Chapter 9: Xyrie's Sacrifice

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"Karim, I can walk on my own." Xyrie says, his hands wrapped around Karim's arm, as Karim aids him. Rage in his veins. Karim grimaces, Xyrie limping beside him. The soldiers kneel down as Xyrie emerges from the castle.

"Are you sure that Titan will forgive you for this?" Karim asks, scared for Xyrie's life. Xyrie pats Karim's arm.

"Do not be scared for me. Thank me after this is over. The Sirens and the Elve's will only have their creator after today." Xyrie informs Karim, hinting the plan they thought up over the past week since Titan left to fight.

"I will ensure that everyone flees. The juggernauts follow me. So they shall remain with me protecting you even as we return to the eternal sleep." Karim says.

"T'is my last wish." Xyrie states.

Sirens fly above the Elve's leaving the city as instructed. Mage's prepare the embershard vines. The vines will conceal the palace the city built into a mountain and is one of the races greatest achievements so far. Soon it will all be gone. Turned into nothing but an abandoned burial. A tomb to Titan's first love.

"May mercy forgive us." Xyrie prays, bowing for his people, waving good bye.

In his chest, his crystal pierced heart is beginning to slow. The vines spread like a disease. Shutting away the power of the juggernauts and Xyrie. The moons and Suns will no longer shine upon the streets of Barenzith. Life will not live within these walls ever again.

Along the beaten path, Titan rises up the cliff returning unannounced. Eyes widening as the Sirens and Elve's walk down a path carved for the retreat. Titan glances around. Rushing to the city's door. Before the vines completely eat up the city.

Candles shine dim light on the walkways to the castle. Mage's kneel down. Tossing their heads back. Releasing their life forces into the vines. Blood dripping from their eyes. Going limp and falling face first into eternal slumber. Twitching as the vines reach out taking their bodies, squeezing the blood from their corpses like lemons. The blood soaks the walkway. The vines devour the bodies one by one.

Titan proceeds to the palace doors that remain wide open. The protectors ready their swords, across their legs. Titan shakes his head in disbelief. Wincing. The sound of screams and pleas fill Titan's ears. Protectors hack and slash their teammates into pieces of flesh. Intestines lay splattered along the walkway into the castle. Heads rolling. Arms twitching. Limbs shaking as the vines begin to soak up the pieces.

A juggernaut walks up the stairs. Face frozen into a horrendous scream. Jaw swaying side to side broken. The juggernauts head moves like an owls spinning around and around. Shaking uncontrollably. Titan gulps. Fearing what could be doing this. Walking past the juggernaut in fear. Hoping the monster would leave him be. Titan gasps, slipping. Falling down the stairs, landing at the bottom harshly. He groans in pain. Glancing up.

A fire mage laughs, as others set him on fire. He treads down the hallway to Titan quickly. Defying the mortal rules. Laughing and singing. Titan's lunges himself into a small corner. Watching the insane mages begin stomping up the stairs.

Heart pumping heavily against his chest bone. Setting off down the hallway of horror. Quickly taking steps down the stairs. The light shining at the end of the hall. Titan dashes towards the end. Spotting the 4 juggernauts. Karim included. All standing in glass boxes ready to be returned to the eternal sleep. Glancing down at the circular rings on the ground around the glass standing coffins. They spin and spin around the coffins leading into the next room.

"Karim?" Titan asks, seeing Karim look at him.

Meeting eyes. Karim's throat leaking blood. A small gash above his Adam's apple. Above all the juggernauts Adam's apples. They all stare at Titan. Emotionless. Void. Xyrie's slender figure walking up to the final glass coffin. The rings on the floor carved around that coffin then leads into it. Titan at a loss for words. Karim and the juggernauts laying back in their coffins. White covers appear. The vines pump blood into the circular carved rings on the floor. The carvings pool with blood and flow up to Xyrie. Titan scrambles forward. Xyrie slowly drops down a long white coat concealing his naked battered body. Xyrie turning to meet Titan's intense gaze. Smirking, leaning back into the coffin. The white door locks him into his fate. Blood from the carvings begin to fill the coffins simultaneously. Titan walks to Xyrie's coffin. Placing his hand on the glass door. Watching the blood consume his love.

The Earth rumbles. Walls shake. Floor cracks. Titan pulls his hand away. Flinching as a pillar falls behind him. Xyrie places his hand upon the glass cover. Leaving him and Titan so close yet so far. Only a touch away. Titan watches Xyrie turn to stone. Hand still upon the glass. Titan kisses his palm and puts his hand against the glass matching Xyrie. Turning lunging over the busted broken pillar. Running by the stone juggernauts. Feeling the tomb give away. Blood spilling down the hallway. Chasing Titan out of Barenzith. Away from his dearly beloved.

Titan slips over a bloody kidney. A hand grabs him to his feet. His best friend and brother Dandi pulls him behind him. Titan in a serene trance. Lost within his thoughts. They crash through the vines. Tumbling forward. The vines cracking back into place. Eyes up and wide. The city buildings begin to cave in. The vines squishing it all together. Dandi rests his hand upon Titan's heavy shoulder.

"T'was what needed to be done, dear brother. T'was needed be done." Dandi assures Titan. Helping Titan to his feet.

The people of Barenzith watching from below the small sharp hill as their home becomes nothing but dust. Centaurs right behind them. Frozen in place. Soldiers and warriors all stand jaded by the sight of Barenzith falling. Titan raises his hands out to the sky.

"Centaurs and you traitors. You got what you wanted! Now leave! We have no more for you take!" Titan shouts, lightning striking close by the Centaurian mixed army. They retreat. Cheering. Titan falls to his knees. Hands grasping the grass.

"Brother, are you alright?" Dandi asks, fearing for Titan's sanity.

"No. No I am not. I must leave. I must return back to the land of the gods. I do not belong here. I am no mere man. I am a god. The God of the Elve's. The God of the Sirens. I should have not come back." Titan stands up. A huge rock hand emerging from the skies, holding its palms out for him.

"Then come child." The voice of the werewolf God, Hirmius instruct.


"Goodbye dear brother. Pashaari Na'ori. K'nemi." Titan interrupts Dandi. Dandi reached his hand out but stays put. Titan steps onto the palm and bows to his dear sibling one last time.

"K'nemi Alo, Titan. I love you too." Dandi recites back.

The hand closes on Titan...

Titan returns to the land of gods...

Dandi disappears...lonesome...


Was that interesting? I think it was. K'nemi is I love you, if you didn't catch on there. Picture is juggernaut leader Karim. My piece a heart 0.0 he is hot.

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