Chapter 22

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Taking advantage of the fact that Evie had fallen asleep I send a message to the boys to come to my bedroom.


DOUG: Hey guys, could you come to my bedroom? It's important...
MAL: Yes, don't worry. Ben and I are already on our way...
JAY: I'm there in 5 minutes!!
CARLOS: Me in 3!!
DOUG: Thank you. The door is open for them to pass... Evie is asleep, so don't come in screaming.


The boys started arriving. First Mal and Ben who came holding hands. Later, Carlos who arrived with Dude behind him. And finally Jay, who came alone.

The smile was erased from everyone's face when they saw that Evie had red eyes, when they turned to see me, they were more surprised. I assumed my eyes were also red from crying.

MAL: what's wrong?
DOUG: It's Evie... (I started crying again)
JAY: Doug... You're scaring us... (she said seeing where Evie was asleep)
DOUG: is that... I came from being in the library... (I was interrupted by one of my sobs)
MAL: hey, It's ok... (I speak interned to give me support)
DOUG: And when I came back... I found Evie... With a blade on her wrist... And...

I began to cry harder. I didn't have to say another word so that the guys would understand what Evie had done to herself.

The eyes of all of them filled with tears. Like me, it hurt us to see Evie like this...

MAL: I guess we can't trust her to leave her alone... (spoke loudly enough for us to hear)
JAY: How are we going to do it? (he spoke with her eyes on Evie, who was still asleep)
DOUG: I was thinking that, I would take care of Evie for most of the time. Remember that she still doesn't feel completely comfortable with you for long... (I talked as I approached Evie's side so I could cover her up a little more)

When the boys left a while later, I put on my pajamas so I could go to sleep next to my princess

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When the boys left a while later, I put on my pajamas so I could go to sleep next to my princess.


I woke up in the middle of the night... I hadn't had any nightmares... But... I needed to cut myself again...

It was as if my body was asking me for it. It was not the first time I did it, on the island I used to do it from time to time. But I stopped for a few months before I got here...

I went to the bathroom and started looking through the drawers without trying to make much noise. After a few minutes of searching, I found what I was looking for.

I took the blade and sat on the bathroom floor. Tears began to come out of my eyes as I brought the blade closer to my arm.

EVIE: Sorry Doug... I promised you not to... But I need it... (I sob heavily without being able to control it)

I started making cuts on my arm, stopping the moment I heard Doug's voice.

DOUG: Princess... Are you there? (you could tell he was worried)
EVIE: (I didn't say anything, I just let out another sob)

I heard the bathroom door open and through this entrance Doug. He ran in and hugged me tightly against his chest as I got on his legs.

When I saw his face, I started crying harder

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When I saw his face, I started crying harder... I had let him down...

DOUG: Princess... You promised me... (He talk as he sat next to me)
EVIE: I'm sorry... I needed it... (sob)
DOUG: no princess... you do not need it, you know why? (he said putting one of his arms over my shoulder)
EVIE: no...
DOUG: Why you have me... Whenever you feel you need to cut yourself. I want you to tell me, it doesn't matter if it's in the early morning, in a class, while I'm doing something else... Would you do that for my princess.?? ... (he said hugging me against his chest)
EVIE: do you still love me?... Despite everything that is going on?... (and I hid my head in his chest)
DOUG: why wouldn't I...? You are my whole life princess... I want you to always know that....


I heal Evie's wounds and then put bandages around her arm...

Once she's done, I carried Evie as the princess she is and take her to bed. I lay down next to her and pulled my computer out of my bedside drawer.

DOUG: What do you think if we watch a movie? (I said as I started looking for rapunzel)
EVIE: ok... can you hug me? (she asked me while sticking to me)
DOUG: come here... (Talk as I hugged her by the waist with one hand and with the other I began to caress her hair)

We watched the movie silently, none dared to say anything. We just enjoyed the company the other was giving to each other.

When the movie was over, I saw that Evie hadn't fallen asleep yet. I separated her a little from me so I could see her better.

DOUG: Do you want to sleep princess yet...? (I asked her whispering)
EVIE: no... (she spoke trying to dodge my gaze).
DOUG: Why not? (I said while giving her a little kiss).
EVIE: I'm afraid... (she speak and then let out a sigh)
DOUG: afraid of what...?
EVIE: to dream again about what happened... (she dropped a tear from her eyes)

I didn't know what to tell her. I didn't want to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that she could sleep peacefully, I didn't want to lie to her.... Not her...

I laid her head on my chest and began to caress her hair again, I began to sing the same old song in the hope that at some point on the night Evie would fall asleep...


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