. "Yeah. I really don't need my mother meddling in our r-," her eyes widened as she realized what she was about to say.

She was about to say relationship, they hadn't even kissed. She needs to calm down or she is going to scare him off. It would be so embarrassing. His eyes widened even more. She didn't hide the budding romance because she was ashamed.

She hid it because she didn't want to bring her mother into it. He should be happy that was the reason. Or was that the same as being ashamed? 'Maybe it has to do with the lack of action going on,' his brain scream at him. They quietly made their way out of the house and towards his car.

The silence was killing Lexi. As a overthinker she began growing more anxious by the minute. "Hey Fez?" Fez hummed in response. "I- I just want to say I'm so sorry."

"Fo what?" "I didn't mean to make assumptions about us." "Nah, you good shawty, I understand." Fez really didn't want to say this. He wanted to ask her to sit in the front, but knew her mom would find it suspicious that she was in the front.

"You can hop in the back if you want. So your mom doesn't come suspicious and shit." Lexi smiled at him, it was a cute innocent smile. "Thank you for the suggestion, but I think I'd rather risk getting caught." She opened the passenger seat and slid in.

He was left stunned. "You coming or not," she teased. He bit his lip while laughing softly at her boldness. "Ok," he closed that back seat door and walked around to the driver side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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