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Tory and Robby had returned to her apartment after only staying at Kyler's party for as long as necessary, neither one of them feeling very in the mood for it, for different personal reasons. Their swift exit had been met with whistles and cheers after having wordlessly confirmed everyone's suspicions at the end of the tournament when Robby spun Tory around and kissed her, congratulating her on her victory.

Tory hadn't been that bothered by Robby's disappearing act after the award ceremony still having been slightly shocked that he had came back in time for her fight after he had just lost his; no one she'd ever known had shown that level of caring towards her before. When he'd shown up at the party fashionably late, she had raised an eyebrow questioning more so if he was okay than his whereabouts, to which Robby only replied that he'd tell her later looking around suspiciously at their 'friends'

Now in the safety of Tory's bedroom the two laid back against the pillows talking softly about the day's events so as not to wake Tory's mom and brother up who had been fast asleep for hours.
"Where did you go?" Tory asked playing with Robby's hand that was hanging over her shoulder. He sighed dragging a hand through his hair before saying "To see my dad."
"How'd that go?" She asked curiously.
"Quite well actually." Robby replied with a ghost of a smile over his lips still surprised as to how well it had gone.
"So, if it went well why do you still seem sad? If it's about the tournament-"
"It is." Robby cut her off "But it's not about losing to Hawk." He added.
"Ahh, Kenny." Tory realised and Robby bit his lip in response "I shouldn't have done that."
"It's karate, people get hurt." Tory said paraphrasing what she had told Amanda.
"Yeah, but there were a lot of easier and more obvious ways to beat him. I didn't need to-"
"Show off?" Tory suggested. "It looked really really epic by the way. If that makes you feel better."
"Afraid not." He said kissing the top of her head.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, Robby. Kenny doesn't like it when we treat him as weak and a kid; plus, he seems to have taken the Cobra Kai lessons to heart - he'll understand." Tory reasoned causing Robby to grimace at the mention of Kenny absorbing Cobra Kai's lessons - very thankful that Tory couldn't see his face in the dark. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, wanting so badly to discuss why that was a bad thing but was scared that Tory would strongly disagree with him. "Robby?" She spoke up after a few minutes. "Hmm?"
"Are you really okay about losing?"
"I mean, yeah I'm disappointed I didn't win. Don't get mad, but when I had Hawk pinned to the mat I heard Kenny cheering me on to finish it and that kinda got in my head a little." Tory nodded having a feeling that might have been a factor. "But the day wasn't a total loss. My beautiful, hot, badass girlfriend won her championship match and my dad and I experienced what I believe is called growth."
Tory could feel Robby smiling against her skull and that terrified thought entered her head again "What if I lost?" Came out in a quiet and scared voice.
"Hmm?" Robby said not really understanding "But you didn't. You proved that you were better just like you wanted."
"What if I didn't?" She pressed.
"Well, I lost. Do you think less of me for it?" Robby asked.
"No. Never." She said instantly.
"Then why would I ever think less of you if you lost? Just take the win, Tory. You deserve it." Robby said pecking her on the lips before readjusting himself to lie down properly as a yawn escaped his lips. Tory settled down next to him throwing an arm over his chest and leaning her head on Robby's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

/ /

The next morning Robby left Tory's around 10am after receiving a call from his dad saying he needed to speak to him urgently. Robby skated up to Johnny's door and knocked twice before realising the door was open "Dad?" He called pushing the door open fully. "Dad!" Robby called again "Are you here?" Then Johnny came out of his bedroom pulling a retro style suitcase behind him. "Hey. Good, you're here."
"Yeah. You wanna tell me why, now?" Robby asked as Johnny was very cryptic on the phone and refused to tell him why. Johnny sighed still having not figured out a good way to tell Robby this. "Miguel ran away to Mexico to find his father."
Robby was silent for a few moments not knowing how to respond. He finally settled on a genuine "Good for him."
"No. Not good. Because Miguel's father doesn't know that he exists."
"Oh, that's gonna be awkward." Robby empathised. "But at least they won't have to get over any bad impressions." Robby half-joked as Johnny continued to grab things from around the apartment. "You're going after him." Robby realised in an emotionless voice.
"I have to. Carmen said that Miguel's father was a very bad man, and I think we all know what that means in Mexico." Johnny explained looking down at his shoes before continuing "Is that ok with you? I mean, we just started to... repair our relationship and now I'm-"
"Crossing borders to look for the son you replaced me with." Robby bluntly said sensing Johnny's reluctance to explain the situation.
"Yeah, I guess." Johnny admitted. "You could come with me." He suggested as soon as the thought popped into his head.
"What?" Robby spluttered thinking he had misheard him.
"You should come with me to Mexico. It'll be perfect: we can spend more time together and then once we find Miguel you two can make up over everything."
"I don't think it'll be that simple."
"I'm sure coming to save him from his psycho gang leader papa will score you some points though. Plus, you said I would get to pick where we went on our next father-son trip." Johnny said turning Robby's cruel remark from last year against him.
"Technically I said you could choose where we don't go."
"Potato, potato." Johnny said waving him off. "Come on, you did say you wanted to make things right with Miguel."
"I know, but there's other stuff here I have to make right as well. And I can't leave Tory on her own."
"I'm sure your girlfriend will cope without you."
"You don't get it. Tory's mom is terminally ill and doesn't have long left."
"Shit." Johnny breathed out. "Miguel told me Tory worked to help provide for her family but I didn't know... shit... that's seriously bad. Look, the sooner we leave the sooner we'll be back."
"I'll think about it." Robby said walking out to call Tory.

She agreed that Robby should go with Johnny knowing how important building a relationship with his father and making up with Miguel was to him. Robby also asked her to keep an eye on Kenny in Cobra Kai whilst he was gone.

Tory came over to see them off that afternoon with Carmen and Rosa. She gave Robby a rather PG goodbye kiss for them, considering his dad was watching but Robby pulled her back into him and deepened the kiss, dragging a thankfully quiet moan out of Tory. "What am I going to do without you here?"
Robby chuckled softly "What are you gonna do without me? What am I going to do away from you? I'm fucking addicted to you."

Tory watched them drive off on a father-son adventure to find the other 'son' whilst she thought about her own adventure to discover what really happened at the tournament.

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