Chapter 4

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I spend a while in which I continued to sing and rock her in my arms. When I turned to see how Evie was, who by the way, was still on my lap, had fallen asleep.

Her head was stuck to my chest as she hugged me tightly. I looked at the time and saw that there wasn't much time left for the hallways to fill with people, so, quickly, but carefully I took Evie in my arms and took her to the same place we were talking all afternoon yesterday.

When I arrived, instead of sitting on the same bench as yesterday, I sat on the floor while recharging in a large tree with Evie back on my lap.

Time passed and Evie was still asleep while I hugged her and kissed her hair from time to time. I watched her sleep while thinking about how wonderful she is, not only on the outside, but also on the inside. I didn't understand how someone could cause as much harm to someone as Evie.


I was walking with Mal when in the distance we saw Doug recharged in a tree with Evie in his arms. Mal had a bewildered face as we quickly made our way to see what had happened.

When we got to them Doug began to tell us what happened while stroking the hair of a sleeping Evie. I could tell Mal had started crying halfway through the story, so I took advantage and hugged her tightly as she hid her face in my shirt. I really like Mal...

DOUG: Ben... Could you get a pass for me and Evie so I could miss school today?
BEN: I fix everything, don't worry about it. DOUG: Thank you... Really...
BEN: There's no such thing as a friend.

Mal wanted to stay until Evie woke up, but in the end Doug and I convinced her to go back to school. We said goodbye to Doug and I accompanied Mal to his next class.


A few minutes later Ben and Mal left leaving me alone with Evie. After a while I felt how it began to move on my lap slowly while I saw how it opened those eyes that hypnotizes me so much just to see them for a few seconds, I had never seen such a beautiful tone, it was a brown color so light that it could even be considered as golden.

EVIE: What happened?...
DOUG: You fell asleep after you said something about your mother wanting to hurt you.
EVIE: (I just bowed my head and curled up in my chest again as I let out a big sigh)
DOUG: Do you want to tell me what happened?
EVIE: (nods slowly as you start talking)


I started telling Doug what had happened that day. I felt my hair being caressed by him while he kiss my head every time He felt me tense up in some parts of the story.

When I finished telling the story to Doug, I was already sobbing uncontrollably as I listened to my mother's voice in the back of my head. My breathing failed again as I felt like I was starting to sweat and my body was starting to shake more and more.

Doug tried to calm me down again like the same way a few hours ago, but this time it wasn't working no matter how hard he tried and it was getting worse and worse.


I noticed how Evie started having another panic attack after she told me the story. As much as I tried to calm her down, it didn't work, all of a sudden, I remembered something about panic attacks in a book I had read a while ago for health class. To help calm a panic attack you had to try to distract the person from thinking about what caused the attack or something like that.

Without a second thought, I lifted Evie's head and kissed her, after a few seconds, I felt Evie begin to reciprocate the kiss as she calmed down. When we separate, we stare into each other's eyes without yet separating ourselves from each other.


I was still trying to control my breathing when I felt soft lips on mine, it took a few seconds to reciprocate the kiss Doug was giving me.

As we kissed I felt myself calm down more and more as my mother's voice disappeared from my head completely. After a few seconds we separated and stared into the eyes. It's definitely the most perfect shade of green I've ever seen.

EVIE: Thank you...
DOUG: There's no problem princess.
EVIE: Do you want me to get up? Surely your legs have to hurt because of how long I have been sitting on you...
DOUG: No, that's okay. I like to have you this way.  (as I squeezed her closer towards my body)
EVIE:  Ok... (I could see how he blushed while hiding his head in my chest)
DOUG:  What do you think of starting with those English classes we talked about in the morning? We take advantage and so you distract yourself for a while.
EVIE: I think it's perfect.
DOUG: Great. I know a place in the library that's a bit isolated so no one is going to bother us there.

Doug and I went to the library with our hands clasped, when we arrived Doug took me to a table that was in the back and brought a few books with basic English words so that I could learn the most important thing first. At the end of the day, I already knew how to greet people briefly and answer basic questions without any problems.

When it was late enough to stay in the library, Doug accompanied me to my bedroom and said goodbye to me with the biggest hug he has given me all day, I think it's something I could easily get used to... Hugs...

I walked into my room with a smile that quickly erased with a surprised face when mal threw himself on top of me to give me a hug, that was definitely something I didn't expect, but I didn't let go...

I put on my pajamas and lay on the bed while thinking about the kiss I had with Doug, a smile slipped through my lips as I fell asleep slowly...


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