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Mike had returned home after a hell of a day, filled with good and bad surprises. He was heading to bed with a glass of water down the darkened hallway when he suddenly felt something cold and sharp at his neck as he passed one of the corridors.
"I was serious about the killing you thing."
Mike swallowed, feeling his Adam's apple graze over the blade "Jace..." He recognised the voice.

"Jace... I didn't know they were going to do that; I just took advantage of the opportunity to talk to her." He tried to reason with his son but the younger man wasn't hearing it, grabbing ahold of his father and slamming him into the nearest wall. "I warned you what would happen if you went near her." Jace growled holding Mike by his top.
Suddenly, Mike pulled Jace's hands off of him and pushed him back, breaking free. "Yeah, yeah. 'You'd tear me apart'. But let's be real, Jace, you can't beat me. I taught you everything you know." Mike said getting into a fighting stance.
"Not everything, Dad." Jace informed him also getting into a fighting stance and dropping the knife. Jace wanted to make Mike hurt and drag out the pain by using brute force.

Jace immediately lunged forward, starting with two boxing jabs which Mike blocked and used Jace's momentum to throw him into the wall but the younger blonde was faster and done a backflip off the wall landing behind his father and sending a vicious side kick to his torso, sending him stumbling back into the wall.

Mike blew out a breath. "All right. Guess we're not holding back."

This time Mike struck first trying to take his son by surprise. He swung a left hook at Jace's head which Jace ducked under, taking the opportunity to punch Mike in the back as he came back up on the other side. Mike aimed another punch at Jace who caught his arm, holding him in place and sent a right hook to Mike's head instead. Jace let go and proceeded to send a left hook to Mike's other temple, followed by a headbutt, and a spinning back punch which all caused Mike to tumble back.

Mike looked up at Jace from his position on the ground, his son had the upper hand and they both knew it.
"Looks like you've lost your touch. You know what they say... those who cannot do... teach." Jace taunted before spinning around to add momentum to the incoming kick. However, Mike knew what he was doing and used the few extra seconds to do a back handspring out of the way.

Jace followed sliding across the table Mike had landed behind landing a kick on Mike. He swung a left hook which Mike dodged and retaliated with a right hook of his own making Jace groan in pain. Mike used Jace's moment of unfocus to slam his head onto the table he had previously slid across. When Jace lifted his eyes up from the wood the first thing he saw was a book and quickly grabbed it, swinging it at his father who used his forearm to block it. Jace tried to reach over his father and bring it down on his head but Mike wrapped his arms around Jace's unprotected torso and tackled him back into a wall.

Nonetheless, Jace wasn't stalled for long and tossed Mike into the wall opposite. The two of them backed up needing more room to swing their long limbs at each other. Before Mike was fully upright, Jace jumped forward and aimed at kick at his head which Mike blocked but he groaned in pain from the impact. Jace then tried a punch to his other side but Mike grabbed his arm and flipped Jace over. Jace immediately rolled over and returned the favour. Finally, they let go of each other realising it was giving the other an advantage. Jace took a couple of steps forward intending on striking his father whilst he was down but Mike saw him coming and kicked him in the stomach pushing Jace back and onto one knee. Mike rolled to his feet grabbing the knife Jace had dropped earlier. The two men ran at each other again, Mike swinging the knife and Jace ducking under it or blocking his strikes.

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