Chapter 16

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I hadn't been able to sleep all night. I was just thinking about what might be happening to Evie. I had spent all my time crying while holding in my hands the crown I had found yesterday in our special place...

I heard someone knocking on the door. I decided to ignore it, but apparently it didn't work. When they knocked again I got up as best I could from the bed and headed to open the door. I didn't understand why he had knocked on the door. Doesn't he remember that this is also his room?

BEN: I have good news. (he said as he made his way inside the room) 
DOUG: Did they approve the search? (I said excited) 
BEN: No... But I managed to get you allowed to go with the guys and a few guards to look for her on your own. I would like to help you, but if I leave everyone would start to suspect... (he said while giving me the keys to one of the limousines). 
DOUG: Really...? (I said as tears of happiness began to come out of my eyes) 
BEN: Yes. Everyone is ready, they are waiting for you at the entrance. The guards I assigned will follow you and the rest in a separate car in case you need them.

I thanked him by giving him a big hug and then running in the direction where the others were already waiting for me to arrive.

DOUG: I'm already on my way princess... Do not worry... (I whisper to myself)


I had spent one of the worst nights of my life. I had to go through two more punishments just because my mother was bored and wanted a distraction.

While I wasn't being punished, I closed my eyes imagining that I was in Doug's room as I was hugged tightly against him while he sang to me to fall asleep...

EVIE: Doug... You don't know how much I miss you... (I whispered as I let go of a sob)

My mother had refused to give me food or water, she said she wanted me to die in a slow and painful way. I would die of a bad blow or lack of food and water.

My mother came into the room and came up to me. She took my face sharply to bring me closer to her.

QUEEN M: Today you will not have any punishment. I want you to regain strength so that tomorrow I can give you a stronger one without you being half unconscious. I want you to suffer until the end of this one, not like the previous one... (she let go of my face by throwing me to the floor)
EVIE: WHY DON'T YOU KILL ME ALREADY?? (I yelled at her waiting for an answer)

My mother didn't answer, all she did was leave the room while closing the door behind her. I just stared at a fixed spot on the wall as I kept sobbing.

EVIE: Doug... Hurry up... I don't know how long I can hold on before she kills me... I need you... I need your kisses... Hugs... Caresses in the hair... I love you... (I said while sobbing harder) 

 (I said while sobbing harder) 

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WE HAD BEEN LOOKING FOR HER ALL DAMN DAY AND COULDN'T FIND HER!!! we had crossed out the first location on the map.

It had become night. We decided to return to Auradon so we could rest and have energy for tomorrow to go to the second location.

I lay on my bed as I started crying hugging the pillow Evie always used to use. She had practically moved into my room, there was no night that I did not sleep hugging you. We had gotten used to it and now we couldn't sleep.

DOUG: Forgive me princess... I failed you... I promised to protect you and I didn't... (I let out a sob) 

I didn't know when I fell asleep

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I didn't know when I fell asleep. I was awakened by the alarm I had set so that I could continue with her search... I just hope to find her soon.

Let's head to the second location. We decided it was better to separate to look for it faster.

After two hours searching the place, the sun began to hide again giving way to the moon. Another day without being able to find her.

We went back to the limousine and crossed out the second location that was marked. There was only one left, the final location...

The last location was on the other side of the island, we didn't know how long it would take to get there.

We would leave early tomorrow and stay to sleep in the limousine at night. I refused to go back without Evie by my side.

The next morning. Mal, Jay, Carlos and I got into the limo to start the third and final trip. We were going to take turns so we could drive when the other wanted to rest.


Today my punishments were coming back, I knew they were going to be much worse than those on the first day. I was starving and could feel my stomach starting to burn from the lack of food.

After a while my mother came back in with whom I would give my next punishment. This man was bigger than the one the other time.

My mother took a seat in one of the chairs at the entrance and beckoned the man to start.

I began to step back as far as I could the chains that were still on my wrists already hurt from trying to escape.

This time they didn't use any metal bars. He just tightened the chains more on my wrists and attached them so I couldn't separate them.

He looked at me with a twisted smile as he began to let out punches and kicks as he listened as my mother laughed out loud.

I don't know how long it took before he stopped beating me. I was on the ground as I began to lose consciousness for the thousandth time since I arrived...


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