Chapter 12

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Two days had passed since Ben's coronation. Evie is having nightmares every night since, the Fairy Godmother explained to us that it was a side effect of having consumed the poisoned apple.

Every night that has passed I feel like Evie turns in bed until the wee hours of the morning, until she can fall asleep. After 1 hour she always wakes up screaming.

Now it's 12:00 p.m., Evie is asleep while I'm watching that she's okay and doesn't have any nightmares.

After a while, Evie starts moving and crying as I try to wake her up from the nightmare she's having. I feel guilty about everything that's going on. If I hadn't put myself in front of her to protect her this wouldn't be happening.


... DREAM...

DOUG: Nothing was real between the two of us, I DON'T LOVE YOU!!

VIE:( Only tears came out of my eyes, I wasn't able to say anything)
DOUG: you deserve everything your mother did to you and more!!
EVIE: Enough... Please.... (I plead whispering)
DOUG: who is going to want a villain like you!!!??
EVIE: no more.... (I started sobbing heavily)
DOUG: Did you really believe Snow White? Who would like to be part of your family. You are just a hindrance in this world!!!

... END DREAM...

I woke up suddenly and saw that Doug was awake next to me, he hugged me against his chest and I began to sob harder as he stroked my hair to try to calm me down.

DOUG: its ok princess

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DOUG: its ok princess... Everything was a dream, now you are safe... (he speak whispering so I do not get scared)
EVIE: Everything was so real... (I said while sobbing again)
DOUG: shhhh. Everything will be fine. Soon the Fairy Godmother is going to finish the antidote to get all the poison in your body out, calm. (he said as he carried me to sit on his legs and start rocking)


After rocking Evie for a while, I managed to get her to calm down a bit, so, I lay us back on the bed with Evie on top of me.

DOUG: Try to sleep princess... I take care of you (I said while playing with her hair)
EVIE: I don't want to... I'm scared... (she hid her head in my chest).
DOUG: Do it for me, please... (I said trying to convince her)
EVIE: I don't want to have nightmares again (while a tear fell from her eyes)
DOUG: I would do anything for you to sleep without nightmares princess... (caress her cheek)
EVIE: Can you sing to me? (she said in a whisper)
DOUG: Of course, princess... The usual one?
EVIE: (just nodded slowly)

When I was halfway through the song Evie fell asleep, I stayed up the rest of the night to take care of Evie while she slept.

Hours later the sun began to rise. I had spent the whole night watching Evie sleep peacefully while distracting me by playing with her hair. Did I already mention that I love her silky blue hair?

Evie started to move and I assumed she was about to wake up, I gave her a kiss on the head and lay down again to wait for Evie to open her eyes.

DOUG: Good morning princess

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DOUG: Good morning princess... Any other nightmares? (I said trying to disguise the fact that I stayed up all night)
EVIE: No, thanks to you. I know you stayed all night taking care of me, you don't have to hide (she said giving me a kiss)
DOUG: (I just smiled and then gave her another kiss longer than the previous one)
EVIE: I want to see my sister... (she sigh and then lie down on my chest again)
DOUG: Do you want me to go with you?
EVIE: I would like that very much...

Evie went to her room while I quickly fixed myself so I could take her to see her sister.

Evie and Snow White have been speaking by message since the day of the coronation and it seems as if they have known each other all their lives.

I went to pick up Evie from her room and we started the road in the direction of Snow White Castle. It was about 45 minutes by car.

The road was quiet, I noticed that Evie was more thoughtful than usual. The nightmares were starting to affect her in a worrying way, I hope the Fairy Godmother doesn't delay long...

When we arrived at the castle, Snow White was already waiting for us at the entrance of her castle. Evie ran upstairs and threw herself into her sister's arms.

SNOW W: I miss you... (she said hugging Evie harder against her, she knew she needed it right now)
EVIE: (she just listen as she let go of a sob still in Snow White's arms)
SNOW W: Honey... Are you okay?
DOUG: She's having nightmares because of the side effects of the apple (I replied when I realized that Evie didn't plan to let go of Snow White or talk)

Snow White was hugging Evie for a long time without moving from the position they were in, until Evie spoke.

EVIE: Do you think I'm a hindrance?
SNOW W: Of course not, I'm glad I finally met you (she said hugging her tighter).
EVIE: Aren't you going to get rid of me like Mom did? (she said sobbing for the thousandth time)
EVIE: Because I'm ugly, fat, I'm useless. I just bring problems everywhere...
SNOW W: Of course not!! DON'T SAY THAT AGAIN!! you are my little sister, I will always love you no matter what you do (She said separating from Evie)
DOUG: (I just looked at Evie sadly, it hurt to see her that broken).
SNOW W: Now, why don't we go in. I made orange cake, a little bird told me that you love oranges...

That comment made Evie let out a little laugh. Snow White I go to the dining room where Florian was already waiting for us to eat the delicious cake that was already served.

I sat next to Evie as I watched her spend the afternoon talking to her sister. My phone rang and I saw that I had a message from Fairy Godmother saying that first thing in the morning, the antidote would be ready.

Finally Evie could go back to sleep peacefully without fear of having a bad sleep


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