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Despite the recent sad events there was no time to waste in training against Cobra Kai. Plus, exercise was good for grief, at least that's how Daniel phrased it to Amanda and Robby when they objected.

As Tory was getting ready to leave to go to the dojo Jace asked "Hey sis, can I come... with you.. to training?"
"Are you going to train with us?"
"I was thinking of observing."
"No." Tory cut him off.
"Why not?"
"Because you are far more advanced than all of us combined and will criticise everything."
"I'm not that bad." Jace defended.
"Okay, I know it's been a few years, but you made very loud complaints the last time I tried to deviate from what you were teaching me."
"That's because my way is a much better way of doing... oh, that type of stuff you mean." Jace realised.
"What if I promise I won't."
Tory laughed "Jace, there is no way in hell you could ever sit through an hour long teenage karate lesson."
"That sounds like a challenge. I like a challenge. I'm very good at winning things if you remember correctly."
"I really should know better than to bet against you, but this is going to be far too entertaining to miss. Deal."
"Great. And, if I win, which I probably will, you and I are going to go on a little field trip and I'm gonna teach you more of my way."
"Aren't you going say what I have to do if you win?" Jace questioned as Tory walked away.
"I know better." She called back "You coming, or what?"
"Yeah." He shouted grabbing his motorcycle keys.

/ /

When the siblings arrived and Tory explained the situation Hawk and Robby fancied trying their chances against Jace to which Tory loudly objected to - going so far as to drag Robby to the opposite end of the dojo from her brother, saying "I need you alive."

The lesson was very Miyagi-Do centric as Daniel focused on the methods Mr Miyagi had told him about that were good for dealing with grief. As Jace watched on his mouth dropped in shock and horror at them actually sanding the floor and painting fences. However, he managed to keep quiet although he did have to walk away for a while and take his frustrations out on a dummy to stop himself from objecting.

When it was over Tory walked up to him "I'm impressed J.C."
"If I ever get captured overseas I know exactly what to tell them to torture me with. Can we go do it my way now?"
"That was the deal. Where are we going?" Tory questioned as her brother hadn't actually said.
"You'll see." He said offering her the bike helmet.

/ /

"You know, when we passed the 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign I figured we'd end up at Whistler's fight club or Willy's bar. Why are we in the woods?" Tory asked as Jace pulled up at their hometown nature park.
"Different types of training require different locations. Besides I don't feel like being a show monkey today. Now, come on."

Jace and Tory started sparring about halfway up a hill on some levelled rocks with bamboo escrima sticks. Jace started her off easy by just matching each one of his slow-to-medium paced strikes and occasionally ducking from them. Then, as the siblings moved to more complex sparring they ran to the top of the hill for level ground.

Tory swung both of her escrima sticks at her big brother who easily leaned back away from them. Their strikes were even for about 20 seconds before Jace used a little more strength and the force of his blow caused Tory to be forced down onto her right knee; whilst his opponent was in a weaker position he took the opportunity to swing at her again which Tory had to duck under all the way to the ground to avoid. Tory worked her way back up into a standing position with a quick succession of short strikes so as not to give Jace room to swing at her again. Eventually, he overpowered her again but this time Tory used the force of it to spin away whilst ducking down to avoid the second swing.
"Did you learn all this in a month?"
"I hate to say it but Dad's a good teacher."
Jace raised an eyebrow "Depends on your definition of 'good'." Tory swung her escrima stick up deliberately catching the dry dirt and whist Jace was blindsided she brought her baton down on him which Jace only managed to block at the last second. "Did he teach you to cheat?"
"He said there is no such thing. There's only survival and death."
"That sounds about right. And as much as I hate to admit it, he's not wrong."

For their cool down, Tory and Jace walked over the the lookout point where you could see the whole town. "Is it weird? You know, being back here with me?"
"Well, I've been back here before. So have you."
"Yeah, but that was before we had a walking, talking reminder of our time here." Tory said referring to their dad.
"You know, in a lot of ways this place reminds me of... who I am or I guess who I've become."
"Do you wish we had a normal childhood, with a father who was less obsessed with fighting and winning?"
"Yes and no."
"Do you?"
"I was when he left, I didn't get the hard stuff."
"Do you wish he stayed?"
"Yes and no." Tory repeated his earlier answer.
"Do you want him to have custody of you and Brandon?"
"Then he won't. I'll fix it. Alec will fix it, he's good at fixing things."
"You said Mom spoke to you, that she had a plan. What's the plan?"
"Well, as you're aware, I'm probably not the court's first choice for a carer given my history as well as my job. So, Alec is going to do it with me - joint custody - to make up for my 'inconsistencies', as he calls them."
"But Alec's away all the time as well."
"Yeah, but he has the Lightwood name. They have a very good reputation for adopting troubled kids. Also, he has a plan if that doesn't work."
"Hm, it's very clear why he's in charge of your team."
"Yeah he's the smart one. Apart from when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, I do have a certain advantage there."

"Wait, there is one place I do want to visit before we leave." Jace announced. "How do you feel about tattoos?"
"They're cool I guess, you clearly seem to love them." Tory had noticed how her brother and even Alec had considerably more ink on them since the last time she saw them.
"What do you think of this one?" Jace asked pulling his shirt away to reveal a tattoo on his left pec.

"What do you think of this one?" Jace asked pulling his shirt away to reveal a tattoo on his left pec

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"It means remembrance and mourning. I got it for my mom. I was thinking of getting another one for Kat. What do you think?"
"Are you asking for my opinion or asking me to get a tattoo with you?" Tory asked knowing her brother too well.
"Both." Jace squeaked.
"I love that idea for you but you can't get a tattoo until you're 18 in California, they don't even allow it with parental consent."
"I know. That's why I'm asking now while we're here. I got my first tattoo when I was 10."
"You mean that stupid one on your neck? Yeah no wonder they don't let kids decide those things."

"Har har

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"Har har. Well, I'm sure 7 more years is enough time to mature. So are you in or not?"
"A chance to have a permanent reminder of my mother. Of course I'm in."

/ /

A/n: Yay! It's official! Mike Barnes will be in Season 5! I really thought he would be but when they didn't show him in the teaser in May I was slightly worried but I kept hoping, and he's in it!! Now, I just need him to be Tory's dad 🤞🏻🙏🏻 Also, I'm getting slightly worried over Keenry in Season 5 now.


This is perfect timing as this story just became the Number 1 Mike Barnes story again!!

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