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Over the next few days Tory practically lived at the hospital with her mother when she didn't have work or anyone else to look after Brandon.

"Hey, thought you could use this." Amanda said approaching her with a coffee.
"Who told you?" Tory asked surprised to see her there.
"Carmen. Girl talk - mom edition." Amanda explained. "I thought I told you that you could come to me with your problems, and yet I've barely seen you since the tournament but I've heard lots through my husband and children, and now Carmen." Tory didn't really have an answer for why she hadn't let Amanda in on what had been going on "I was busy." She settled on.
"So I heard."
"It's not as if you came to check in on me." Tory rebuffed trying to shift some of the blame.
"I actually did go to your apartment a couple of times but you weren't there."
"Oh. Sorry." She apologised feeling like a bitch now. "Guess I was at work, or with Robby."
"Yeah, I heard about that too. Although it was kind of obvious at the All Valley too - all the longing looks, plus throwing you his shirt."
Tory tried to stop her smile "Shut up."
"So things aren't all bad with you then."
"Eh, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster actually. It was so much easier when it was just us. We've had a couple of quite big arguments lately (about my mom, my dad, Kyler, Cobra Kai). You know I didn't think Robby and I were going to ever argue (except for who got to throw the first punch to our enemies). Is that stupid? I know couples fight sometimes but Robby and I are so similar I just didn't think we would clash this often."
"Oh I think you'll be fine. You haven't actually fought about you as a couple just all the terrible things in your circumstances and this still stupid karate war."
"Please don't judge me for this, but it was easier being on Cobra Kai's side. They always won and looking out for their mind games is exhausting."
"I don't judge you, Tory. But do you understand what you put the Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs through now."
"Oh yeah, definitely. Do I need to apologise to Sam again?" Tory asked the LaRusso matriarch. "No, I think you two have worked through your problems now. You just focus on your mom. Can I do anything to help?"
"You got about $800,000?" Tory joked.
"Is that how much...?"
"Yeah. A kidney transplant is the only thing we haven't tried because of the cost; it's about $400,000 for one but only one won't fix her it'll just prolong it. But she knows we don't have anywhere close to that so she just wants to stay here until the virus is gone and then come home and... you know... so it's more comfortable or whatever."

/ /

Meanwhile, Robby was moping about Johnny's apartment as he had been doing since the other day. Finally, his father had enough and asked him "What are you moping about now?"
Robby looked up having almost forgotten that he was there "I uh, I wanted to say something to Tory the other night but I changed my mind and now I wish I'd said it."
"O-Kay." Johnny accepted slightly confused. Robby continued to explain "I was going to wait for a happier time but I feel like that's not going to happen for a while." Robby's words gave Johnny a hint at what he was talking about. "Are we talking about those 3 words?" Johnny questioned and Robby nodded confirming it. "Ahh, good 'cause I had a question about that." Johnny took the opportunity to ask Robby about what he had overheard at Miyagi-Do ('I could never hate you') "Why didn't you two just say I love you then?"
"Because idiots like you made us scared of emotions and attachment."
"Oh." Johnny realised. "Sorry about that, again."

/ /

After about a week in hospital Katherine was well enough to return home which Tory wasn't entirely thrilled about because that simply meant her mom was one step closer to dying.

Katherine saw the toll everything was taking on her children, particularly her daughter, and suggested they go out for some fun. However, Tory didn't want to leave her mom alone so Robby offered to stay behind whilst she and Brandon went out to get them all some ice cream. Fed up of looking at the same depressive yellow walls Tory sighed "Okay." agreeing.

Once Robby was sure Tory was gone he walked to Katherine's room and knocked on the door frame (Tory never shut the door in case she didn't hear when her mom needed help). "Hey."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Umm, this might seem strange... I suppose we don't know each other that well all things considered and Tory and I only officially started dating two months ago..."
"Robby." She cut his rambling off.
"Sorry, I um, I love your daughter." Robby stopped to laugh to himself - this was the first time he had admitted it out loud "I love her more and more every day and I can't imagine spending my life without her... so when the time comes, do I have your blessing to marry her?"
Katherine's eyes welled up "Robby," she said reaching for his hand "Of course you do. I have never seen two people of any age as in love as you and Tory. And I'm sorry that I won't be here to get to see that love continue to grow but thank you so much for thinking of me and asking me that." Kat was fully crying now.
"I was thinking of telling her just before the wedding to make her feel like you had a part in it."
"Can you do me a favour?"
"Of course."
"When I'm gone, Tory is going to need you. I don't think she realises how much, and I know she's going to try and push everyone away. Don't let her: help her move on with her life, make her smile. Promise me that you will do that, Robby."
Robby squeezed her hand "I promise."

Suddenly, something occurred to Robby "What about Barnes?"
Katherine humphed "Oh he always liked throwing a spanner in the works. Don't worry I've known my fate was sealed for a long time now, I've been working on a contingency plan."

/ /

While she was out getting the ice cream with Brandon, Tory received a call from an unknown number.
"Hi baby girl." A now familiar voice replied.
"How did you get my number?" Tory asked her father.
"I have my ways."
"You'd think lawyers would be the most upstanding citizens." Tory commented.
"Don't be ridiculous. It means we know all of the work-arounds." Mike replied and she could hear him smirking through the phone. "Well, don't you want to know what I found out?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I've been busy."
"Kyler knew. I don't think he found out until that day - after the two of you had left - but he knew it was going to happen."
"Right. Thanks."
"That thing you've been busy with, anything I can do to help?"
"No." Tory replied and hung up on him.

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