Chapter 17: Hidden Damned

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"Shit." Vinmir squeaks, the corpse grins at us. Stepping aside.

"Welcome back." The deep voice echoes down the hall. I chide with uneasiness. Walking forward first. Stopping abruptly, the other 2 corpses stand on either sides of the hallway now. Sinister smirks playing on their faces. I grimace.

"You two know where Xyrin is, don't you?" I growl through gritted teeth. A snicker comes from the end of the hall. Glowing orange eyes watch me. Then a black figure ushers us to follow. I usher to the guys. "Let's go. I think it's showing us where Xyrin is."

"Because our life depends upon a mysterious demon obviously trying to play us like skipping stones." Red protests but follows diligently.

"Down this way." The shadow figure says, dancing his hands on a stone wall. Sachi grumbles curses.

"Search for a stone!" I command, touching the walls. Vinmir sighs.

"There ain't no secret passage here." He comments, leaning his arm onto an old hanger. It slithers down and the hall stirs to life. All the torches relight and the hall screeches from years of abandonment. I grunt, covering my ears. Vinmir groans, covering his ears and lowering his bigger ears atop his head. "Ow, ow, ow."

"Oh hey look a secret passage." Red chirps, pointing to the now open path. Ajax face palms. The shadow continues walking. We shuffle along. Lining the secret passage walls are lines. The kind of lines a prisoner would write to count the years. All the walls are covered in them. The shadow stops inspecting the room. It's orange eyes meeting mine as it faces me.

"I'm afraid I can't go much further than this." It says, Sachi's eyes just about pop out of his head.

"This is it?!! This is as far as you can go! Really?! What kind of bullshittery is this?! Wha- mmgh. Mmgh!" Sachi's rant is cut off by Vinmir covering his mouth. Eyes on something in the corner. Ajax walks ahead. Red following him like a dog. I slump, my fingers touching the wall. The shadow watches me, speculating, whether or not I'm okay to trust.

"Red could you breathe fire on this?" Ajax asks. Red nods. I jump, surprised. A dragon head emerges from Red's body. Leaning down it shoots a small flame onto the stone altar that Ajax is standing at. "Now use air." Red does as he's commanded. Running a hand over the stone arch. Ajax's eyes brighten. "Kiopi, you must look at this!"

"What is it?" Kiopi questions, hurrying to see. "No way!"

"Oh hell naw. Hell naw." Vinmir shrieks, a spider the size of a shoe treks up Sachi's arm. Sachi fans it with the other hand. Vinmir and Sachi stuck silently screaming. I chuckle. Big babies. I scurry over to them holding my palms out.

"Come here. I won't hurt you." I sing, the giant spider steps onto my palms. It's like the size of a football. I shiver.

All 8 of its eyes on me. The hair on its legs making me cringe. I spot a hole in the stone wall and kneel down. Slowly letting it walk into its home. Vinmir screams again. I turn. Sachi freaks out running away from where Vinmir is. Throwing his arms around. I glance up. A huge colony of spiders lay occupied in big webs in that corner of the room. My eyes guiding down as a spider drops onto Vinmir's head. Vinmir cups his face, silently screaming. I grab Vinmir away from the corner and get another spider, watching it go into the same hole as the other.

"Ew, ew, ew." Vinmir says, wiping away at his whole body in one awkward dance forward.

"Sye loo-" Kiopi reaches his hand out, "Sachi, don't move!"

"I don't wanna die." Sachi pleads, hugging his hands to his chest. What looks like a huge butterfly sits perched on his shoulder. Giant sharp teeth awaiting to dig in. My heart beats stutters. Where are all these things coming from?

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