Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day and I was surprise that I was in my bedroom, I was confused not to remember how I arrived last night, probably Doug has something to do with all this.

When I looked at the clock that was on the table next to the bed I realized that I was late for breakfast, I hurried to fix myself and ran out towards the cafeteria.

When I got to the dining room I realized all the people that was there, I had never seen so many people together in my life. I stood with my food on a tray watching everywhere to see if by chance I could find Doug somewhere.

After a few minutes I could see Doug waving his hand from one of the tables to get me closer. I didn't think twice and went to sit down with a big smile.


I was having breakfast when I saw Evie standing with a tray of food in her hands, waving her hand in the air to get her to see me and sit with me and that she did, she walked over with a big smile while I just thought about how good she looked today.

DOUG: Hi, how did you wake up? EVIE: Hello, good, but I would like to know how lightning I arrived at my bedroom yesterday?
DOUG: You fell asleep yesterday while we were talking so I decided not to wake you up and take you myself carrying you into your bedroom.
EVIE: Did you really do that for me?
(she had the biggest surprised face anyone can have)
DOUG: Of course, it's the least I can do for the princess. For example, I would like to teach you how to speak English in the afternoons.
EVIE:(she only nodded as she tried to disguise the blush on her cheeks)

As I watched as Evie smiled at my comment about her being a princess, I felt three other people sit at the same table we were at.

My surprise was greater to see that it was Mal, Carlos and Jay. I could feel Evie getting uncomfortable with her presence and without reflection I took her hand under the table and squeezed it.

MAL/JAY/CARLOS: Hello!!! We came to apologize for everything that happened on the Island with Evie.
EVIE: (Whispering in my ear)
What's going on?
DOUG: (Whispering) They're apologizing to you.
JAY: What language is that?
DOUG: it's German, Evie told me yesterday that he only speaks German, but what I don't understand is why his mother did that?

As I talked to the boys I could tell that Evie was more confused than ever so I briefly explained that we had doubts about why her mother only allowed her to know German.

After that, the four of us could tell how Evie had a terrifying expression in her eyes.

The bell rang and thanks to heaven Evie and I had most of the classes together, I took her hand and directed her to our first class of the day: HISTORY.

Last week we had left the topic of Snow White pending and were about to get into the subject of the Evil Queen. I was excited to know a little bit about Evie's mother and be able to understand more deeply why the decision I made with Evie.

When everyone was in their seats, the teacher began to teach the class. Chaos broke out when the name of The Evil Queen was mentioned.


Doug was translating the most important facts about history. But there was something that was impossible not to understand, my mother's name.

When I heard my mother's name I felt myself start shaking as my eyes filled with tears and suddenly I was no longer in the classroom, I was in one of the punishment rooms that my mother used to use with me.


The Queen had found the 6-year-old reading in her room a book about the history of Snow White, but what unleashed the Queen's fury completely was hearing Evie talk about how beautiful Snow White looked with her yellow dress and red ribbon in her hair.

The evil queen dragged the little girl to one of her punishment rooms and chained her so that she could not escape while she was punished.

Evie had started crying inconsolably from the first moment her mother snatched the book from her and threw it out the window.

The queen began to brutally beat the little girl with a whip (which got one day that the garbage of Auradon arrived for the first weeks of the uprising of the Island) repeating again and again that no prince was going to want to marry her if he was intelligent, also, he was in charge of reminding her every time he could all the "defects" that the little princess had hurting her emotionally because he believed that hurting her physically was not enough as punishment.

Evie was stranded for three days in that room without water or food until her mother decided it was a good time to let her out, but the damage was already done.

End flashback.


Suddenly Evie returned to reality and ran out of the classroom. Without a second thought I ran after her. When I found Evie, she was made ball on the floor while recharged on a wall behind her.

When I fully approached her I realized that she was shaking and that she was having trouble controlling her breathing.

Quickly, I bent down to sit her on my legs as I hugged her and listened to her murmur.

EVIE: make it stop...
DOUG: Stop the what?
EVIE: Don't let her get close, she's going to hurt me again...
DOUG: Who wants to hurt you again princess?
EVIE: Mom...

When I heard her mention her mother I realized everything Evie had been through.

My heart was just broken when I heard her sob heavily.

I squeezed her tighter against my chest as I stroked her silky hair and began to rock it in my arms.

I started humming a lullaby that my mother used to sing to me when I was little and had nightmares.


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