Chapter 13

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It had already been a week since Evie had taken the antidote that the Fairy Godmother had prepared so that she could remove the poison completely from her body.

Evie and I were in our special place, more specifically, leaning in the tree. I was making mental notes about what I needed for the surprise party I was going to throw for Evie for her birthday tomorrow.

My back was glued to the trunk of the tree, while Evie was sitting between my legs while I, like every chance I have, played with her hair.

EVIE: Do you think they have oranges at brunch today? (she asked a little sad because at breakfast there was none).
DOUG: I guess princess, and if not, I myself will get a few in order to see that smile of yours (I said while giving her a kiss on the head and then playing with her hair again).
EVIE: I love you... (she said turning around to give me a kiss).
Doug: I love you... (I said hugging her)

In that moment, we heard how the boys were running towards us

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In that moment, we heard how the boys were running towards us. They sat next to us and started talking.

MAL: The guys and I are going to go to the enchanted lake, do you want to come? (Ben stared at her as a fool as she spoke.)
EVIE: Sure, we would see you on the lake in a while.
CARLOS: Remember to bring your swimsuits!!
JAY: And also, don't forget to bring towels to dry yourselves after!!

Jay and Carlos ran out like two little ones on a Christmas morning. We just start laughing at his childish behavior.

Ben and Mal said goodbye like normal people and went holding hands to find the other two so they wouldn't make any mess.

After a few minutes in the same position. Evie between my legs and me playing to make small braids with some of her strands. We decided it was time to go get ready.

We went our separate ways and we separately went to our own room to get ready to do it more faster.


I take out one of the swimsuits I had made last week with the sewing machine Doug had in his room.

When I put it on, I stared into the mirror, realizing that most of my bumps and scars were visible.

After a while looking at me in the mirror, I heard someone knocking on the door. I knew it was Doug so I quickly put clothes on and went to open the door.

Doug greeted me with a kiss and a hug as if we hadn't seen each other all day. We started walking in the direction of the enchanted lake while talking about nonsensical things.

Upon arrival, we could see that Carlos and Jay were already swimming in the lake while Mal and Ben were sitting on the ground while hugging and sharing some strawberries. Something strange coming from Mal.

Doug and I went to sit next to them while we saw what was in the food basket. My eyes lit up when I saw that, inside this one, there were 2 oranges.

I quickly took them out and with a smile I extended them to Doug. He quickly understood what I wanted.

Doug helped me peel the oranges while I watched him with a smile. When he finished, he gave them to me and I thanked him with a long kiss on the lips.

As I began to eat the oranges, I watched as Mal took off his clothes in a bathing suit. Her skin was perfect, there was no mark on it.

Seeing that, I felt more insecure than I already was. I stopped eating the oranges and stared at nothing while trying to avoid the gaze of others.


I walked into the lake as I watched Evie smile as she watched Carlos and Jay play in the water. I couldn't wait for her to finish eating so I could be with her inside the lake.

From one moment to the next the smile on Evie's face was erased. But when my worry increased to the maximum, that's when I saw her take the oranges away from her and set her gaze on a fixed point.

I walked out of the lake and approached her without thinking

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I walked out of the lake and approached her without thinking. Evie at no time turned to see me. I crouched next to her to be at the same height.

DOUG: Evie, are you alright sweetheart? (I said really worried)
EVIE: (she just kept seeing the same fixed point as before)
DOUG: princess...?? (I said with my growing concern at not getting a response from her.)

Evie just shook her head and started crying. I hugged her as the boys walked out of the lake as they realized what was going on.

Evie seeing the boys approaching, quickly got up and moved to a more secluded place.

BEN: What happened to her? (he said worried).
DOUG: That's what I'd like to know. (I said walking away from them to get closer to Evie again, but not before asking them not to intervene)

I sat next to Evie without saying anything, I would give her a few minutes to talk if she wanted to. But she never did.

DOUG: What is happening princess? Does something hurt? (I said putting one of my hands on her forehead to see if she didn't have a fever)
EVIE: it's not that... Doug you would leave me? (she said as she kept looking at the floor with a few tears falling from her eyes)
EVIE: Even if you don't like how I look? (she said as she looked at me with a sad face)
DOUG: What does all this come to? (my concern coming back)
EVIE: just.... Look at Mal, she is perfect, I instead... I'm full of scars. (she said while looking at me with a sad face)
DOUG: princess... That's not going to change how I feel about you. For me you are still the most perfect woman there is (I said while hugging her against my chest)
EVIE: It's that... I'm afraid of losing you. Fear that you will leave me for someone better... (she said hiding her head in my chest)
DOUG: For me there is no one more perfect than you. Now, how about if we forget about what others look like and you and I go to the lake and swim for a while together? (I asked giving her a kiss on the lips)

Evie didn't answer me. She just got up and started taking off her clothes to stay in a bathing suit. I could tell the boys were surprised to see all the scars Evie had in her body.

I was mentally grateful that they decided not to comment on that. I got closer to Evie and gave her a kiss on the shoulder, just above a scar that was there.

Evie smiled and took my hand to guide me into the lake. We spent the rest of the afternoon as if nothing had happened.


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