Chapter 1

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It all started the day Evie was born. Everyone considered her more beautiful than her mother, causing the queen's jealousy to only grow more.

The Evil Queen set out from the moment that innocent and kind girl was born to make life a living hell.

But the day it all got worse was when they were banished by Malefica and her daughter Mal.

The evil queen only blamed Evie for everything she had been through by deciding to worsen the punishments she already received just for being more beautiful than herself.

It could take up to 3 days when Evie didn't eat anything because her mother forbade her by telling her that she had to lose weight because no prince was going to love her.

The body of the little girl began to be covered with scars made by her mother every time she did not put on makeup or comb her hair perfectly.

Evie was the one who had to spend several hours cleaning the place where they were exiled before she could play with the only doll she had.

Every night, instead of her mother reading her a bedtime story, she only reminded her how disappointed she was to have a daughter like her.

As a last punishment he decided that Evie would only speak German, her mother's native language to make sure that if Malefica allowed them to return at some point, Evie could not communicate with anyone and thus prevent her from telling something about the abuse she received.

The day King Ben's first proclamation was made was the day he regained hope of being free from his mother's clutches.

Evie along with three other children of villains had been selected to go to study at another school in Auradon.

The day after the announcement about the proclamation, a limousine went to pick her up and when she entered she saw that the other three children of villains were none other than Jay, Carlos and the same, Mal, the same person who had condemned her to a childhood of abuse.


When I got into the limo I noticed that the other three sons of villains were silent when they saw me. I understood that it was uncomfortable for them to live with me after no one had seen me in years.

The road to Auradon was in a slightly awkward silence for the four of them. When the limousine stopped I could tell there were a few people waiting for us to get off.


The moment Ben asked me to go meet the new guys, I accepted without thinking. I had a good feeling about all this of the proclamation he had made.

When the limousine arrived, three boys came out of it. One had white hair and a face full of freckles, the other was taller and with long hair, a moment later a girl with purple hair and an intimidating look came out.

For a moment I thought it was just the three of them, but then a blue haired girl with a crown on her head came out of the limo, I could see how the other three guys threw contemptuous looks at her causing the girl to lower her head.

What surprised me the most was not the other boys' looks at her, but how fragile she looked physically and emotionally. I was not going to deny that it was probably the most beautiful in the kingdom.

I listened in the background to ben welcome him and his presentation already planned to the boys of the Island. But I could only concentrate on that girl. Something was not right with her and I would find out the truth.


In the welcome I had not heard anything they were talking about and I only knew that I would share a room with Mal at the moment they left my luggage in the same room, I wanted to clear myself a little so, I went out to the patio and took a seat on a bench away from the people.

In my mind only the words and all the mistreatment of my mother were repeated. As I thought I felt someone sit next to me.

DOUG: Hello ...
DOUG: I was coming to see if everything is okay, I noticed you a little distant since you arrived and I didn't see you at dinner
EVIE:... (I didn't know anything about what I was saying, I remembered one or another word in English, but not enough to understand it)


When the girl just stares at me, I just worry more than I already was.

I sat next to her for a couple of minutes until I heard her mutter loudly enough for her to listen.

At that moment I realized what was happening. THE GIRL DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. At that time I was grateful that my uncles and my father decided to only communicate in German so that we could learn it from a young age.


After a few minutes in which the boy did not leave the place he murmured believing that he would not listen to me.

EVIE: I wish you could understand me when I speak...
DOUG: Believe it or not, if I can understand you.
EVIE: (surprised) Do you speak German?
DOUG: My uncles and my father taught me and my cousins from a young age. I'm Doug son of tontin in case you had ever wondered.
EVIE: I'm Evie (I told him with a smile, I don't care that he was the son of my mother's enemy, finally there was someone who understood me when I speak)
DOUG: Can I ask you something?
EVIE: Sure... (I nodded)
DOUG: Why do you only speak German?
EVIE: Because of a misunderstanding with Malefica and her daughter Mal I was exiled with my mother and as punishment my mother forbade me to speak English and I forgot over time... ( I didn't know why, but I felt I could trust him)


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