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Robby and Johnny eventually rejoined them and everyone sat and continued to wait to hear the news on how Tory's second major surgery went.

"Mr Barnes?" the junior doctor eventually returned making everyone stand up. "This is Dr. Shepherd, the neurosurgeon who worked on your daughter."
"How is she?" Mike asked getting straight to the point.
"Tory received a lot of trauma to her brain causing swelling and bleeding; both of which were enhanced by the crack on her skull. I've had to expand the gap..."
"You opened her skull up even more?" Hawk questioned.
"The brain needs room whilst it is swollen until it goes back down, if it presses against the bone it could rupture."
"I'm going to be sick." Amanda muttered sitting back down.
"It's a lot to take it." The doctor agreed as Daniel moved to rub his wife's back comfortingly. "It's going to be a lot for Tory to take in as well. Her brain and the rest of her body needs time to heal; which is why we have medically induced a coma."
"Oh god." Pretty much everyone groaned.
"But she's going to wake up?" Robby said. He couldn't even think of it as a question despite the shake in his voice that made it sound so.
"We very much believe so."
"How long?" Mike questioned. "Uh, how long will she be in the coma."
"That's up to Tory. It'll be however long she needs."
"But can't you do things to help her heal?" Johnny asked.
"Right now we've done all we can and repaired the immediate damage. Tory's condition might not be life-threatening anymore but it is still critical. We will be monitoring her progress continuously and if something does come up where we can intervene and speed things along we will, of course, do it."
"Thank you, doctor." Daniel said.
"They were bringing Tory out of recovery when I left, would you like to go see her now?"
"Yes!" Mike and Robby were the first ones to jump down his throat.
"It is only one at a time - ICU rules."
"I'm going first."
"The hell you are, kid." Mike spat shoving Robby behind him.
"Hey, don't touch my son!" Johnny shouted getting in Mike's face.
"Johnny!" Daniel shouted intervening between the two men.
"If it's all the same to you, we would actually like Tory's father to come first, there is some parental consent forms we need you to complete as well." Dr. Shepherd said and Mike nodded following him.

Once Mike was out of earshot, Johnny said to Daniel "If he's not out of there in five minutes, you're helping me throw him out." knowing that Robby needed to see Tory as soon as possible.

/ /

While Mike was signing forms for Tory the doctors informed him that the police still wanted to speak to him and, of course, Tory when she woke up. "There is one other thing we have to discuss with you, Mr Barnes."
"Were you aware that your daughter has a tattoo?"
"No. No I was not." He replied unimpressed as he knew exactly who would have been responsible for that - his firstborn.

/ /

Fortunately for his sake, Mike didn't take too long visiting Tory. As soon as Robby saw him coming back he jumped up ready to race in there but the former world champion caught him by the shoulder and warned him. "Just brace yourself, kid."

Robby didn't let Mike's words phase him until he got to Tory's door. Robby tried not to panic and took a deep breath before walking in.

"Oh, god. Baby." Robby sighed at the sight of Tory wrapped up in bandages and connected to tubes and machines.

Robby dragged a chair over and sat beside her taking Tory's hand that wasn't broken although it was still pretty covered up with drips and pulse monitors. "I am so sorry, Tory. I am sorry I couldn't get to you before this happened. I'm sorry I didn't see it coming." Robby apologised to her before looking up to a god he didn't even believe in "I know I've done a lot of bad shit in my life but this isn't fair. Just, please, don't let me lose her."

Soon Johnny and Amanda came by stopping by the door Johnny called "Robby." His son looked up having not noticed that they had arrived, he had been so focused on Tory. "The police are here. They want to speak to you."
"I'll stay with Tory while you're gone." Amanda said before he could object.

The police were catching up with everyone who they had missed due to them needing medical treatment.

"How much trouble am I in with my probation officer?"
"I don't know yet." Johnny revealed as they walked back.

"Mr Keene, we just have some questions for you about the fight earlier today?"
"Can I come with him?"
"Mr Lawrence, your son is 17 years old. It's not mandatory to have a parent or guardian present. It's up to Robby."
"Yeah, sure, Dad you can come."
"Hang on, one sec." Johnny said making them wait and watch him walk away in confusion.

"Mike, I need a favour."
"I need you to be Robby's lawyer."
"You've got to be kidding me."
"Come on. There is a high chance our kids are going to get married one day so long as Robby's not in jail."
"I don't suppose you're going to pay me for this."
"I'll save it for the wedding fund."
"Ugh, fine." Mike groaned.

"Uh, Mr Barnes we'll question you after Mr Keene. We just want to get the story from everyone who was present at the event first."
"Yes. I understand that. I will be sitting in as counsel for Mr Keene on his interview."
"This is highly unusual."
"Shall we?" Mike asked ignoring the detective's comment.

As Robby explained from the beginning what had happened it filled in a few gaps that Mike was missing from when Silver explained what had happened to him and created a hell of a lot more questions. Thankfully, Robby hadn't injured anyone too badly in comparison to the school fight and none of the Cobra Kais had pressed any charges (knowing that they would be worse off), Robby was let go with a warning, if he broke probation again there would be no hearing he would be sent straight back to juvie.

When Mike came out of his own interview he looked deep in thought. "So you guys have no idea who was up there with Tory?"
"We didn't even know she was up there until she fell." Miguel explained.
"You said Silver lied to you earlier." Robby remembered.
"Well, there's your first clue."
"You think Silver did this?"
"I'm saying I don't know any Cobra Kai student who could do that to Tory."
"And, I don't remember not seeing anyone missing." Hawk added before letting out a yawn.
"Some of you guys should get home." Daniel said.

"I'm not leaving." Robby immediately protested.
"Neither am I." Mike said.
"What about Brandon?"
"Shit." Mike suddenly remembered about his other child.
"He can stay with us." Amanda offered. "I mean, he knows us, he and Tory stayed with us after Katherine died. If you want to stay here overnight."
"I'll come help explain it to him." Robby said.
"You sure?" Daniel said surprised in his change in attitude.
"Yeah. I know it's what Tory would want. But you're bringing me back as soon as Brandon is settled."
"I'll stay here and keep an eye on her for you, son." Johnny promised and before Robby could even get a sound out of his mouth Johnny continued "Don't worry, I'll call if there's even the slightest change."

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