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Mike arrived nearly an hour early much to Terry's annoyance. "Would you calm down? There is always the chance I'm wrong."
"I don't think so. I stayed up half the night thinking about it - there's too many coincidences."

Mike took his nervous jitters out on a punching bag in the back. Thankfully, he had dressed more appropriately for a dojo today, wearing gym gear.

Silver began the class at 2 o'clock on the dot without his star pupil much to Mike's dismay as he watched through the window in the office but 5 minutes later the ring of the bell above the door caught everyone's attention.

Taking her shoes off Tory simply raised an eyebrow challenging them all to say something causing Silver to smirk shaking his head as he held in a chuckle.

Tory took her spot at the top of the mat next to Kyler and Edwin as Silver continued speaking "As I was saying class, today you are going to focus on sparring different types of opponents and I will give you pointers to work on for next lesson. Miss. Nichols, step up please." Silver called and Tory moved to stand beside Silver facing the other students allowing Mike to see her face better. "Now, who wants take on the champ first? Mr. Park! How about you? You can try to redeem yourself from your terrible quarterfinal fail."

Tory and Kyler bowed to each other and took their positions waiting for Sensei Silver to yell "Aits!" When he did, surprisingly Kyler struck first, still annoyed at how easy Eli had defeated him at the All Valley; using his greater strength he managed to tackle Tory to the ground relying more on his wrestling moves than karate. After landing on her back Tory kicked Kyler off of her giving herself the room to do a kip up to get back to a standing position. Tory spun around sending a high kick Kyler's way which just grazed his cheek as he moved away at the last second trying to catch Tory with a hook punch but she ducked below it. Kyler tried again with a jab but Tory blocked it with both hands before going for a spinning back kick driving Kyler backwards before she dropped to the ground and kicked his legs out causing Kyler to fall to the ground unexpectedly. Tory immediately pounced on him holding him down with one hand and pulling the other back ready to strike the finishing blow when Silver called an end to their match claiming that Tory had won.

"Does anyone know why I picked these two fighters?" Terry asked the class to which he received no response. "No? It is because they are complete opposites. Tory was trained in kickboxing before karate meaning she'll naturally aim higher whereas Kyler was a wrestler meaning he fights low to the ground. Each fighter had to adapt their fighting style in order to strike their opponent - although one done it better than the other, but that was expected." Terry explained before dismissing the current top two fighters and setting up the next pairing.

Mike had been watching Tory fight through the window in the office and their similar fighting styles was even more apparent in person and as Terry explained that Tory had trained in kickboxing before karate it made even more sense as that had been Mike's favourite form of MMA fighting and he remembered teaching and play fighting with his four year old blonde daughter. He was never very good at being fatherly or even taking care of her so he taught her the only thing he knew: how to fight.

After the class was over Terry walked in and opened his mouth to ask but Mike beat him to it nodding slowly. Terry silently moved over to a filing cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses pouring one and passing it to Mike for the shock before pouring one for himself.

The two of them sat in silence for a while just absorbing the entire situation. Eventually, Silver broke the silence "Because she's a minor, does she need to approach you first?" He questioned.
"No, that's only for adoption cases where you give up your paternal rights. I didn't do that, I just left." Mike explained knowing the legality of the situation.
"Great. So you can come back into your daughter's life anytime you want." Silver said.
"I've thought about it before, but every time... she probably hates me." Mike sighed.
"Yes, she probably does. But the longer you leave it the more she'll hate you and trust me when I say she really needs you now no matter how mad she is, so she'll have to accept you back into her life."
"She's not going to want me in her life."
"No, but she'll need you. There's something I didn't tell you yesterday - something you need to know."
"Tory's mother is terminally ill. I'm not sure how long it's been going on but I know Tory's been working to provide for her family; it's why she doesn't show up sometimes."
"Oh god... Katherine's dying? Ho-How long does she have left?" Mike asked upset.
"I don't know. A year at the most now. I know Tory wants to claim custody of her younger brother if her mother dies after she turns 18; but if it happens before then, her aunt wants to claim custody of them for the benefits."
"Kandace." Mike growled out before something registered in his head "Wait younger brother? How much younger?"
"I don't know. Why? Is that relevant to you?"
"I don't know. I don't think so." Mike thought back. "She must've moved on."
"Don't sound so jealous, you were the one who left." Silver reminded him.
"I wasn't exactly in the right headspace to be a family man. I was too violent it's why I switched careers. She seems so angry. How do I even approach her? Do you think she'll remember me?"
"I know how." Silver smirked knowing Mike would agree now.
"Oh, you son of a bitch." Mike cursed realising Terry would get everything he wanted. "Fine. When do I start?"

Cobra Kai: A Family AffairWhere stories live. Discover now