Chapter 19: All Because I Adore You...

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"Get away from him!" Kiopi's voice roars through the room. I shudder. The monster crushed by a huge rock. Were they waiting?!

"Kiopi!" I yelp, laying on my back.

Whining in pain. My eyes heavy but I fight the urge to sleep. Blinking before being enveloped in those cerulean eyes of Kiopi's. I grimace. He wraps his arms around me, lifting me onto his lap and gently rocks us back and forth. Rubbing my shoulder, calming me.

"I'm right here, Sye." He cups my cheek making me stare up into his deeply concerned eyes. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

"O...K." I mumble, feeling my cheeks heating up. Still staring into those big blue orbs, falling ever so slightly (extremely) in the 'love' zone with him. Kiopi's cheeks perk up as he smiles at me. Pecking my forehead. Letting his lips linger.

"You scared me." Kiopi confesses, holding me tightly, "Don't ever do that again."

"Ulin!" Ajax shouts, Vinmir flung like a ragdoll over his shoulder, passed out. Red and Sachi stammering over to me. Red grimaces at the sight of my ankle. Sachi looks at the monster.

"Did anyone make sure it was dead?" He asks, stumbling over his feet.

Lugging the key behind him. Raising it. Bringing it down over the monsters head. Butchering it. Letting out the rage. The key dances on the floor in jagged lines. Sachi walks to Ajax and Vinmir, the healer fixing up his leg. I watch closely. The huge flesh wounds fill up with new skin and the loose hanging flesh falls off. The same process as a snakes.

"You can calm down now, Sa-"


"Sachi!" Red yells, rushing over to the unconscious Sachi. Sprawled out near Ajax. Kiopi guides my eyes to his, blinking.

"Don't worry. He just fainted. You'll get fixed up soon...babe." Kiopi assures, my eyes widen. Before I avert my gaze. Cheeks burning like lava. I smirk. He called me babe. Oh ho. Tee-hee.

"What's behind that door?" Ulin questions Red. Red glances over his shoulder.

"A hallway. A long dark hallway. Probably filled with those disgusting freaks."

"We'll send in our warriors and battlemages to clean out the infestation." Ulin states.

Later on....

"So we made progress." I chirp, circling my fingers together, nervously as Ulin glares at me.

"Indeed." Ulin growls.

I want to flee from this tent but since Ulin is giving me medicine that will heal my broken ankle up in a few days, I can't leave. Kiopi has kept his eyes on me like he promised. I frown, deeply, sliding down the bed. I feel like every time we get closer to one of the twins some screwed up thing happens and we're back to square one. I sigh, snuggling up to the tent wall.

"Dad?" Kiopi calls out, Ulin shifts his gaze from a tonic to him.

"What is it? Be quiet, son. Sye just found enough comfort to sleep."

"Sorry, dad." Kiopi sits on the edge of his cot. Running his hand over the sheets covering my legs. "The's a Labarynth seal. Daemon is involved. Personally, father, I believe that this isn't a good idea."

"Labarynth. Damn." Ulin grumbles, upset.

"What do I do now? How-"

"There is nothing we can do. The twilight sepulchre is happening in a few days. The Empire will call Titan with the enslaved Sirens. It's all over, my son." Ulin stands up, looking distressed. "I shall inform Yumina to retrieve me tomorrow."

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