Chapter 2

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Evie and I spent the rest of the afternoon talking. Even though I tried to bring up the subject of who his mother was, I didn't get him to tell me. But it is obvious that I know who his mother is, you don't have to be very smart to realize.

1-. She is the daughter of one of the most evil villains there is
2-. There is no doubt that even the beauty of Snow White is not competition for her
3-. The only villain known to speak German is none other than the Evil Queen.

I don't want to pressure her so much with the matter because I don't want to scare her away and let her go away, I'm starting to feel things for her even though we've known each other for less than a day.

I don't know how to explain it, something deep down tells me not to get away from her and I know that deep down Evie needs someone to talk to about her problems, because apparently, the other three guys who came with her are not very friendly when it comes to Evie.


Doug and I have been talking all afternoon in the same place. Time flies by his side, besides, I feel as if I knew him all my life and that he will not judge me at any time.

I know it sounds weird, since I only know him from a few hours ago, but I feel like something deep inside me is telling me that he's the right one and that I don't need a prince to be happy as my mother told me for as long as I can remember.


We stayed for a few minutes without saying anything and when I turned my head to see her I realized that Evie was falling asleep in the seat she was in, but I didn't want to tell her anything, she looked so tender with her eyes closed and a few strands of hair on her face.

After seeing her for a while, I decided to take her to her room. He knew that at this time, Mal would be in the room and would have no problem entering it. In addition, he wanted to talk to her about the whole Evie thing, he needed to know what happened so that he could help her.

I loaded Evie as the princess she is and headed to her room. It took a few minutes until the door of the room opened after I had touched it for Mal to open it.

MAL: Because rays bring to this charged, surely later your arms will hurt to carry it, it must weigh a lot, maybe you have not seen it. (he made a disgusted face to disguise how guilty he felt for talking about her like this) DOUG: Well, believe it or not, the princess doesn't weigh anything, I think she should even eat more, she's too thin. (talk as I laid her down in what I assumed was her bed)
MAL: whatever you say...
DOUG: Hey... may I ask you something?
MAL: Be quick, I don't have all night. DOUG: Why do you and the other guys treat her so badly? They would be surprised if they gave themselves the opportunity to meet her.
MAL: because it is rare, besides, she does not even answer when they talk to her, she does not even speak to begin with.
IT BUT THANKS TO THE EXILE IN WHICH THEY PUT HER AND YOUR MOTHER DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH, HER MOTHER DID NOT ALLOW IT. (I was starting to get upset because of how immature she was misbehaving)

When I realized that I had started screaming, I turned around to see that Evie hadn't woken up, but she was still quietly asleep, as if there was no one else in the room.


I always felt a little guilty about everything I went through with Evie, I know it wasn't her fault that she wasn't included in her birthday party that day.

But my mother made everything seem as if I had been the one with the idea of exile. I didn't want to disappoint my mother anymore so I never denied the story my mother told everyone.

Actually, Jay, Carlos and I never wanted to be bad, only, we didn't want to disappoint our parents.

I remember when we were little we spent hours trying to find the place where Evie was just to go and apologize to her. But that never happened, nobody knew where they were in exile.

Doug left after he saw that Evie was still asleep and I was left thinking about what Doug had told me. Since I didn't realize it before...

I decided to go find the guys to talk to them about it, I knew they also felt guilty about how they've been treating her since we saw her get into the limo.


I heard they knocked on the door, so I went to open. When I opened it completely I could see Mal with tears accumulating in his green eyes. He had an idea that it was what was going through her head, but he wanted her to tell it without any pressure.

MAL: A while ago I found out because Evie doesn't talk to anyone and never listens when someone talks to her... JAY: How did that happen?
CARLOS: Yes, how do you know why? Evie I'm talking to you?
MAL: No... Doug took her to our
bedroom a few minutes ago because she had fallen asleep and told me that Evie does not speak English.
CARLOS: So what language do you speak? Spanish?
MAL: I don't know, Doug didn't tell me...
JAY: Guys, I think it's time for us to leave the past in the past, where it belongs. Didn't you notice how fragile she looked when she went up to alms this morning?
MAL: We all notice it and it's obvious why I spend all this time with his mother. JESUS!!! We were on the island, his mother could have done anything to him and no one would say anything.
CARLOS: I think we should go to rest and tomorrow we will try to get closer to Evie.
MAL: okay. May they have evil dreams...


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