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"Sensei Barnes, I need your help."

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The police officer brought Tory in a cordless telephone and she typed out the number on the business card silently praying that the man on the other end would answer.
"Hello?" She heard a familiar albeit tired voice answer.
"Sensei Barnes, I need your help." Tory pleaded. The police officers looked at her questioningly as she called the supposed lawyer 'sensei'.

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Twenty-five minutes later Mike Barnes, the smart level-headed lawyer arrived, not the temperamental karate bad boy.

Mike entered the conference room with a worried expression which softened when he finally laid eyes on Tory. "Officers, I'm Michael Barnes an associate of Wolfram & Hart, Attorneys at Law, and I am representing Miss Nichols. May we have a moment alone to speak?" Mike introduced himself immediately taking control of the situation. The police officers nodded with one of them saying you've got 5 minutes." as they exited the conference room.

Once they left Mike walked over to Tory and hugged her, surprising the girl. "Are you okay? Did you say anything to them? They shouldn't have been talking to you without a parent or guardian present." He quickly rattled off.
"I'm fine - nearly fully sober now. Yeah, they mentioned that. Sorry I had to call you, I didn't have any other options."
"Don't you ever apologise for that, you can always come to me."
"Sensei Barnes, I hope you're better at being a lawyer than a karate sensei because I really can't go to juvie." Tory said worriedly the reality of the situation sinking in.
"Don't worry, just let me handle this. Just sit there and only talk when I say its okay. I'll get you out of here." Mike promised sitting down next to her.

And it didn't take him long. Mike very easily convinced the cops to let Tory go home now without the night's events affecting her probation.

"How did you do that?" Tory asked confused as they left the conference room.
"A lawyer never reveals his secrets." He shrugged. Looking around the precinct Mike asked "Was there any other of our students here?"
"They picked Kyler and I up at the same time - think they found us first so I'm not sure what happened to the others."
"What about Robby?"
"They wouldn't have taken him anyway - he would've passed the breathalyser test.
"He hadn't been drinking?" Mike questioned not understanding.
"He doesn't drink, at all."
"What kind of 17 year old doesn't drink?"
"One whose parents are both alcoholics and he's scared to end up like them."
"Ah." He said in understanding. "Come on, I'll drive you home."

Given how late is was at night Tory accepted the ride from Sensei Barnes but her defences were still up and she made him drop her a block away from her apartment. "I just saved your ass from juvie and you don't trust me to drive you home?" Mike said confused.
"It's not personal. I do it with everyone. I only let Kyler drive me right to the door one time, and it was exceptional circumstances. Took Robby 4 months to learn exactly where I lived." Tory explained getting out of the car.

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Later that morning when most people were just starting their day, Robby left Johnny's apartment to go check in on Tory at her apartment - still not having heard back from her. As he left the apartment he saw Miguel coming out of his adjacent apartment. "Hey." The Latino greeted.
"Hey." Robby said.
"You get much sleep?"
"Nope. I still haven't heard from Tory."
"I wouldn't worry. The last party we were at that the cops broke up I didn't hear from her until..." Miguel trails off remembering the next time he saw Tory "Actually, maybe keep trying." He said worriedly.

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