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A few weeks later, a large number of people shuffled into the courtroom. Normally, there was two desks, one for the plaintiff and one for the defendant; however, as there were three challengers there were three desks in the court. As the judge read over the cliff notes of the case she sighed having a feeling there was going to be a lot of arguments in this trial.

"All rise for the honourable Judge Kane." The bailiff announced.

After allowing everyone to take their seats Judge Kane gave her opening address "As I read over the case notes I thought to myself that this has to be the strangest and most complex case I have ever presided over in family court but then I realised we are all here for the same purpose, to ensure that these children receive the best care. We are here today to determine a custody modification of two minors, the children of the deceased Katherine Marie Nichols. This trial is unusual largely due to the fact that there are three interested parties, as well as the fact that those parties are sharing the witness pool. The parties have stipulated to call each witness once, at which time, each side will have a chance to examine that witness - much like a cross examination in a criminal court, I know we have some people who are familiar with the workings of those courts. However, you can not recall a witness in this case. In addition, we have some members of the military in this court room today who can not disclose much information about their jobs even under oath, you all should have received and signed a document explaining this and stating that you understand the rules. And a reminder, if you are testifying, it is not a popularity contest. You are not choosing sides. We're all on the same side, the side of a 17 year old girl and an 8 year old boy. Mr. Barnes, Mr. Herondale, Mr. Lightwood, Ms. Nichols... custody hearings are, without exception, very difficult on all parties involved, the children included. Things said here will undoubtedly be harsh and cannot be unsaid. I ask this of parties before I begin any custody hearing. Are you all sure you want to proceed?"
"Yes, Your Honour, I'm sure." Mike replied.
"Mr. Herondale, Mr. Lightwood?"
"We're sure, Your Honour." Jace said resolutely.
"Ms. Nichols?"
"It's what's best for the children. I'm sure, Your Honour." Kandace sucked up.
"Then this court is now in session to determine the sole physical custody of Victoria Hope Mia Nichols Barnes and Brandon Henry Nichols." Judge Kane declared banging her gavel. "Counsellors, please declare your opening statements."

Since Mike was the person to bring about the legal action he was considered the plaintiff and went first. He had asked his friend from the law firm in Chicago that he worked at to represent him (so that he didn't look too cocky by representing himself). J.P. stood up "Your Honour, my client's case is simple. Mr. Barnes is the biological father of Victoria Nichols Barnes, and never gave up his parental rights to her. We all know that we do not need a court hearing to be told that he currently holds those rights and guardianship of her. However, we are here today to convince you that Mr. Barnes should be given custody of Miss Nichols' younger half-brother, Brandon Henry Nichols. Although Mr. Barnes shares no blood connection to Mr. Nichols he is willing to take in and care for the child as if he were his own son out of respect to his late partner, Katherine and their daughter, Victoria."

Judge Kane simply nodded and called "Next."

"Your Honour, I just want to start by saying thank you for welcoming us to your court room all the way from New York. Myself and the Trial Analysis Corporation are representing Mr. Jonathan Christopher Herondale and Mr. Alexander Gideon Lightwood." The Lightwood's family lawyer Benjamin Colon politely introduced. "Mr. Herondale is the half-blood relative of Miss Nichols, through their father, Mr. Barnes, and has serious concerns about his half-sister and her half-brother being under the guardianship of Mr. Barnes due to his treatment of both himself and Miss Nichols when they where young children. Likewise, my clients have serious concerns over Ms. Kandace Nichols' request to be made guardian of Victoria and Brandon due to her drug and alcohol addictions and criminal convictions. My clients believe that they are the only safe option for the children and wish to be made their guardians immediately. Thank you."

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