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The trial resumed the next day and between their lawyers Alec, Jace and Mike had come to an agreement to not mention the fight as they both don't want Kandace to win any points.

Outside the courthouse Kandace gleefully said "Hello boys, ready to lose?" To which Jace dryly responded "You know what? I think I've just realised why you're a smack head."
"What?" Kandace spluttered taken aback.
"I mean, you've destroyed so many people's lives, that's gotta be hard to get your head around even for somebody like you."
"Let's just leave it, shall we? Kandace suggested not so confident now.
"No. Let's not." Jace snapped. "Let's talk about you harassing my sister for months and threatening to take her to court all so you can scam more money from the government."
"Oh and you care so much about the government now, don't you? Such a good little soldier. I remember when you lived with my sister, you were one messed up kid." The warring distantly related relatives had drawn a small crowd so Kandace snapped back into her caring aunt routine. "I'm just trying to help those beautiful kids out."
"Poor little mites probably won't be that lucky. I mean, let's face it being adopted by me or hell, even by him," Jace pointed over to Mike "is better than having a useless, junkie for a guardian." And with that he walked away up the stairs to the courthouse.

/ /

The gallery slowly filled up with onlookers including Jace and Alec's boss, Lieutenant Commander Blackburn. However, the person who sat directly behind Jace and Alec)s table was quite surprising.

"Let me guess, you here to spy on what happens?" Jace said leaning behind him to speak to Robby.
"I'm making it up to her for training with you."

/ /

Given the unusual delay the judge wasted no time in resuming the trial and called the first witness.

"Chief Warrant Officer Lightwood and Masterchief Herondale's schedules are unpredictable, wouldn't you say?" J.P. asked Lieutenant Commander Blackburn.

"Objection. Speculation." Benny called standing up.
"Your Honour, I'm asking an expert witness his opinion. It's only speculation if Counsel is calling into question the expertise of this witness as Lieutenant Commander.
"Overruled. Counsellor proceed."

Blackburn knew this wouldn't show the two boys in a good light so he paused before answering thinking how best to phrase it. "They can be, yes. Any sailor's—"
"Sure, but how many unscheduled emergency situations have they had to respond to in the last 6 months - in addition to their deployment schedules. I believe the term is 'being spun up'."
"I have no idea."
"I would like to introduce into evidence Document 2C. " J.P. passed each of the other lawyers a copy of it before handing one to the bailiff to give to the judge. "Take a look. This might refresh your memory. What is that report, Lieutenant Commander?"
"This is a list of times when Chief Warrant Officer Lightwood and Masterchief Herondale have been spun up to foreign territories over the past 6 months."
"And according to that document how many times has Chief Warrant Officer Lightwood been spun up in the past 6 months?" Blackburn flipped through the pages to count them all "27."
"27. And how many did Masterchief Herondale log?"
Blackburn cleared his throat before answering "92."
"92. Now even for a Navy SEAL, wouldn't you call that kind of schedule gruelling?"
"You can say that, I wouldn't. I would say it's wildly successful, but then, I would never put someone's success in the con column. Do you have any idea how hard it is to become a Navy SEAL? And do you know how hard it is to remain in that line of work, with the threat to your life, the health, physical, and psychological checks. I hate to admit it, but we lose a lot of great men. Jace Herondale is one of, if not, the most successful operator the navy has ever seen."
"What about in the near future, when he is supposed to be co-parenting two children? Will Masterchief Herondale drop everything another 92 times to be successful at his job."
"92 times Masterchief Herondale was saving lives, preventing acts of terrorism, protecting our rights." Blackburn snapped.
"No further questions." J.P. said walking back to her desk.

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