Chapter 21

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It had been two days since Evie had left the hospital. The boys and I had noticed that she was behaving weird.

She hardly spoke, she didn't smile, she stared into nothingness...

Every night Evie woke up crying because of the nightmares that tormented her...
Basically... That was our new routine...

 That was our new routine

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 DOUG: Honey... I need you to eat something. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon... (I said watching her worried)
EVIE: I'm not hungry... (she said without looking me in the eyes)
DOUG: how about I bring you an orange... Would you eat it?? (I ask a little worried about your her health)
EVIE: I already said... I'm not hungry... (whisper).
DOUG: Not even for me? (I said trying to convince her)

Apparently it worked, I helped her peel the orange, as I always did before all this happened.

I put it in front of her and she took a piece. She watched it for a while before putting it in her mouth and so she could start chewing it.

DOUG: Thank you princess... I really appreciate the effort you make... (I said giving her a little kiss)

Evie didn't say anything, she just leaned her head on my shoulder as she took another piece of orange to direct towards her mouth.

Definitely, something is not right...


Evie had been acting too strange since she woke up. Carlos, Jay, Doug, Ben and I had been watching her carefully without her noticing.

We all agreed that Evie still didn't get over what had happened. But I don't blame her, who would...

Anyway... I was watching Evie, who was alone in her special place. We didn't want her to be unguarded at any time.

We had become very overprotective of her. To the point of even almost accompanying her to the bathroom.

Evie had said that she wanted some alone time to think, which we didn't refuse.

I could see how Evie did nothing but look into nothingness, her gaze was lost, you could even say that she was missing something... That glow she always used to have...


It was already night, I was in Doug's room while he was in the library studying for an exam that he would have soon.

I felt empty, I had more pain than I could bear... All the time I felt like collapsing...

All I did was think about the days I was kidnapped. I couldn't even sleep all night in a row anymore.

I'm not going to deny that Doug and the guys have been very supportive... But... I just feel lost, like I've lost my way.

I just wanted the pain to stop... I took a blade and sat in the bathroom without closing the door... So, there was no one else here...

I started playing with the blade thinking about whether I should do it or not... I was so focused that I didn't hear the door open.

In the end, I made my decision. I brought the blade closer to my wrist and pressed it as I moved it across my skin... 


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I was in the library studying for an exam I would have this week, I had left Evie alone in the room as she hadn't wanted to come.

When I finished studying, put my things away so I could start my way to my room. Where my beloved princess was...

Opening the door, I was surprised not to see Evie. Suddenly, I saw that the bathroom door was ajar.

I approached to see if Evie was inside. I definitely didn't expect to see what was going on inside this...

DOUG: PRINCESS!!! DON'T DO THAT HONEY!!!! (I ran up to remove the blade)
EVIE: sorry.... (she said sobbing heavily)
DOUG: shhh... You don't have to apologize, just, don't you do it again ok?... (I hugged her as tears began to fall from my eyes
EVIE: I just wanted the pain to go away... My thoughts torment me... It's all too much for me... (curled up in my chest after she kept sobbing)
DOUG: it's ok... You know you can't be left alone after this, right? (I asked her while stroking her hair to try to calm her down)
EVIE: (she just nodded her head)

I lifted Evie into my arms and walked to my bed so she could sit on it and heal that cut.

I went for the first aid kit that was in the bathroom so I could start healing her wound.

When I put alcohol in the cut that Evie had made a few moments ago, she quickly pushed her hand away to make it stop.

I took it again and this time I didn't put more alcohol, I just put a bandage a little tight so that it stopped the bleeding.

Once I had put everything back in place, I walked up to the bed and lay on it beckoning my princess to lie next to me.

DOUG: Sleep for a while princess... You must be exhausted. (I said giving her a short kiss on the lips)
EVIE: sorry... (whispered again before falling asleep)

Once I was sure that Evie was completely asleep. I gave her a little kiss on the forehead. 

I started crying, I couldn't stand the tears that had accumulated in my eyes since I started healing her

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I started crying, I couldn't stand the tears that had accumulated in my eyes since I started healing her.

If before we did not leave her alone, now less. We would have to take turns watching her from afar.

Even though Evie had allowed the boys to approach her. There were still moments when she panicked around them.

This would have to be discussed with the boys. Whether Evie likes it or not. First is her safety...


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