Chapter 18: Che, We Got This! \•_•/

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"Kiopi, who closed the tomb door?" I ask, humbly. My head on his chest, I stare up meeting his cerulean eyes. Kiopi sighs.

"I don't know, Sye." He answers, flipping me onto my cot. I scoff, gripping onto my pillow, pissed.

"Why are you..." I grumble, angrily. Kiopi brushes off his shoulder, slipping out the door.

"Hey...Sye." Sachi says, awkwardly.

"Hey, Sach." I respond quickly, sitting on the edge of my cot. Rubbing my head. It pounds, furiously. I groan in agony.

"It'll be okay." Sachi says, attempting to comfort me but just making things even more awkward. I nod, shooing him away. Lying back down on my cot. Wallowing in my pathetic ways.

"God dammit." I whine. Ajax pops into my view. Right smack in front of me. Looking rather concerned.

"Need I call the Doctor yet again?" He asks, gloating. I frown.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"It's forbidden ya know." Red says, I glare at him. "An Elf and a Siren, it's forbidden. Even I know that and I'm not even from here."

"Cram it." I demand, pointing a finger. Ajax rolls his eyes.

"Just give it up. Ain't no chance of you two getting together." Ajax adds, making me feel worse but making me bat my eyes.

"You sure sound like you're hanging out with Sachi and Vinmir a bit too much." I comment on his newly found street rep.

"Oh, gods, no." He snaps.

"Welcome back, Ajax." I tease. Ajax sends little daggers, glaring.

"So you think Ulin and Kiopi found a way to get through that sealed wall?" Red asks, shuffling about.

"I want to go back in." I announce, Ajax gawks. "But I'm taking my puppies with me because they love me!"

"Wait, where are we going all of a sudden?" Vinmir says, munching on a Vornaki. A small white fruit that looks like a grape but tastes like a cantaloupe. It's like heaven!

"Apparently back into the tomb."

"But I don't want to..." Sachi whines, shivering. The spiders bothered him that much, yes.

"Master Ajax?" Taltiano asks, sneaking in behind Vinmir who isn't hiding that he wants to murder him in cold blood with a deadly cold glare. Medusa would run. Sachi smacks the side of Taltiano's face. Quickly holding up his hands looking surprised shaking his head in disbelief. Taltiano tenses up, cupping his cheek. Eyes tearing up.

"Enough!" Ajax hisses with a snicker, pushing Taltiano out the door. Peeking inside. Giving them the 'I'm-watching-you" movements. I chuckle, Ajax pops out of the tent.

"Ready?" Red asks. I stare, confused. Getting onto my feet.

"You're coming with us?"

"Well yeah. Doesn't hurt to have an idiot with you." Red states, swaying his head a little. I grit my teeth. Vinmir and Sachi are certainly rubbing off on everyone. They're all acting somewhat like them now. I throw my hand up.

"The shadow will still be waiting. Let's hurry in!" I command.

Once we successfully bribed (threatened) an elf to open the door just enough for us to squeeze through, we were in. I made haste towards the secret room. Darting straight to the black figure staring at the seal on the wall curiously. Sachi and Vinmir stayed in the hall peering around the corner assigned as the onlookers (a fancy word Red came up with), leaving Red and I to investigate the seal. Red glides his fingers over the ancient words. Mouthing things to himself. I cross my arms.

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