Chapter 24

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I woke up the next day and saw that Evie was still asleep. My father had asked me a few days ago when he would meet my girlfriend.

So... Today I would take Evie to my uncles and father's house... She still doesn't know. I knew that if I asked her if she wanted to go, she would quickly refuse.

DOUG: Princess... It's time to wake up (talk while giving her kisses all over her face)
EVIE: I don't want to. (she curled up more in the blankets).
DOUG: Well, what a shame, I need you to go with my somewhere. Let's get out. (I said as I got up).
EVIE: where? (she asked without opening his eyes).
DOUG: Then you'll see it. So, up. (I said throwing myself on top of her with trying not to hurt her).
EVIE: Okay, but get up, you're crushing me (she started laughing as she pushed me over her)

I started laughing along with her, it's been a long time since I heard that laughter...


Doug told me he wanted to take me to a place, I had an idea of where we could be going.

He does not know this, but a few days ago I heard him talk to his father, he had told him he wanted to meet me.

I wasn't worried about meeting them. What really terrifies me was that I won't be accepted as Doug's girlfriend because I'm the daughter of his worst enemy...

I got up and went to change while Doug waited for me. Once I finished I got out of the bathroom.

DOUG: you're gorgeous... (he said with a silly smile)
EVIE: thank you... (I blushed and bowed my head)
DOUG: you look cute when you blush (he said hugging me from behind)
EVIE: stop fooling around and let's go (I said smiling)
DOUG: I love you.... (whisper in my ear) 

Once we got to the car, Doug opened my door for me to come in

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Once we got to the car, Doug opened my door for me to come in. Always so gentlemanly...

Doug got in the car and started driving, the trip was quiet. I assumed he didn't want me to find out where we were going and I was too nervous thinking about his father to talk.

After about 1 hour of aging, Doug parked outside a cabin in the woods. I knew it....

Doug came down and went to open my door. But I just couldn't get out of the car, I was terrified. What if I wasn't accepted? Doug would leave me?

DOUG: I know I should have told you, but I knew you would want to... (he speak sadly).
EVIE: You know... I had a hunch that we would come (I said facing the front door).
DOUG: Sorry, it's that... I really want my parents to know you... (bowed his head)
EVIE: what if they don't like me? (I asked worried)
DOUG: why wouldn't they like you? You are the most wonderful woman I know (he speak with a little smile)
EVIE: at least they know who my mother is... Or who was she...?? (now you could tell in my whole voice the worry I felt)
DOUG: No... But that don't matters... You are not the same as her... You would never hurt anyone (he said stroking my cheek)
EVIE: promise that you will not leave me, no matter what... ( I look him in the eye to let him know I was being serious)
DOUG: I promise... IN ADDITION!! Snow White may come in the afternoon. I know you haven't seen her for a long time... (I speak with a bigger smile than the previous one)
EVIE: okay... (I let out a sigh)

Doug helped me get out of the car and took my hand before heading towards the front door. Doug was the one who knocked on the door.

When they opened the door, I could see that it was his father. why couldn't be someone else who opens the door...? I wasn't ready yet...

Dopey approached Doug to embrace him happily causing Doug and I to let go of each other's hand, when they separated, he noticed my presence.

DOPEY: Doug, who is your friend? (he asked seeing his son)
DOUG: She dad... Is my girlfriend, Evie (he said as he hugged me by the waist)
EVIE: good afternoon, sir... Nice to meet you... (I said extending my hand to greet him)

Dopey just looked me up and down and walked in without saying a word, leaving me with my hand outstretched...

Doug looked at me and gave me a small smile as an apology for his father's behavior.

I returned a fake smile that seemed to convince him. Doug went into the house where the others were...

I didn't know when I had a lady hugging me tightly. I could hear Doug telling his mother to let me go, he knew I still didn't feel comfortable with people touching me...

When she let go, I could see that the lady was Maria, Doug's mom. That surprised me a little...

MARIA: YOU MUST BE MY LITTLE DOUG'S GIRLFRIEND!! (I had never seen someone so excited)
EVIE: Yes... Nice to meet you... (I was starting to feel uncomfortable)
DOPEY: And well... Could we know who your mother is? (he approached us)
EVIE: eemm... This... Yes... iit-t'ss th-ee e-evv-iil quu-ue-een... (I let go while stuttering)
DOPEY: WHAT!!! I want her out of here, she is not welcome in my house. AND YOU DOUG, YOU DISAPPOINT ME!! (He started screaming hysterically)

He was starting to scare me and Doug could notice it, he tried to tell his father to calm down, but he didn't listen.

I just covered my mouth so I wouldn't sob as tears fell from my eyes. 

Before they could stop me I ran out

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Before they could stop me I ran out. Entering the forest....


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