Chapter 18

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When we got to the limousine, I put Evie leaning completely in one of the seats. I raised her head so I could sit down and have her head recharged on my legs.

Mal and Carlos went up to the back where Evie and I were while Jay started driving in the direction of Auradon.

As I watched Evie with tears in my eyes, I could hear Mal calling Ben so that he would have everything ready for the moment we arrived.

It was a long road... I just hope Evie holds on until she can get to the hospital... I would never forgive myself if something else were to happen to her...

Carlos gave me one of the first aid kits we had brought in case we needed it.

I opened it so I could get things out and start healing Evie as much as I could. I started passing cotton through a cut she had on her forehead.

Evie began to move her head a little as she opened her eyes. She grimaced in pain as she tried to move.

DOUG: Don't move princess... (I said caressing her hair). 
EVIE: Doug... You are here....  (she speaks too weakly). 
DOUG: Of course... I'm not going to allow us to be separated again... You are safe. (I said giving her a kiss on the head trying not to hurt her). 
EVIE: When we get home we can see rapunzel?  (she said trying to touch my cheek). 
DOUG: And we can also eat oranges while we see it. What do you think of that?  (I talk before giving her a delicate kiss on the lips as tears fell from my eyes)
EVIE: It hurts...  (said starting to close her eyes)
DOUG: what hurts? Don't close your eyes honey... Stay awake, do it for me...  (I said starting to get scared). 
EVIE: I love you... Never forget...  (her eyes were kept closed longer and longer)
DOUG: I love you too... But don't fall asleep... Hold on for a while longer, alright??? (I said after I let out a sob). 
EVIE: Sorry... (she said in a whisper before closing his eyes completely). 
DOUG: Evie? HEY.... PRINCESS OPENS YOUR EYES!!!  (I started to despair)
CARLOS: JAY!!! SPEED UP, WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME (screaming as tears began to fall from his eyes)

I just hold Evie against my chest, whispering to her that I was sorry I didn't come to save her sooner.

When I let go of Evie, I turned to see Mal with my eyes full of tears, I realized that she was lost in thought

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When I let go of Evie, I turned to see Mal with my eyes full of tears, I realized that she was lost in thought.

DOUG: Mal... Are you okay? (I asked her as calm as I could so as not to scare her)
MAL : Sorry Ben... I know I promised you... But I can't (whisper in an almost inaudible way)
DOUG: what did you say? 

Suddenly, a purple cloud began to surround the limousine. After a few seconds, it disappeared and I could see that we were parked outside the Auradon Hospital.

DOUG: Thank you... I owe you my life!!

I quickly grabbed Evie and ran in as I screamed for help. Nurses came up with a stretcher so I could put Evie on it. Once Evie was on the stretcher, they ran off to the emergency room without giving me time to follow them.

The boys ran by the door and when they saw me they went to where I was still standing seeing where my princess had been taken.

MAL: Have they already taken her? (she asked while trying to catch her breath from running) 
DOUG: ... (no words came out of my mouth, I just nodded my head). 
JAY: She's going to be fine... Our little sister is a warrior (he said while putting a hand on my shoulder showing support)
CARLOS: you just have to wait... (he said with his head down). 
DOUG: It hurts me to see my princess like that... She is so weak... I don't even want to imagine what that monster has done to her on these days... (I started sobbing with my head hidden in my knees)

The guys were quiet, I guess they didn't know what to say anymore. Meanwhile, Mal was calling Ben to let him know we were already in the hospital.

The hours began to pass... Every minute that passed only made me more nervous... Why doesn't anyone come out and say anything about my princess?

DOCTOR: Relatives of Evie Grimhilde.
DOUG: HERE!!! HOW IS IT? (I ran up to the doctor) 
DOCTOR: For now she's asleep. We treated the blows she had, she doesn't have any fractures. However, her body is very weak, the studies we did revealed that she has not consumed anything for days... But don't worry, we're already taking care of that. (he spoke while looking at the papers in his hand) 
DOUG: THANK YOU, HEAVENS!!! (I was glad she'll be fine). 
DOCTOR: That's not all... (he looked me in the eye) 
DOUG: What are you talking about? ... (I said starting to worry again) 
DOCTOR: I don't know how to tell you this... Apparently... Evie wasn't just beaten during these days... I think her mother took things to another level and we don't know clearly how many times this happened... 
DOUG: What are you talking about? I'm not understanding (my worry only increased with every word the doctor let go)

The doctor didn't say anything else, he just handed me an envelope containing the results he had been given.

When I opened it I could see what the doctor was referring to. I couldn't believe what I read in this one.


I didnt have to think much to realice what had happened. My princess had been raped and that monster allowed it to happen...

how a mother can do so much harm to her own daughter. I would have preferred a thousand times for her to be beaten rat. They had ruined my princess's life.

What kind of mother allows someone to touch her daughter in ways they shouldn't?

DOCTOR: You can stop by to see her if you want, she's asleep, but she should wake up soon. 
DOUG: Thank you...

I started walking in the direction of the room where Evie was. When I got to this one, I stood for a while at the door looking at her while tears fell from my eyes.

DOUG: what they have done to you my princess

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DOUG: what they have done to you my princess...? (I let out a sob)


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