Chapter 14

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Today was the day. My princess' birthday!! I woke up before her and stared at her as I stroked her hair.

The guys and I had planned a surprise party. The only thing I didn't like about the plan was having to pretend we didn't know it was her birthday today so she wouldn't suspect anything.

After a while watching Evie sleep and caressing that wonderful blue hair, she began to open her eyes slowly. I looked at her with a smile and gave her a kiss.

DOUG: Good morning princess... (I said as I hug her closer to my body)
EVIE: good morning... What are you going to do today? (she speak surely waiting for me to mention something about her birthday).
DOUG: My father called me yesterday to ask me to help him in the mines. I will be with him all day as he said it was important. Why? (not everything was a lie in what I said. My father had called me for help, but I told him I had an important issue and I couldn't go.)
EVIE: nothing... Just curiosity... (you could tell she was disappointed from miles away)
DOUG: Well. I'm going to fix myself so I can leave. See you when I come back. (I gave her a short kiss and turned around so I could go into the closet without saying anything else).

I knew that Evie had become sad and that made my heart shrink in my chest, but by the end of the night, it will all be worth it.


When I woke up, I saw that Doug was already awake and that he was looking at me while smiling and playing with my hair, nothing unusual, I had already gotten used to it by this point.

I thought for a moment he was going to say something about my birthday, but apparently he forgot what day is today.

My disappointment increased the moment he said he wasn't going to be here. He was going to go all day to help his father with a mine issue...

When Doug went to the closet, I decided to go to my room to get dressed and see if any of the guys wanted to do anything for my birthday

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When Doug went to the closet, I decided to go to my room to get dressed and see if any of the guys wanted to do anything for my birthday.

When I got to the room and opened the door, I saw that Mal was inside. I approached with a smile waiting for her to congratulate me on my birthday. But that never happened.

After a while I decided to break the silence that existed.

EVIE: Mal... (I said with my head down)
MAL: Yes? (she said as she got up from her vanity and grabbed her phone as she made her way to the door)
EVIE: Would you like to do anything with me today? (I said with a little hope in my eyes)
MAL: I can't today. Ben and I are going out. (said turning around)
EVIE: But today is a special day... And I wanted to spend it with you... (I said with a sigh)
MAL: Today I can't, maybe another day. By the way, Ben and I don't want any distraction for the rest of the day, so if you call we won't answer. (she left the room without saying goodbye)

When Mal came out, a small tear fell from my eyes. Apparently I'm just a nuisance to Mal.

I wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes after a while and fixed myself. I left the room hoping that Carlos and Jay will remember what it was today...

When I enter their bedroom. I could see that they had the R.O.A.R uniform on and were storing clothes in a suitcase. I assumed it was for after training.

EVIE: Hey guys... (speak a little sad)
JAY: Hi, are you going to be here for a long time? because we're late and we don't have much time right now. (he speaks in a hurry).
EVIE: I was just coming to see if you both wanted to do something today.
CARLOS: Today we can't. (he said without looking at me while he kept saving things)
EVIE: But why? (my sadness was getting bigger and bigger).
JAY: Understand that we can't!! There are more important things than wasting time doing silly things!!

 JAY: Understand that we can't!! There are more important things than wasting time doing silly things!!

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Jay and Carlos left the room leaving me alone as tears began to fall down my cheeks.

Apparently no one cares about me. Not even my sister called me to congratulate me.

I decided to spend the day at the special place Doug and I had. I sat recharged in the usual tree. Suddenly I got a call.

It was Doug. I replied with a smile thinking that he had remembered that today was my birthday and that he was calling me to congratulate me.

... CALL...

DOUG: Hello Princess!
EVIE: HELLO!! (I said excitedly)
DOUG: Honey... I was calling you to let you know that I'm going to stay at my parents' house until tomorrow.
EVIE: OOH... Ok.... anything else you want to tell me?
(I spoke with how little hope I had left).
DOUG: No. That was it. (spoke in a hurry).
EVIE: Okay... Enjoy... (I whispered while hanging up the phone)

... END CALL...

Definitely the day couldn't get worse

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Definitely the day couldn't get worse. After sitting in the same place for a while, I felt a presence behind me.

When I wanted to turn around to see who it was. The world disappeared and I saw everything black before falling completely to the ground.


I was with Mal in my office. When suddenly Lumiere enters running without knocking on the door as he always does.

BEN: what's wrong? (I asked worried)
LUMIERE: an unusual use of magic was recorded. In addition, some people say they have seen a cloud equal to the one at the coronation, leaving the Island a few minutes ago. Apparently the barrier was not completely sealed.

Mal and I looked at each other worried as we ran out in search of Doug.

We found him in his bedroom preparing the final details for the party that was supposed to be for Evie.

When we explained what happened, he ran out of the room to look for the person he loves most in this world.

We all knew who the person who had escaped was and who her main target was... Evie...


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