Chapter 8

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Evie had been sewing at my desk for a while now, she looked so happy as she did it. I liked to see that smile more than anything in the world.

DOUG: I didn't know you liked sewing so much
EVIE: I always liked it, since I was little I did this kind of thing (she talked while still focused on what she was doing)
DOUG: really?? (I asked curious to know something good about her childhood)
EVIE: Yes, my mother had one, I used to sew secretly while she took her beauty sleep (Evie smiled at the memory)
DOUG: That's wonderful
EVIE: Yes, I think so...
DOUG: You could make your dress for Ben's coronation within a week taking advantage of the fact that you like to do it. (I said while imagining how beautiful she is going to look with a dress of those that are used in that type of events)
EVIE: WHAT???, Why did you not warn me before?? I don't even have fabrics for a dress... (she speaks a little disappointed at the end)
DOUG: Don't worry about fabrics, tomorrow we can go to a store I know, you will surely find something there. (I said approaching her)
EVIE: Okay... I'm exhausted... (she said closing her eyes while yawning)
DOUG: Do you want to stay here tonight?
EVIE: I don't bother you?
DOUG: Of course not, come, I'll lend you a shirt to change.


Doug gave me a blouse and I went into the bathroom to change. When I came out, Doug was already lying on his bed.

I lay down next to Doug and he hugged me from the waist, I put my head on his chest and he started stroking my hair.

EVIE: Doug?...
DOUG: Yes...
EVIE: Can you sing me a song to sleep?...
DOUG: What song?...
EVIE: Whichever one you want (I said closing my eyes and moving closer to Doug)

Doug started stroking my hair again while singing the same song he sang when I had the first panic attack. Halfway through the song I fell asleep.

.......... Next day...........

I started to feel someone starting to spread kisses all over my face so I opened my eyes. When I got used to the light I had seen that it was Doug who saw me in a very tender way.

DOUG: Good morning princess.
EVIE: Good morning... (I said in a sleepy voice)
DOUG: Why don't you go to put on clothes so I can take you to the store I told you about yesterday?

I ran out in the direction of my room without saying another word, I was excited to go to the store Doug had mentioned.

When I got to my room I changed quickly and taking advantage of the fact that Mal was there, I asked her if I could make her dress for Ben's coronation. Obviously she ACCEPT. Without further distractions, I ran back in the direction of Doug's room.

When I walked in again, Doug was already groomed and ready to go. I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

EVIE: I'm ready!!!
DOUG: Well, don't say more, walking.

The road to the store was a bit long, but I appreciated Doug's company. As he drove I wouldn't stop looking at him. I just thought about how someone could be so handsome.

When we arrived, Doug ran out of the car to open the door and reach out to me so I could get out of the car.

EVIE: Thank you... (I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips as a token of appreciation)
DOUG: (He just smiled like a fool)
EVIE: Come on?
DOUG: Come on!!

Doug took my hand and I went into the store. I was amazed at the amount of fabrics that were in that place.

But I was more surprised when Doug greeted what she was apparently the owner of the STORE who apparently was also her aunt.

DOUG'S AUNT: Hi Doug, what brings you around here?
DOUG: Hi aunt, I came because I needed some fabrics for some dresses for the coronation.
DOUG'S AUNT: Of course, take the ones you want. Courtesy of the house.

Doug guided me to a hallway where there were fabrics of the colors I needed, Blue and Purple.

Doug and I said goodbye to his aunt and left in the direction of the car but not before thanking her for the fabrics she had given us.

When we got back to the high school, Doug offered to carry the fabrics to his bedroom.

When I arrived I opened the door for Doug to pass first, I arranged the fabrics on the floor where they would not disturb so that no one would trip.

I thanked Doug for everything and in response he gave me a long kiss on the lips that I reciprocated.

DOUG: Princess...
EVIE: Yes... (I said as I put my hands around his neck)
DOUG: can I ask you something? (I talk as he hugged me by the waist to be more closer to him)
EVIE: of course (I said with a silly smile).
DOUG: Would you like to go as my partner to the coronation?


After Evie said she would go like my partner to the coronation I decided to kiss her.

After a long moment we separated and stared into each other's eyes.

I hug her against my chest as I gathered the courage to ask the next question. The question that would change everything...

DOUG: Evie...
EVIE: Yes...
DOUG: I'd like to ask another question, you don't have to have an answer right now, okay?
EVIE: Okay... (she looked a little worried)
DOUG: I know we haven't met for a long time, but... Would you like to try something serious, something as a couple... Would you be my girlfriend??

It scared me a little when she didn't say anything and small tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes.


All my questions were interrupted by soft lips that began to move over mine. After a while we broke apart and Evie had a big smile on her face.

EVIE: Does that answer your question?

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EVIE: Does that answer your question?

I didn't say anything I just press her back to me to give her another long kiss. The best day of my life...


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