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Downstairs, the biggest ever dojo vs dojo fight was happening. As soon as the Cobra Kais heard and/or saw the Miyagi-Fangs enter the carnage started. It was like they all forgot about Tory.

Feeling down, Kenny quickly ran up and swung at Miguel - taking on the best fighter in an effort to prove himself as the new King Cobra.

However, Kenny failed to land one hit on Miguel who tossed him to the side almost as easily as Tory before moving on to bigger fighters that could cause problems for some of the less advanced Miyagi-Fangs.

Deciding to get payback on his old enemy, Kyler strutted over to Hawk with an insane amount of confidence. The current All Valley boys' champ easily blocked Kyler's obvious punches and delivered some of his own back before moving onto the two goons trailing behind the second-in-command.

Across the room Robby was being attacked by both Payne brothers who wanted revenge for Robby leaving Kenny in Cobra Kai. Robby used defensive moves only on Kenny still trying to reason with him, but when it came to Shawn he showed no mercy knowing his cellmate would do the same. Eventually, Robby was rewarded for his kindness towards Kenny by an almost lethal punch which left him lying on the ground gasping for breath. However, his suffering didn't end there. Robby felt like he was back in juvie as he was attacked while he was down.

This was the most intense fight they all had been in, even more so than the school fight because then they mainly all had one opponent. Now, they were being attacked from all angles.

Finally, Miguel noticed the trouble his brother was in and ran to help hitting Kenny with a flying side kick not caring about protecting him now and swept another Cobra's legs out from under him. Miguel fought another three whilst Robby caught his breath and regained his balance. Once he was finished Miguel helped Robby up.

"You okay?"
"I will be. Where's Tory?"
"I haven't seen her. You think Piper was telling the truth?"
"Yeah, she was too scared."

Suddenly, Kenny sprung back up with determination in his eyes.

"Ugh, this guy." Miguel complained. "You want to or shall I?" He asked Robby.
"Eh, I could do with a break." Robby said whilst scanning the violent crowd for Tory.

Kyler and a few others had come back with a vengeance against Hawk, and Demetri had to join in and help his binary brother.

Miguel kicked Kenny down again with a front kick and smiled a tiny bit at the grunt of pain he heard the boy emit. And finally, he came up with an idea on how to deal with the numerous Cobra Kais.

"Protect the egg!" He shouted knowing his teammates would remember Chozen's lesson. Soon, all the Miyagi-Fangs were shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle. Even Piper soon figured it out.

Robby liked Miguel's plan apart from one thing... if they were all busy fighting Cobra Kai, they couldn't look for Tory. Therefore, Robby used the most aggressive methods possible, even some illegal moves like grabbing his opponent's leg and elbowing him behind the knee before tossing him to the side.

'This isn't a tournament, there are no rules.' He remembered Tory's words from the school fight.

Robby used wax on to deflect a punch before delivering a front push kick that was heard throughout the warehouse. Angrily, he grabbed the next Cobra off the ground by the elbow and pulled him back onto his feet then kneed him in the chest.

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