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Tory had gone home to scream and cry with her mom about her dad and his return. Tory stormed out and managed to buy a bottle of vodka from the local convenience store who certainly didn't care that she was underage. Tory walked around the streets for hours getting more and more drunk; thankfully the LA suburb streets were quiet enough for her to stumble on to the road.

Johnny was out driving to Shannon and Robby's apartment to ask his son why his girlfriend asked their enemies to investigate the new Cobra Kai sensei when he saw the girl herself. Stopping the car next to her Johnny called her name through the window: "Tory! Nichols! What the hell are you doing?"
"Sensei! Oh wait, Silver says you're not a sensei anymore. What do I call you?" She drunkenly rambled.
"Johnny's fine." He said getting out of the car whilst sending a quick text to Robby to meet him at home. "What are you doing on the road with a bottle of vodka?"
"You have daddy issues too, don't you? Robby said."
"Yeah I guess that's what its called now. Yeah, my dad left when I was really young I don't remember him."
"Snap! Did yours ever come back?"
"Oh. That's where we differ."
"Did this happen today?"
"No. He's been back for weeks and didn't think to tell me."
'Ok. Come on, get in the car." Johnny instructed her helping Tory into the passenger seat. "You know I was actually looking for Robby but you'll do. Why did you have Hawk and Demetri investigate Mike Barnes, Cobra Kai's new sensei?" Johnny asked as he continued driving.
"Because he's my dad. Haven't you been listening?" Tory groaned forgetting that she had omitted that detail in her drunken stupor. Johnny immediately slammed on the brake "What!" The sudden jolt caused Tory to sober up "Okay, I'm back. What did you do that for?"
"LaRusso's old enemy is your dad; and then you and LaRusso junior are enemies. That's hilarious!" She slapped him on the arm. "Ow!"
"It's not funny. I don't care about that. This is my family that's being screwed with." The two blondes were interrupted by the beeping of a car horn from behind them. Johnny started driving again and waved a hand in apology. As he kept driving Tory finally asked him "Where are we going?"
"My place. Robby's gonna meet us there - I texted him."
"I ignored him earlier: he text me to tell me that Cobra Kai was cancelled for the day but I already knew that - pretty sure I'm why."

Once they got to Johnny's apartment he got Tory a glass of water saying "Here, come on, sober up - you know how Robby feels about drinking."
"It's funny. About a month ago I wished my dad would show up because the alternative of having to live with Aunt Kandace after my mom dies is worse but seeing him standing in front of me today... how can ever forgive someone for doing that."
"I'd like to tell you the answer but I haven't figured it out myself." Johnny sympathised with her. "You're having one hell of a day, aren't you Nichols?" Johnny commented as he noticed Tory start crying. Pulling her in for a hug he tried to soothe her "Hey, it's ok. It's ok." That was when Robby arrived seeing his dad and girlfriend hugging was pretty confusing, even more so the Johnny's very misspelt text as he tried to type quickly. "So, is this a group hug type situation?" Robby joked. Tory immediately tried to stop crying but of course Robby noticed. "What happened?" He asked.

"Well, good news first. We're not going back to Cobra Kai."
"Great! Why?" Robby immediately asked knowing there must be a reason.
"Remember when I said there were some things about Barnes that didn't make sense?"
"I figured it out. He's my father." Robby jaw dropped and he was in shock for a few moments before he finally said "Are you sure?" Tory nodded "He showed me a photo - I have the exact same copy."
Robby sighed accepting it "Are you ok?" He asked moving over to her.
"I don't know." Tory admitted.

/ /

Robby and Tory ended up staying in Johnny's guest room that night after he made them sit through a marathon off the Rocky movies - to cheer them up, he said.

The next morning Johnny asked them if they wanted to come to Miyagi-Fang training with them:
"What happened to the deal with Kreese?" Tory questioned.
"We're ignoring that." At Johnny's response Robby rolled his eyes but Tory nodded understanding where they where coming from.
"Dad, I think you're forgetting that everyone hates us."
"Not everyone!" Johnny protested. "Miguel doesn't hate you, and Hawk seems okay with you, all things considered." And speak of the devil, Miguel knocked on the door shouting through it "Sensei, you ready?"
"Ugh fine." Robby groaned taking that as a sign they should go.
"If we go, I'm not doing any Miyagi-Do chores I have my own house to deal with."
"Just stick with me and you'll be fine." Johnny assured her.

When Johnny finally opened the door Miguel was very surprised to see who was behind him and even more surprised when they followed him to the car.
"We need to make a stop first." Tory said as they all climbed in the car. Robby looked at her questioningly having an idea what she was planning. Tory just nodded reassuring him that she knew what she was doing.

/ /

Meanwhile, the senseis and students of Cobra Kai where standing around wondering where their king and queen where.

"I think I might know why Tory's not here." Mike said quietly to Silver.

"You did what!" Everyone heard Sensei Silver shout.

"She pieced it together. I had to." Mike defended.
"Well, your little family reunion just cost me my top two students." Silver grimaced wondering how they would finally beat Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang now that Robby and Tory had left. "It's fine. I'll fix it. I figure out what to do." Silver said aloud, mainly reassuring himself. "You're dismissed for the day Mike. I'll make this lot as good as Robby and Tory myself."

"Students." Silver called once Mike left and was safely out of earshot. "I have some bad news. Tory Nichols, our champion, has betrayed this dojo." There were multiple gasps let out around the room. "What did she do?" Kyler asked. "She sided with an attempted murder, John Kreese, after what he done to poor Raymond." Silver explained  gesturing over to Stingray - he refused to call him by the terrible nickname. "As well as that, Tory wants to denounce her victory to her rival and our enemy all because she doesn't trust me after all that I have done for her: paid for her prom night, coached her to victory, helped pay for her and her family's lives. And worst of all, she convinced another student, Mr. Robby Keene, to abandon our dojo and all of us just when we need them the most. But I say, we don't need them! All of you cannot compare to just two fighters." Kyler and Piper looked between them remembering how good of a team Robby and Tory were at the prom after party fight. "Now, who wants to be the first to rise to this new challenge and return our dojo to its glory after being destroyed by these people who were clearly not Cobra Kai material." The students all looked pretty happy about that, for too long they had been under Miguel, Hawk, Tory and Robby's shadow. "Oh! And one more thing. If any of you have any questions or ideas on how to punish Robby and Tory for their desertion make sure you speak to me about it and not Sensei Barnes."

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