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A few days later Tory received a text from her former friend/minion asking to meet; apparently he wanted to talk about everything that had happened. She should have known better, but truth be told, Tory did miss Kyler, Piper and her old friends from Cobra Kai. She longed for the day when the rivalry was over. Suddenly, Tory was interrupted by another text, this time from Robby:

Hey, do you need me to pick you up for practice?  Xx

No, it's fine.
I don't think I'm gonna come today. Taking Brandon to the park.

Want me to ditch?

No. We need some sibling bonding time. It's weird not having to parent him all the time now. Besides I know how much you want to win the Sekai Teikai so focus on that. Xx

Okay. Enjoy. Catch you later 😘

Tory felt bad for lying to Robby but she knew he'd kick off and not let her go.

Tory replied to Kyler and received an address in return of where they were to meet.

/ /

Tory walked to an industrial part of the suburbs with lots of warehouses. She was incredibly confused, this wasn't the type of place Kyler would go to. Must be a secret from the other cobras that he was meeting up with her, Tory thought.

However, when Tory saw the Eagle Fang Karate mural painted on the back wall confusion started to set in again.

"Hey Boss." She heard a familiar voice behind her making Tory spin around.
"Hey Ky. Why'd you pick this place?" She questioned.
"I didn't." He stated. Tory furrowed her brow.
"So, what'd you want to talk about?"
"A lot of things. We haven't really spoke since Stagecoach."
"Oh, you mean the day we're you dragged me off to a music festival while goons assaulted my boyfriend and friends."
"Those goons used to be your friends too! Speaking of which, I'm not the only one that wanted a word." At Kyler's words the main Cobra Kai students appeared surrounding Tory. Big Red, Edwin, Charlotte, Dieter, Mia, Kenny and Shawn. However, Tory noticed someone missing and she wasn't sure if that was a bad or a good thing.

"Oh, this should be good." She muttered to herself. "All right, who wants to start?"

"You betrayed us! You left us! You and Robby." Kenny shouted.
Tory looked at him commenting "Not who I expected."
"Yeah, speaking of Keene. What do you see in him?" Kyler started. "I mean, I thought we had something."
"Oh, my god." Tory groaned in disgust.
"I bought you stuff, drove you places, beat people up for you."
"None of which I asked you to do." Tory reminded him.
"You can't tell me that there isn't anything between you and me. I know you feel something."
"Currently, it's called revulsion." Tory spat.
"Don't mock this."
"Oh, mock yourself."
"You betrayed us!" Big Red accused.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You try being lied to and tortured and see how you like it." Tory shot back.
"So, you only thought of yourself? What a terrible leader you were then." Charlotte piped up.
"So what, you're jealous? Think you could do a better job?" Tory challenged. She knew the other Cobras were jealous of her because of how much time and attention Kreese, Silver and Robby paid to her; and in turn, they were jealous of Robby too.
"Honestly, I don't see what was so special about you."
"Then why has nobody been able to replace me? Or Robby, for that matter?" She asked them. Cobra Kai had been floundering without a true leader.
"Ehh, I am the new King Cobra." Kenny spoke up.
"Oh please, like anyone's going to actually take orders from a 14-year-old." Tory informed him cruelly. Kenny looked around at his peers who couldn't look him in the eye. Knowing Tory had got them there, Kyler tried to save them. "Don't take it personally KC. Hey, why don't we prove it to her. Kenny, what would you like us to do to her?"
"Um.. what?" He asked confused.
"She disrespected the King, she must face consequences."
"Oh, right. Um... Does she really deserve to beaten up for that? I mean we didn't come here to fight." Kenny reasoned. However, Tory and the Cobra Kais all shared looked that said they knew otherwise. Kenny finally cottoned on those looks. "Oh."
"That was only a minor infraction. I think it deserves one hit." He ordered trying to live up to the expectations.

Kyler walked forward and swung at Tory who ducked his obvious punch and twisted the offending arm behind Kyler's back making him shout in pain before she pushed him back.

"Would now be a bad time to tell you that just not very good at karate?" Tory mocked Kyler and his failed attempt.

"That was your one chance." She said turning to Kenny.

Nonetheless, moving from his original spot did help Kyler with one thing. "Hey, where's Piper? I said everyone had to be here."

"Oh shit." He realised.

Cobra Kai: A Family AffairWhere stories live. Discover now