Chapter 9

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Today was Ben's coronation. Mal and I woke up early so we could fix ourselves before Doug and Ben will pass by us.

Mass would be at 12:00 so we didn't have much time. I sent Mal to take a bath while I pulled her dress out of the closet. I decided that I would first help Mal get ready since she had to be in the church before because she was Ben's companion.

When Mal got out of the shower I helped her put on the dress I had made for her. I had definitely worked my ass off in her dress.

After finishing putting the dress on, I directed her to my dressing table so that she would sit down so that I could do her hair while she put on mascara since she did not want to put on another type of makeup.

When I finish doing her hair someone knocked on the door. I went to open quickly. Ben was at the door to pick up Mal.

When Mal approached, Ben was left with his mouth open as he watched her up and down.

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BEN: You look beautiful (she said with her mouth open)MAL: Thank you, you look good too

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BEN: You look beautiful (she said with her mouth open)
MAL: Thank you, you look good too... (said blushing)
BEN: Ready to go?
MAL: Yes

Mal thanked me as she hugged me and then walked out the door with Ben behind her.

When the lovebirds left, I hurried to take a bath so I could put on my dress and do my hair, I decided that I would not use any makeup except for my typical blue mascara.

When I finished putting on the dress I heard someone knocking on the door. I opened it quickly already knowing who was behind it.

I greeted Doug with a long kiss. When we separated I realized he had put on a blue suit. He had told me he wanted us to combine, but I thought it was a joke.

I gave him a smile and directed him to my bed so that he will sit down.

EVIE: Doesn't it bother you to wait while I just got ready? (I asked nervously about his answer)
DOUG: of course not, take as long as you need.  (he replied with a smile)

I gave him a quick kiss and then returned to my vanity to continue fixing myself as fast as I could.

When I finished I turned around and saw dough staring at me dumbfounded.


I arrived a little earlier to pick up Evie, but I had a good reason. I was eager to see what she looked like in the dress she had been doing all week.

When she opened the door I saw that she already had the dress on and she looked totally beautiful. We greet each other with a long kiss.

I sat on her bed waiting for her to finish fixing herself. How had I ended up with a girlfriend like her?

When she finished doing her makeup and turned around she GORGEOUS. What the hell I did to deserve her?

 What the hell I did to deserve her?

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 DOUG: wow

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DOUG: wow...  (no words came out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried)
EVIE: is that good or bad? (she asked nervously)
DOUG: Definitely good. What did I do to deserve you?
EVIE: I ask myself the same thing every day. What did I do to deserve you? (said blushing)
DOUG: ready to go? 
EVIE: more than ever...

We left Evie's bedroom and headed to a limousine that was waiting for us at the entrance.

I helped Evie up first and then I got on closing the door. I helped Evie put on the belt and then I put on mine.

As we made our way to church, neither of us was talking. Evie had her head on my shoulder as I stroked her hair trying not to dishevel her.

When we arrived help Evie get off and we head inside. Everyone was already in position for the ceremony to begin.

The entrance doors opened giving way to Ben. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mal smile as we watched him walk to where Fairy Godmother was next to Belle and Adam.

FAIRY G: We are gathered here today to witness a new reign. Ben, you swear to rule this kingdom with kindness and justice, thinking of the benefit of the entire people before yours? 
BEN: I solemnly swear. 
FAIRY G: So, I Fairy Godmother, declared you Ben Beast as Auradon's new king...

From one moment to the next, Audrey had taken the wand, losing control and firing a beam of magic that came out of the ceiling breaking it from one side.

Everyone was shocked to hear the words coming out of her mouth:


She pointed the wand at Mal while Ben quickly stood in front of her to protect her.

Suddenly a thunder was heard distracting everyone present except the fairy Godmother, who took advantage of the distraction to snatch the wand from Audrey again.


After the loud thunder there was a laugh that was unmistakable to me, that same laugh that owned my nightmares. My mother's evil laughter...


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