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Since returning to the Valley, Johnny had caught up with his own students who expressed a desire to continue training not only because they enjoy learning karate but mainly because they want to be able to protect themselves from the ever-growing threat of Cobra Kai. "Especially with your son as their number one weapon." Mitch commented.
"Robby told me he was quitting Cobra Kai." Johnny stated.
"Well he's still there just now. I saw him and Tory go in the other day." Bert informed him.
Johnny nodded holding in a laugh "Told him so."

Johnny called Robby to his apartment to check in with him and grill him as to why he was still going to Cobra Kai classes. "I've got some stuff that I can only deal with and fix if I'm there." Robby told his father referring to Kenny.
"I hope you know what you're doing." Johnny said knowing how dangerous Silver was in a fight.
"I do." Robby promised.
"Alright I gotta go. LaRusso wants to see me." Johnny said rolling his eyes at the 10th call and 25th text message from Daniel.

/ /

Daniel had indeed been desperate to get a hold of Johnny since he returned to the Valley but the blonde had been ignoring his calls and texts, too busy dealing with Miguel, Robby and Eagle Fang.

"All right I'm here! What the hell was so damn important it's not like we have businesses to run anymore?" Johnny questioned storming into the LaRusso house.
"Well, actually, I might have found a way to keep Miyagi-Do open." Daniel stated as he joined Johnny in the foyer. His statement caused Johnny to furrow his eyebrows, so Daniel explained his plan with Chozen and everything Johnny had missed in his time away, adding that Johnny's Eagle Fang students are more than welcome to join Chozen's classes. Johnny was about to pass but Daniel continued explaining that Chozen was teaching them a more aggressive and offensive version of Miyagi-Do Karate, intriguing Johnny who said he would bring his Eagles along to the next class and see what they thought of it.
"Great! Now that that's I actually have somewhere to be?" Daniel announced.
"Seriously?" Johnny questioned.
"Sorry Johnny, this is time sensitive. Eli told me Tory works at the restaurant today - I'm trying to catch her just as she leaves - I believe Amanda and Sam learned the hard lesson for what happens when we turn up of Tory's places of work."
"Wait. Why are you going to see my son's girlfriend?"
"Remember that Barnes guy that Silver hired to fight me in the All Valley I told you about?"
"Well, now he's hired Barnes as Cobra Kai's new Sensei. Tory asked Eli and Demetri to use their tech skills to find out some more about Barnes."
"Why not just ask the boys what they found?" Johnny questioned Daniel's complicated methods.
"I'm not interested in what they found. I'm interested in why Tory felt like she had to ask two of her enemies to look into Barnes." He explained.

/ /

Waiting in his Audi in the alleyway where the staff entrance was Daniel saw Tory leave work and quickly jumped out of the car. "Tory." He called causing her to turn around.
"Jesus, what is it with you people?" She asked as another LaRusso turned up at her work.
"I just want to talk."
"Don't I get say?"
"Of course you do."
"Great. Then I don't wanna talk to you." She said turning back around and continuing on her way. Tory wanted to get away from the LaRusso patriarch before her conscious won out and she told him about Silver rigging the AVT.
"Wait, wait, wait." Daniel called running after her and falling into step beside her. "I heard you asked Eli and Demetri to look into Cobra Kai's new Sensei, Mike Barnes."
"Which one of them squealed?" Tory asked before pausing "Don't answer that, I already know." She said realising it must have been Demetri.
"I knew Barnes. Silver hired him to fight me in the All Valley. I can tell you everything you want to know about him." Tory stopped walking and turned to face him his words catching her interest but she soon tighten her lips and turned away "I'm sure I can just read it for myself." However, Daniel had picked up on her expression "Why did you have the boys investigate? Couldn't you have just asked your new Sensei? Or is he as psychotic and terrifying as he was 30 odd years ago?"
"I wanted to know everything before I spoke to him."
"Great, let's compare notes."
"I haven't read it yet." Tory admitted.
"Why not?"
"Been kinda busy." She lied, in fact she was scared to read it. Tory didn't know if she wanted to confirm her theory or not. "Listen, I know you have a lot of free time on your hands now that Miyagi-Do is shut down but, don't you have something else better to do than bother me about this?" Daniel was slightly hurt at Tory pushing him away when he really wanted to help but felt a spark of joy inside as he realised that Cobra Kai was still blissfully unaware of Miyagi-Do's new Sensei.
"Yes, I suppose I still have one business to run. Just remember, if you ever want to talk to someone who's been through all of this with Silver and Barnes I'm here. Good luck, Tory." Daniel said before turning and walking back to his car.

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