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Despite only getting a few hours sleep, Tory and Brandon got up for school like it was just another day.

"I could drive you." Mike suggested wanting to keep their good streak going.
"No." Tory shook her head. "I didn't speak to Robby at all yesterday what with all the... grief. So, he's kind of freaking out. When I replied this morning he said he'd come pick me up."

Now that Robby and Miguel had made up Carmen had signed a letter like Amanda allowing Robby back into the school like Amanda had done for Tory last year.

/ /

At lunch all of the Miyagi-Fangs were sitting together.

Hawk spoke up saying "I think I saw your dad here yesterday when I left my college appointment."
"Yeah." Tory replied like it was no big deal refusing to tell them anything. "I didn't want to go so he went to pick up the leaflets."However, Robby wasn't so easily discouraged. Tory gave him a look that said 'I'll tell you later'.
"Leaflet?" Demetri almost shrieked. "They're much more than leaflets. Those prospectuses are practically books!" Everyone then descended into talks about college which Tory tuned out. Only the feeling of Robby's hand on her back brought her back. Robby gave her a small smile and rolled his eyes at the others. Tory smiled back and nodded. They didn't have the same fascination with college choices as they didn't have the opportunity given their backgrounds and criminal records.

When the bell rang they all stood up and said goodbye. Well, all but one of them.

"You wanna get out of here?" Robby suggested to Tory.
"You're really proving the delinquent stereotype here, Rob." He simply raised an eyebrow. "Yes, of course. Let's go." She said taking his arm.

/ /

During their drive away from school, Tory picked the music in an effort to stall the conversation. However, she should have known Robby better by now.

"How was yesterday?" He spoke up while making a left turn.
"Bad. Fine. Got better towards the end."
"My dad took us to some hiking trail in Sunnydale he and my mom done when they were younger. They had carved their names into a tree. It was almost cute."
"You like him?"
"Getting used to him. Do you think people can change?"
"We did. My parents have. But, some of the stuff Jace said..."
"Yeah, I know. He might actually kill me if I don't hate our dad."
"That's the thing about the future, you don't know what's going to happen." Robby said expertly changing the subject onto the other thing he wanted to talk about.
"And what do you want to do about that?" Tory asked him, making him answer first.
"I don't know."
"Me neither."
"Mr LaRusso said he'd give me my job back at LaRusso Auto."
"That's good. Pretty sure my dad isn't going to let me continue all my jobs. Don't get me wrong there's some I don't like as much but... what if he leaves again. I can't just rely on him."
Robby almost laughed "So I take it you'll never be one of those women who stay at home with the kids while the husband works."
Tory was about to joke back but then remembered the topic of the conversation. The future. "Sorry, Keene. That was like the 50s. It's actually the opposite now."
"I actually wouldn't hate that." Robby admitted. Tory waited to see where he was going with this. "I mean, after my dad abandoned me I know I would never do that to my kid but I guess with all the trauma I would have FOMO or something."
"Okay, Rob. Pull over."
"Are you going to get out of the car?" He questioned worried he'd scared her off.
"No. I just don't think we should be discussing this when you are driving a killing machine."
"Okay." He agreed. The closest place to pull over just so happened to be the strip mall parking lot, where it all started for them.

Robby opened his mouth to continue but Tory beat him to it. "First of all, college or whatever."
"I'm not going." Robby immediately stated. "I mean I probably can't so what's the point applying."
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."
"But if you wanted to, you probably could. I mean, your dad is pretty desperate to make it up to you."
Tory smirked "As much as I would love to drain him of $50,000 for the next 4 years I don't think I'm smart enough for that. Did you like working at LaRuaso Auto?"
"Yeah. Louie and Anoush were kind of dicks but the job wasn't bad and I learned a lot."
"What about karate or skateboarding, would you ever want to do them professionally?"
"Hmm, does sound fun, but I don't know. What about you?"
"No, I'm definitely done with karate after the Sekai Teikai... I mean, if I'm even going. I was accepted as part of Cobra Kai and now I'm not with them so I don't know how that works." She rambled looking up at the empty, old dojo.
"Hey," Robby got her attention. "You are a part of Miyagi-Do, Miyagi-Fang (shit, we still need to pick a name for that)." Robby realised. His tangent made Tory giggle. They were left smiling a each other for a few moments before Tory broke their eye contact.

"So, we're not really any further forward on plans after high school." She summarised.
"Yeah, I know what the end goal is, I'm just not sure about all the boring stuff in between."
"Hmm, really?"
"Mm-Hm." Robby said with a hint of a smile. He had lost his confidence from earlier and now was too scared to say what he was thinking.
"Just letting you know now, I'm not wearing a ballgown." Tory deadpanned looking straight ahead. Robby burst out laughing knowing exactly what she was referring to.
"I love you." He said once he calmed down.
"I love you too." Tory replied and reached over the console to kiss him.

Cobra Kai: A Family AffairWhere stories live. Discover now