Chapter 20

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it had been three days since Evie had woken up. The doctors had had to teach me how to change the medications because Evie wouldn't let them get close... And it was understandable...

Evie wouldn't let even her friends get close. And that was starting to worry us all a little bit.

I was currently lying on the stretcher with Evie on my chest asleep. We had been watching movies all morning.

Another thing I had agreed with the doctors... It would be given a sedative per day so that the doctors could do the check-ups that I couldn't do, logically...

I stroked Evie's hair as I watched her sleep. As I had missed this so much...

DOUG: We're going to get through this princess... I swear... (I closed my eyes so I could rest a little before Evie will wake up.)

I don't know how long it was since I fell asleep. I felt someone talking to me making me wake up.

EVIE: Doug?
DOUG: Yes? (I said still a little asleep)
EVIE: I want to go home... (she said while looking at me with eyes of sadness)
DOUG: Just a few more days princess... (I said giving her a kiss)
EVIE: How many more days...?? (she asked starting to cry. She really didn't like being here)
DOUG: I don't know princess... I don't want to lie to you... (I hugged her against my chest)

At that moment the doctor who was in charge of Evie entered with a huge smile on his face, the doctor began to speak from the door knowing that he could not get too close.

DOCTOR: I have good news!! (He still kept a smile on his face)
DOUG: what happened? (I spoke, as Evie had her head hidden in my neck because of the fear she had)
DOCTOR: Apparently Evie has improved a lot since the day she arrived, at this step she can go home tomorrow morning (He spoke as he approached to give me the discharge papers)
EVIE: tell him to stop... Please... (I heard her whispering in my neck as I could feel her starting to shake)
DOUG: yes, okay. You can leave the papers on that table that's there ( I talk quickly so he will stop approaching)

The doctor did as I asked and said goodbye and then retired and left us alone again.

DOUG: Honey... Why don't you try to sleep another time? (I said as I stroked her hair again).
EVIE: Would you sing to me? (she asked as she began to close her eyes)
DOUG: of course...

I started singing as I ran my fingers through Evie's silky hair making her relax immediately. It didn't take long for her to fall sleep in my arms.

DOUG: I love you... ( I whisper so as not to wake her up)


.... DREAM....

I was back in the punishment room.

My mother came in with the same henchman who almost always came to give me the punishments.

QUEEN M: Here you have it, you can do whatever you want with her. (said as she let the man into the room)
MAN: Whatever I want? (said excitedly)
QUEEN M: Yes, and don't limit yourself. I want her to suffer as much as possible... (she speak and then go out and lock the door)

The man began to walk near me with a terrifying smile.

MAN: Now... You're going to know what a real man is... (he speaks crouching at my height)
EVIE: Walk away... (whisper with fear)

The man began to take off his clothes as he stared into my eyes.

Once he finished taking off his clothes he went to where I was to start taking my clothes off.

I started moving to try to avoid it... I swear I try... But he was stronger...

.... END DREAM ....


I woke up quickly to hear a sob. Realizing it was Evie, I hugged her tightly against my chest to try to calm her down.

I didn't need to ask her. I knew what she had dreamed of... It broke my heart to see her like this...

DOUG: shhhh... Take it easy... It was just a bad dream... You are safe princess... (I said with Evie on my legs as I rocked her caressing her hair)
EVIE: don't let go... Please... (she said sobbing)
DOUG: I didn't plan to do it... (talk while giving her a kiss on the head) 

 (talk while giving her a kiss on the head) 

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That's how the night had passed... Evie crying inconsolably as I tried to calm her down.

The next day, Evie and I left the hospital early... Mal and I had decided it was better for Evie to stay in my room.

Since I was the only one who could approach her without starting to have a panic attack. It wasn't that hard to convince Mal, Jay and Carlos.

Evie was sitting on my bed while watching rapunzel. I had gone to take a shower leaving her alone in the room. When I came out, the movie was over and Evie had lay on the bed.

EVIE: Doug... Can you sleep with me for a while? (she speak making puppy eyes)
DOUG: whatever you want... (I said with a smile as I approached)

I lay with her on my chest. I don't remember when I fell asleep. When I woke up, Evie was seeing a fixed spot on the wall. That baffled me a little...

DOUG: Are you okay? (I said sitting in front of her so she would stop seeing the wall)
EVIE: yes... I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you by my side... I don't know what would be of me without you by my side, more so right now... (she said looking into my eyes with a small smile on her lips before giving me a little kiss)
DOUG: you don't know how much I love you... (I caress her cheek as I spoke)

 (I caress her cheek as I spoke)

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