Chapter 23

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It was late at night when I felt Evie starting to move sharply in bed.

I opened my eyes to find Evie still with her eyes closed as she moved as if she was trying to escape from something.

DOUG: Evie!! My dear!!! Princess wakes up!! (I said while moving her a little to wake her up)

Evie sat back on the bed as she began to cry. I could tell sweat ran down her forehead and her pajamas were soaked.

I hugged her against my chest to try to calm her down...

Evie calmed down after a while with me hugging her as I stroked her hair still wet with sweat.

DOUG: come princess, let's take a bath to get the sweat off of you (I started to head us towards the bathroom)
EVIE: (she didn't say anything, she just clung to my neck while carrying her)

When I got to the bathroom, I sat her on the edge of the tub as I started preparing the water to be perfect for my princess.

DOUG: ok princess... I'm going to go out for you to bathe quietly. I trust you... Okay? (I turned around so I could get out)
EVIE: DOUG WAIT!!! (she said as she got up to stop me before I could get out)
DOUG: what happened princess? Need something else? Does something hurt? (I asked while stroking her cheek)
EVIE: isn't it any of that... Only... would you stay with me while I'm in the tub...? (she asked in a whisper)
DOUG: are you sure...?? (speak doubtful)
EVIE: yes... More than ever...

I sat in a chair I brought from the room so I could keep Evie company while she took a bath.

Evie took off her clothes and walked into the bathtub as she lay down and closed her eyes. I could tell she was thinking about something...

EVIE: Doug...?
DOUG: yes princess...
EVIE: Can you go into the bathtub with me? (she ask while playing with her hands)
DOUG: Evie... I don't want to bother you... (I talk before letting out a sigh).)
EVIE: you don't make me uncomfortable...
DOUG.: I don't know if it's a good idea honey...
EVIE: Please... (whisper before her eyes will fill with tears)
DOUG: Okay... But if at any time you feel uncomfortable and want me to move away, you let me know... Ok?

I started undressing slowly in case Evie decided she didn't want me to go in with her anymore.

Once I finished taking off my clothes, I walked over and looked into her eyes as she moved around a bit so I could sit down.

EVIE: Can you hug me?
DOUG: (I just opened my arms implying that she could come)

When we separated from the hug, Evie turned around and leaned her back on my chest.

I decided to help Evie take a bath. I wet her head and started rubbing some shampoo on top of it and then rinsing it off.

I also took a sponge and put soap on it and then looked at Evie asking for permission with my gaze, to which she only nodded.

I started running the sponge all over her body carefully so that she wouldn't be scared at any point. 

When I finished bathing her, I started playing with one of her hands before I started talking again with Evie's back still leaned on my chest

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When I finished bathing her, I started playing with one of her hands before I started talking again with Evie's back still leaned on my chest.

DOUG: Are you okay like that? Do you want me to move a little? (talk before I give her a kiss on the head)
EVIE: that's how I'm fine, I feel protected by your side. I know you would never do anything to hurt me. (she turned around to give me a kiss on the lips)
DOUG: that makes me happy... (a smile formed on my face)
EVIE: I love you... (she said in a whisper)
DOUG: I love you more princess... I really do... (I also replied in a whisper)

We stayed a while longer until we had to get out because the water had cooled.

Evie and I put on our pajamas and sat on the bed without saying anything, just staring at each other.

After a while Evie broke the silence between us.

EVIE: I'm sorry for what I did... (said with a sad look in her face)
DOUG: did what? (I said taking one of her hands)
EVIE: what I did before... You know, with the blade... I promised I wouldn't... And I failed you... I am sorry. (she speaks even without looking into my eyes)
DOUG: it's ok, it's over. And remember, you promised that from now on you would talk to me whenever you felt the need to do so. That's enough for me. (caress one of her cheeks)
EVIE: I love you... You don't know how much... (she speaks looking into my eyes for the first time since the conversation had begun)
DOUG: no more than I do love you.... (Evie smiled and then came over to give me a kiss on the lips) 

 (Evie smiled and then came over to give me a kiss on the lips) 

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