Chapter 16: Better With You

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"Why did you move me in here?" I ask, inspecting the makeshift room of Ulin and Kiopi's. Barrels full of of ingredients at the end of both cots. Cots wrecked but usable. Kiopi's black coat hangs over a barrel. I grimace, the straw digging into my skin. Like prickly pears.

"Kiopi wanted you to sleep there. I'm sorry. I insisted but he refused, continuously." Ulin says, sighing.

"No, it's fine." I reply, turning onto my side, clutching Kiopi's pillow in my hand. Cheeks flushed. The tent door opens and closes. Kiopi purses his lips reacting to my shy act. Ulin slow blinks.

"I am well aware of your two's relationship. And as a concerned father, need I remind you, Kiopi, that intimate relations with Sirens are forbidden." Ulin grumbles.

"There's nothing intimate about this. We're just friends." Kiopi quickly shouts, waving his hands.

"Just friends." I groan out under my breath. I've already been friend zoned and I had no clue.

"How did you know about Xyrin?" Ulin questions, voice stern.

"When I fainted again...I had a vision.." I trail off, man do I sound fucking knockers right now. "It was as if I was Xyrin. Seeing through his eyes. A man named Karim killed Xyrin."

"I see." Kiopi responds, sharing a knowing look with Ulin.

"Karim was the leader of the juggernauts. A group of 4 given extraordinary powers of the ancient warriors. Titan bound them to protect Xyrie and Xyrin. His twin perfections. But they were mixed. Titan felt that he contributed to creating freaks of nature." Ulin says, frowning.

"So in order for Titan to be rid of his freaks of nature, he revealed one, Xyrie, to the world while hiding the other, Xyrin. Sadly, it proved to be his biggest downfall."

"Like I'm yours." I grumble, hugging my legs to my chest on Kiopi's cot. Kiopi gives a firm look of misunderstanding. I sigh. Idiot.

"Xyrin was hidden in the palace. In the burial grounds. The very grounds that we are trying to get to." He finishes, Ulin snickers.

"So how do we get to that chamber then?"

"I will speak to only Kiopi on that matter. Tomorrow, you're heading back in to investigate. There is no other way." Ulin says, giving Kiopi a dirty look. Leaving the tent.

"So apparently I'm just your friend." I scowl, bothered. Kiopi gawks at me.

"That's all there can be." Kiopi protests, I let my mouth hang.

"That doesn't mean that we can't bend the rules a little." I push.

"Nothing more than good friends." Kiopi demands, leaving the tent. I sulk. Shit, what the hell?

"You alright?" Sachi asks, sneaking into the tent. I glower.

"Where's Vinmir?"

"He's with Ajax. They're trying to keep that crazy Siren entrapped. Gods, it's awful." Sachi sighs out, annoyed. I chuckle.

"I can imagine."

"Don't get cocky with me now."

"Whaaattt?" Vinmir questions, giving me the once over and batting an eye at Sachi.

"Not what you think." He answers.

"I'm sure." Ajax chirps, cracking a smile standing closely to Vinmir.

"Are you okay?" Taltiano asks. God, why do I hate him so much?

"Get out." Sachi hisses, taking Taltiano in a headlock tossing him out the tent door. "Ino satoü."

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