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A six year old Tory had just fallen off her bike and her mom was tending to her with wipes and band aids. "You're making fun of me." Tory complained.
"No, sweetheart, I'm making fun of me. There is no greater first than watching your kid ride without training wheels - and no worse first than seeing them bite the dust."
"Ow!" Tory yelped as her mom cleaned her cuts with antiseptic wipes.
"All right. There." Katherine said as she placed the band aid on Tory's arm.
"Am I gonna die?"
"I would say your chances of survival are 100%."
"Are you gonna die?" Tory asked in a small voice. Katherine's head shot up having not expected her 6 year old daughter to ask that, she thought for a moment on how to best answer the question "Well, everyone dies eventually, sweetie, but not for a long, long time."
"But what if you die and I'm still here?"
"Well, then, you'll be all grown up and you won't need me." Kat explained smoothing Tory's hair down.
"I think I'll always need you." Tory replied hugging her mom.

Tory awoke with a start and the sudden remembrance that her mother was not of this earth anymore. She looked around gathering her surroundings as she remembered where she was. The LaRussos had insisted on everyone coming back to their house, everyone seemed reluctant to leave Tory on her own, the teens have even made a fort of sorts in the pool house so that there was enough room for all of them.

Tory stood up looking at her friends who were all still asleep. Sam had taken the other couch had an arm dripping off the side of it where Miguel was sleeping against the couch. Tory stepped over Eli's body who was asleep in between the two couches. Now, she was able to see where Robby had fallen asleep last night - on the large oversized arm chair with his head lolled to the side. As cute as he was that wasn't what made Tory stop in her tracks and suck in a large breath of air. It was the way Brandon was curled up asleep next to Robby who had an arm draped over the boy's small body protectively. Tory was very confused what to think: she wanted so much for things to be simple and to have a happy family but she knew that this wasn't Robby's problem to deal with and he didn't deserve to be dragged down by it - he would have a hard enough start in life with his record, Tory didn't want him to feel like he had to stay with her and help her deal with taking care of and providing for her younger brother.

Tory entered the kitchen to find Johnny sitting at the table angrily scrunching up a piece of paper. "Sorry, just... water." She apologised feeling like she'd interrupted something.
"Help yourself."
"So, what are you not writing?" Tory asked as she entered the big kitchen.
"I think the universe is trying to teach me a lesson about my own mom. I was supposed to do the eulogy at her funeral, and I-"
"We don't have to share." Tory cut him off as she filled a glass up with water.
"I just mean... today is pretty much going to be the worst day of my life. I'm not sure that I need to start it off by bonding with you. No offence."
"None taken."
"Great. Thanks for the water." She said heading for the door but Johnny called out to her "Hey, blondie. Today isn't the worst day of your life. Today and tomorrow, it's a cake walk. There'll be people around you day in and day out, like they're afraid to leave you alone. The worst day? That's next week. When there's nothing but quiet. There's so much quiet that not even a screaming baby can drown it out and distract you from it. Just a heads-up." Johnny explained having lived through it.
"Appreciate the tip." Tory replied nonchalantly.
"Sure. Anytime."

Whilst Tory waited for everyone to wake up she sat in the LaRusso's living room and wrote out a list of everything that needed to be done.

A while later she felt a kiss on the crown of her head. "Hi baby." Robby greeted. "How long have you been up?"
"Not that long." Tory replied, she hadn't actually looked at the time but it hadn't felt very long. "Is Brandon awake?"
"Yeah. Mr and Mrs LaRusso are showing him how to make pancakes."
"Hmm, that's nice." Tory muttered as she busied herself with her list.
"Have you eaten anything?" Tory gestured to her nearly finished glass of water. "That doesn't count."
"Water is more important than food." She argued.
"I'll bring you something anyway." Robby said pushing himself off the back of the couch.
"Robby, not pancakes, they're too happy." Tory warned him.

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