Chapter 15

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The moment Ben stopped talking, I ran out in search of Evie. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't lose her again.

I looked in the cafeteria, library, her bedroom, mine AND NOTHING. EVIE WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

Then I remembered... Our special place. I ran in the direction of where I was in what might be my last chance to find her.

When I arrived, Evie was not there. I was about to leave when I saw something that caught my attention. On the ground next to the tree, was the crown that Evie always wears.

At that moment I realized everything. I had arrived late. I had failed my princess again. I hadn't protected her as I should.


When I opened my eyes I could see that I was in one of my mother's punishment rooms. This couldn't be happening, not again...

I tried to get up, but failed. I turned to see my hands and I could see that on my wrists were some chains that did not allow me to move from my place.

I heard the door open and I could see how my mother entered through it

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I heard the door open and I could see how my mother entered through it. A chill ran through my entire body just thinking about what I could do.

QUEEN M: Wow, wow... Look who deigned to wake up. I was starting to get bored... (on her face was that smile that terrifies anyone)
EVIE: what do you want from me?? (I asked with fear)

QUEEN M: I already said it on the day of the coronation... I want you dead. But this time it will be worse... (she said as she approached me).
EVIE: Why?... What did I do to make you hate me so much?... (small tears began to come out of my eyes).
QUEEN M: born... (she said with contempt)

After that, my mother left the room closing the door sharply. I just hold myself into a ball on the floor as I began to sob.


We were all gathered in Ben's office, we had a map of the Island on the table.

Mal, Jay and Carlos crossed out the places where they knew that the castle of the Evil Queen was not located.

After an hour, we had 3 possible places where Evie could meet her mother.

BEN: Doug. First I need you to calm down. (he said as he put one of his hands on my shoulder.)
DOUG: HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN. THAT WITCH HAS EVIE AND WHO KNOWS WHAT SHE MAY BE DOING RIGHT NOW!! we should never have left her alone... (I said as tears began to fall down my cheeks)
MAL: we will find her in time, I promise you (she speak while hugging me)

Ben went to talk to the council so he could report on the situation. After an hour he returned to his office with a face that did not convey anything good.

BEN: The council wants us to wait a few days before we start looking for Evie. People are still upset because of what happened at the coronation.
DOUG: That means? (I asked as I started to worry)
BEN: We can't go get Evie right now, we have to wait... I'm sorry, really.

Ben left the office so he could go after Mal, who had run away while crying upon learning that she would not be able to go find Evie until further notice.

I went to my room and lay on the bed while I sobbed. I closed my eyes as I imagined that Evie was by my side and that nothing bad was going on.


I heard the door open again and looked up from the ground. My mother had come back in with the same smile as before.

QUEEN M: But look how pathetic you are... How long do you think your dwarf and friends will take to come for you? (she asked with a tone of mockery)
EVIE: leave me alone (I said while I let out a little sob)
QUEEN M: why would I? I already want to see their faces when they arrive and find you dead. This time once and for all, no kiss of true love will save you this time!! (she started screaming furiously)
EVIE: you're wrong, apparently I'm not as important to them as I thought. Surely they have not yet realized my absence (I said while remembering what happened with them before and began to sob harder)
QUEEN M: WOW!! IT TOOK YOU A WHILE TO REALIZE... remember Evie, you are not made to be loved. You are just a hindrance that ruins the lives of others only with your presence...

she exited the room just to leave me alone again. After a few minutes one of my mother's henchmen came in. I knew my first punishment would start soon.

EVIE: Doug... I need you more than anything right now... I need you to save me... Please... Where are you?... (whispered as I sobbed)

The man came up to me after a few seconds

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The man came up to me after a few seconds. He took one of the metal bars on one of the shelves and smiled malevolently at me.

He started beating me while I just screamed and begged that Doug and my friends had already realized I wasn't there.

After a while with the man beating me, my body lost all the strength it had left. I started closing my eyes while imagining that I was lying next to Doug in his room, while he of course, played with my hair...

Before I was completely unconscious, I could see how my mother looked at me from the door with a smile...


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