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She walked up the pavement as she smiled about the amazing night she had. Fez was a good guy. He made her feel good; he made her feel seen, appreciated. She felt like skipping and singing. She was excited to tell Maddy about it all.

Her smile dropped as she saw Nate Jacobs walk out the door. "What the fuck," she whispered. Fez was waiting for her to go into the house when he saw Nate Jacobs get out. What the fuck was he doing here?! Nate noticed Lexi.

He didn't know much about Lexi, all he knew was she was friends with Maddy and Cassie's sister. She didn't talk much when he was around. By the look on her face he knew she did not like him. Understandably because she was Maddy's friend. She probably heard every single fight the two had.

He noticed the two were growing closer. Which made things worse. He began to worry if Cassie told her anything. Lexi was Cassie's sister after all. Maddy's eyes widened as she noticed her friend coming.

She had forgotten for a moment her brunette friend was coming over. She felt a tear on her cheek. "Shit," she whispered as she wiped her tears away. It was too late however, Lexi had seen the tear being wiped away. Lexi wasn't a violent person but anger began to rise.

Why was this asshole here? Why was she wiping a tear away? He had no right to come back into Maddy's life and ruin it again. Especially not when she was 99.9% sure that he was fucking her sister too. That theory kind of started deteriorating as she saw him here because her sister had snuck out but still.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She scream at him as she speed over to him with an accusing finger. Nate walked towards her while holding his hands up. "Woah Alexandra chill. No need to get violent."

Fez turned off his car and rushed over to them. Ready to defend her if Nate tried something. They lived in a small community. He heard about what that dick did to Maddy. He had talked to her after the incident, telling her to call him if Nate ever tried something else.

She had swore to Fez he did nothing. Fez knew better, Nate was a woman beater. Another reason why he didn't  fucking like Nate Jacobs. His grandma told him to always respect women and beat anyone's ass who didn't. She also told him not to fall in love but he ignored that.

He ignored the guilty he felt as he fell more for Lexi. At least he could follow this advice. Maddy meanwhile rushed to her friend as well. She didn't want to defend Nate, he lowkey deserve to be scream at. Still she rushed over, wanted to defend Lexi.

Lexi was a good girl, she didn't deserve to be caught up in Maddy's fucked up life. Maddy was worried that Nate would get violate. He had really bad anger issues and could hurt Lexi. "Don't tell me to chill," she scream. The girl was not intimidating at all to him.

She was a bit shorter than Maddy. This made his tower over her as well. He towered over many, after all he was 6'4. "What are you doing here?" He smiled at her arrogantly.

She was worried about her friend and he thought it was cute. 'That stupid smile. I wish I could punch that smile off him,' she thought. "I asked you first asshole," she gritted her teeth. "Lex," Maddy warned as she grabbed onto her friend's arm.

Lexi instantly softly nudged her friend behind her. Maddy looked at her friend worried. "Lex, let's just go inside, please." Fez thought it was hot how protective she could be. He loved seeing her be fearless.

'She is a boss ass bitch. Respectful calling her a bitch,' he thought. His thoughts got interrupted by someone. Nate laughed off her question, "I don't think that concerns you at all." Lexi got more furious at his words.

'He's a fucking jerk! Maybe I should fuck him up again so he could learn some respect,' Fez thought. Fez moved to stand beside Lexi. "Yes it fucking does! I don't want you near Maddy."

"Oh ok," he said laughing once more. He looked at Lexi's mad face and Fez's serious face, he had expected that. He turned to finally look at Maddy. She was standing behind the pair. She didn't seem pleased in his actions.

This was strange because she was fiercely loyal. He was use to that loyalty being towards him but it was towards Lexi right now. In a fucked up way he thought he really loved her. He didn't like seeing her look at him like that. Lexi had her arms over her chest as she rose an eyebrow.

She was waiting for an answer, actually they all were. "Well, Maddy let me in. I didn't hold her at gun point. I don't want any problems, Alexandra." He felt like it would be inappropriate to call her Lexi.

She continued glaring at him. "I think it's time for you to go," Maddy spoke up. He sighed and then backed up. He was upset she was telling him to leave too. "I was on my way out, sorry."

He looked at Maddy with sad eyes before finally walked away at a normal speed. The three teens watched him walk down the pavement. Lexi turned to Fez, "thank you for staying." "No problem Lexi," he smiled at her. Maddy smiled at the pair before making her way to the house.

"I should probably head home. It's getting late." She nodded. He moved towards him car. "Fez," he heard her question behind him.

He turned around to have her right in front of him. She got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you again. I had fun. Goodnight," she said.

He was shocked. "Um, yeah," he managed to get out. "Goodnight," he blushed as he moved towards the car once more. She moved into her house herself, smiling wide. Maddy squeaked excitedly from the door.

Meanwhile in the car, Fez called Rue. "Hello," a sleepy Rue answered. "She kissed me in the cheek," he responded dreamily.

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