Chapter 5

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It had been a week since the kiss with Doug happened, I still couldn't believe it. How someone as tender as he would like to be with someone like me...

But anyway, I didn't want to ruin the day thinking about things like that, so, I managed to go to breakfast.

Doug had continued to teach me English and thanks to that I could already understand most things on my own.

When I arrived at the dining room I could see that Doug was at one of the tables in the background. With a girl in his arms...

I ran out of there the moment I saw Doug kiss her cheek and hug her tighter. How could I be so silly to believe that he loved me as more than a friend...

When I got to my bedroom I quickly closed the door and thanked that Mal had left early as Ben had come by, I think to show her something.

I saw myself in the mirror that I had hung on the wall and began to cry louder while only the words that my mother used to say to me passed through my mind.


Today was Evie's 8th birthday, she was excited that her mother had told her the night before that she had to talk to her about something important the next day.

Evie naively thought it was something related to her birthday, so when she opened her eyes, the first thing she did was run off in the direction where she knew her mother would be waiting.

She was so excited that she completely forgot to fix herself, when her mother saw her so messy she dragged her sharply back to the room where Evie slept when she was not in one of her punishment rooms.

He began applying makeup to Evie's face so abruptly that her face was starting to burn.

E QUEEN: When the time is going to come when you understand that if makeup you are nothing.
EVIE:( a tear falls from his right eye)
E QUEEN: BY LUCIFER!! you are pathetic. I regret calling you a daughter. You are useless, besides look, you are not thin like other girls your age.

After that comment Evie stopped listening to what her mother was telling her, the only thing she focused on was not crying so she didn't have to spend the night in one of those punishment rooms that her mother loved to use.

Definitely one of the worst birthdays of her life...



Ben had stopped by early to go for breakfast together at a place that according to him, it was going to be special.

I said goodbye to Evie with whom you could say we're getting close to each other.

We arrived at a lake where there was a part of stone that you could be in.

After breakfast I left Ben so I could go get my stuff for the classes that were not long in starting.

When I opened the door to the room, the first thing I saw was Evie in front of the mirror as she cried inconsolably and whispered things I didn't understand.

I quickly reached out to hug her as I called Doug. He always knew how to calm Evie down on these occasions.




Doug hung up the call just as I finished saying that Evie needed him.

The door slammed open and Doug ran in to where Evie and I were.


When Mal told me it was Evie I ran away. When I walked into the bedroom I could see Mal hugging Evie while she was there, she kept crying and whispering things.

When I approached I could hear everything she was whispering. I asked Mal if he could leave us alone and she nodded as she left the room.

EVIE: you are useless...
EVIE: you're ugly, fat...
DOUG: Princess... Calm down, please (I hugged her against my chest)
EVIE: no one loves you, not even Doug. You're always going to be alone, because that's what you deserve.

When I heard her say that, my eyes filled with tears. I didn't like to see her like that. I decided to kiss her to distract her, the other time worked, why wouldn't I do it this time?

When I separated from her she looked me in the eye while tears still came out of hers and asked me a question I didn't expect.

EVIE: Doug... Do you love me? (tears were still falling from his eyes)
DOUG: evie...
EVIE: (He just bowed his head while she let out a sob)
DOUG: don't cry...
EVIE: you don't love me because you are in love with the girl you were hugging in the dining room...?
DOUG: The girl I was hugging is my sister, she came to visit. Also, I love you more than anything in this world
(I raise her head so she can see me in the eye)
EVIE: Doug... I love you too...

When Evie said she loved me too, I didn't think about and I kissed her as if my life depends on that.

After a while we were lying in her bed while watching Rapunzel's movie, Evie had become a fan of the film in the short time she had been here.

Halfway through the movie we fell asleep while hugging each other.


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