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"Jace." Mike breathed out in shock and a little fear.
"I knew I shouldn't have left her with you." He said through gritted teeth slamming his father into the wall again.
There was a loud sigh from the doorway "Well, that's one way to make an entrance." Alec commented rolling his eyes at Jace's dramatics.

"Let him go." Alec said.
"No." Jace screwed up his face at the idea.
"How did you even find out?" Mike asked.
"A little birdie told me. 'Cause you sure as hell weren't planning on it."
"I don't even have a way of getting in contact with you!"
"Technically, your lawyer could have reached out to ours from the court case if you really wanted to get in contact with us." Alec said perching on the back of a chair.
"Ha!" Jace cheered poking his father in the chest with a finger. Taking advantage of the fact that Jace only held him by one hand now, Mike forcefully pushed his son back making Jace let go of him. Turning to his right where Robby was sitting against the other wall he huffed saying "I presume I have you to thank for this." while smoothing down his clothes. Speaking of clothes, now that Jace wasn't in his face, Mike was able to take in what his son and Alec were wearing. "Did you two come straight from work?"
"Don't even ask." Alec said shaking his head still not quite believing the stunt his brother had pulled to get them here so quickly.

" Alec said shaking his head still not quite believing the stunt his brother had pulled to get them here so quickly

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"And you're not the only one that's got a bone to pick with somebody, J.C.!" Mike spat at him.
"Oh, this should be good. What did I do wrong now?" Jace said rolling his eyes.
"You gave your underage sister a tattoo!"
"Well, technically I didn't do it."
"Don't admit to anything." Alec protested. "For the record, this is what I was afraid of." He said quietly to Jace.
"I don't care what he thinks."
"Neither do I. But I care what the authorities think."

The three of them, particularly the father and son duo, continued to argue until orderlies wheeled Tory by them on the way back to her room. Picking up on the others' hushed whispers, Alec looked around and saw what they were talking about for himself. "Jace!" He shouted of the arguing relatives, getting his adoptive brother's attention. The blonde followed Alec's gaze and finally saw his sister and the mountain of medical equipment that surrounded her, keeping her alive.

Alec and Jace shared a look not quite having pictured something so drastic and both briskly walked behind the orderlies.

Once Tory was back in her room, Alec grabbed the chart attached to her bed and read through everything that they had missed.

"Guys, the orthopedic surgeon is here." Robby said sticking his head in the door.

"I've been doing this for a while and I've never seen a broken hand like Tory's. Even in medical terms, I wouldn't even be able to describe it as fractured, it-"
"Was smashed to pieces." Alec finished reading the report.
"Yes. Hi. Who are you?"
"Dr. Torres, I apologise, this is my son and Tory's brother and..." Mike trailed off not sure how to explain this part of their family.
"My adoptive brother." Jace finished with a glare. "We just arrived and are catching up."
"Of course." She said taking in their uniforms.
"Do you have the x-rays of Tory's hand from when she was first brought in?" Jace asked.
"Can I see them?"
"Why?" Mike asked exasperated.
"Because I might be able to identify how she broke it during the fight. Might help the investigation."
"Also, we want to speak to the other doctors on Tory's case." Alec said.
"Of course, they'll be by on their rounds but I'll be sure to pass that along to them."
"How is her hand now anyway?"
"All perfectly set. It will require some retraining in rehab but I believe that will be the easiest part of Tory's recovery."
"What about her skull fracture?"
"We can't reevaluate that until the swelling on her brain comes down." Dr. Torres informed them.

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