Chapter 11

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When Doug and I separated, I can see that Snow White was next to us.

I had no idea what she could want. I feel nervous, my mother's No. 1 enemy wanting to talk to me?

SNOW W: Hi Evie, I don't think we've been formally introduced.

EVIE: (I was silent, I didn't know what to say)

DOUG: Aunt White, Evie feels more comfortable speaking in German. Do you think you could talk to her that way? (He ask hoping that she will accept. Doug knew that Evie wasn't going to be able to process anything that was in English right now.)

SNOW W: Of course Doug, no problem. (replied with a smile) Hi Evie, I'm Snow White. Nice to meet you?
EVIE: Hello... Aren't you mad at me for what my mother did to you? (I said with my head down waiting for her to yell at me)

SNOW W: Of course not, you are not to blame for anything that happened between your mother and I. (spoke as she carefully raised my head to look at her)
EVIE: (I just stared at her not knowing what to say).
SNOW W: Also, I've waited years to meet my little sister. (She speak while looking at me with eyes full of love)

I began to breathe heavily as I processed what Snow White had said

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I began to breathe heavily as I processed what Snow White had said. She considered me her sister despite everything my mother had done in the past.

Do not hesitate and threw myself towards her to give her a hug while tears of happiness fell from my eyes. In spite of everything I had a family and where I least imagined.

Doug gave me a kiss on the head while I was still clinging to Snow White, after that he joined the hug along with my now sister's husband. After we separated, Snow White spoke again.

SNOW W: I hope that one day you will visit me at my castle. I also want you to know that you're always going to have a place there when you need it. (smiled at me tenderly)
EVIE: thank you... (I hug her once again before heading to where Doug was)

When I arrived with Doug, he hugged me tightly again to start spinning while I just laughed out loud.

DOUG: Don't leave me again... (he said with a sigh and hiding his head in my neck)
EVIE: never... (he separated his body a little from me and gave me a long kiss no matter who saw us)
DOUG: I love you more than anything in this world, I don't know what I would do without you princess (he said giving me another kiss)
EVIE: I also love you more than anything and I also don't know what I would do without you. That's why I preferred to bite the apple and not risk something happening to you. (I said hugging him by the neck)
DOUG: and what would have happened if the kiss of true love didn't work? (asked sadly)
EVIE: I always knew it would work if you were the one kissing me... (I said while smiling and giving him the biggest hug I've ever given)

After we separated, Doug and I headed to the limousine that was already waiting for us to take us to Ben's Castle as he had said that the celebration would be there.

All the way, Doug made me sit on his legs while kissing me on the cheek and hugging me tightly against him so I wouldn't fall. He didn't want to let go of me at any time, apparently seeing me on the floor after biting the apple had affected him more than I thought.

When Doug and I arrived, we headed to the ballroom where everyone was already celebrating.

We went to the table where the boys were. Doug took a seat and pulled me to sit next to him, to which I did not refuse.

After the guys were over me all the time to see that I felt okay, Doug took me by the hand and we headed to the dance floor.

DOUG: My princess... Would you dance this piece with me? (he said this extending his hand towards me as he bowed)
EVIE: Of course, my prince... (I said taking his hand nervously)


All the way to the castle I refused to let go of Evie, even when I was at the celebration I had her glued to me. I refused to let her go and lose her.

After a while of the boys on top of her and a little chatter, I heard that they had put on a slow music.

I grabbed Evie by the hand and I started dragging her to the center of the dance floor. Evie agreed to dance with me this piece, but I could tell she was nervous.

DOUG: Are you okay princess? (I asked a little worried)
EVIE: I'm fine, it's just that... (she was quiet half-sentence)
DOUG: what? (I asked after caressing her cheek).
EVIE: Don't know how to dance... (she said looking down to the floor)
DOUG: it's easier than it seems, just let yourself be guided by the music (I said while gently grabbing her waist to start dancing slowly)

It didn't take long for Evie to catch up with the rhythm of the music. I seemed to have learned to dance rather than walk.

After a few hours dancing, I could see that Evie was already tired. I took her by the hand and we went to say goodbye to the boys and then leave the castle.

Evie had fallen asleep on the way to the high school. I didn't want to wake her up because she had had a hard day and needed to rest. When we got to Auradon prep, I thanked the driver for everything and took Evie in my arms and started walking in the direction of my bedroom.

I opened my bedroom door with a bit of difficulty and laid Evie down on my bed and then took away the shoes she still had on

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I opened my bedroom door with a bit of difficulty and laid Evie down on my bed and then took away the shoes she still had on.

I decided to change her dress for one of my shirts to make her more comfortable, I just hope that tomorrow she will not feel uncomfortable because I had seen her that way.

After I changed Evie and make sure she wasn't cold I went to my closet and went to put on my pajamas so I could go to bed next to Evie.

I stared at her for a while as I stroked her hair. I love that silky blue hair... I could spend all day playing with it without getting tired.

After a while I decided it was time to sleep, so, I hugged Evie from the waist to hold her closer to me, it was definitely going to take a while for me to allow Evie to get away from me, I didn't want to lose her to an oversight like today. Without realizing it, I fell asleep.


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