Chapter 1: The Ignorant Kid...Not Really..

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"Hello Mr. Sykes. I am the principal of this academy. I hope you learn that you cannot act out here. I'm Mrs. Tates." Mrs. Tates states, I just smirk at her.

"I am a good boy." I lie. Mrs. Tates attitude changes. My folder is plopped onto her desk.

"Well 'good-boy', this all informs us otherwise." She snickers.

"I see." I hiss, grabbing the papers she gives and head to my room. Sitting down on the old creaky bed. Hearing the door creak open. My headache returns. I massage my temples.

"Hey, you're Sye Sykes, right?" An annoying voice asks, I just ignore it, "Oh, well lunch is being served in the cafeteria. Are you hungry?"

"No." I grumble, laying down on my bed. Grabbing the pillow and attempting to smother myself. The door creaks closed. "Thank god."

"Hey." The pillow is pried from my death grip and I glare at my nerdy roomie. Staring at me, concerned.

"Listen, I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to learn. I'm here because I'm the mistake child, okay?" I growl, plucking my pillow from his hands and tossing it on my bed. Standing up, face to face.

"Look..." My roomie lowers his eyes to the ground, intimidated, "I was just trying to be nice, Sye."

"You don't have to be nice to me, because I certainly won't be nice to you. Understand, bitch?" I hiss in his face. He just looks down.


"Nielle, are you coming?" A guy asks, opening the door. Nielle shifts his weight around, awkwardly. The guy gives me a dirty look. I just shrug, dumping my clothes onto my bed. Sorting through them. Nielles walks out the door and the guy just stands there looking me up and down before I look up at him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I tease, "I'll even let you get my good side."

"If you say anything to hurt my little brothers feelings, I'll make you regret it." Nielle's brother warns. I hold up my hands and shake them like who cares.

"What? Lock me in a stall where someone killed themselves?" I ask, then smirk at him, "I've done it before." I step towards him and look him straight in the eye, "You don't scare me."

"I don't intend to." Nielles brother shoots at my attempt to seem scary down, "I'm Jin, also known as, the leader of this school, also known as, your worst nightmare."

"Pfft, freaking loser." I growl, Jin walks out of the room. I gladly SLAM the door as he goes. Loathing everything about him. I lay sprawled out on my bed. "I'm so lonesome..." I sing lowly to myself, "I might cry."

Pulling on my headphones, hiding under my blanket. Closing my eyes. Pressing the play button. Singing with the singer. A duet.

The rhythm....the beat...the melody...the meaning....


The notes are my refuge....

Listen to MYNAME Memory to understand Sye more. Huhu, he's not such a tough guy now huh? Picture is Sye. ^.^

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