*Chapter 31: Stuck In The Middle

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???? POV.

"I've failed." I whisper out, lowering my head. Blood taints my tan flesh. I clutch my chest. "My brothers, my parents." My knees buckle, I fall to the ground. "My family....I-I have failed you..."

"Continue forward!" An Empire commander shouts.

Soldiers rush past me. Kicking mud into my face and onto my clothes. The sky faints red. I stare up, afraid. Petrified, shadows dance in with the smog bellowing over the city. My lips quiver as I push myself up, sprinting down the filthy street. Feet crushing intestines and body parts into the cement. I cover my head, falling onto my side.



"Agh!" I shriek, tucking my legs into my stomach. Something lands beside me. Stopping right in front of my eyes. Grey eyes stare back lifeless. Only half of a head lay there. I clamp my eyes closed. Heart beating out of control. Fear freezing my veins. My body begins to tremble. Tears leak out. Shock spreads through my body making me unable to move. "Nngh."



"Ahh!" I scream, flung off the ground tumbling into a wooden wall. Forcefully hitting it. My eyes open and I shake. My...my fingers!


The ground quakes. Pillars slant before crashing down in the front gate of the city. My fingers twitch above the piece of glass that severed them. I whimper, terrified. Standing up. Letting out a cry. Looking down to my ankle. A large piece of glass goes right through it. I reach my hand catching the sleeve of a stranger.

"Please...please help me." I beg, meeting blue eyes. A smirk on his elvish face. Lowering his hood. The others beside him lower their hoods. My eyes widen. "Sirens..."

"Shhh." The elf commands, his finger on his lips. I nod, vision blurring. Letting his sleeve go.

"T'ill all be safe, my child." I tremble, scared. Tears spill down my soiled face. Hands cup my face. Others grip my shoulders.

"It'll be okay. Just watch." The Siren states, sending me a smirk.

"Sye...let's go already." A wolf hisses, running on forward. Others following.

I stare at the man cupping my face harder. The God of Humans Sheomès stares deeply into my eyes, eyes filling with realization. Slowly I bare my fangs. Hissing, clawing away. Slitting Sheomès' arms up. Jumping away. Pushing through the crowd rushing away from the city intruders. Sheomès eyes on me. I can feel that strong gaze on me.

Gulping, I grasp the closest child's head. Dragging them into an alley. Sinking my fangs into the silky skin on her neck. Drinking her up. Feeling no pity as her flesh hangs loosely upon her skeleton. Concaving her cheeks. I toss her aside. Watching intently as fingers sprout from the clean cut nubs and the glass from my ankle crackles against the cement ground. I lean my back against the wall. Eyes dancing up. Red consumes the serene blue sky. I hug myself tightly. Tears blurring my vision.

"It was perfect." I whisper.


Sye's POV.

"ADVANCE SIRENS!!" I howl, diving down taking out an elf shooting fire blasts at my Sirens. Sending his bow flying. A siren grabbing it up and pulling an arrow back.

Swiftly, I tilt to the side and swing myself around. Roaring the advance signal to the Wolves. Werewolves bustle towards the downed elves. Tearing bodies apart. Howling loudly. Alerting the Elven battlemages lead by Ajax.

Flames embark down from Red flying over. Breezily turning and flipping dodging arrows and canon fire. Ajax rides atop him holding tightly onto the reigns. Before jumping off. I chuckle. Diving for him. Grabbing his arm flinging him forward onto a cyclops' head. Ajax starts to naw at the nape of its neck with fire. Turning my back to him, red eyes meet mine.

Daemon smirks, evilly. Tossing his hair around in the wind as his army joins us in battle. I feel myself let out a sigh of relief.

Sirens are shot down by canon fire. Quickly, I dodge throw a barrage of canon fire myself. Arrows follow. I gasp, an arrow hangs out from my wing. My wing painting with red. More arrows strike them. Taking down most of my Sirens. I descend lower and lower. Sagging onto the ground near a cherry tree. My wings fade into my pink frilly ones. I huff for air.

Eyes landing over the blood drenched grass behind the undead army. Blinking, I lower my eyes. Holding my arm. Smiling with sadness. I'm grateful for Daemon's help. But this fighting...it stuns me. Hurts me. A land so graceful and beautiful held so much hate and rage. My heart aches. I slide down onto my back. Blinking at the red sky. Fiery eyes stare back down.

"What is wrong?" Yumina asks.

"This battle is too easy."

"I agree. Xyrie is not present. That is all cause of the level." Yumina responds, I close my eyes.

"Then the battle is won." I announce, opening my eyes.


"You!" I growl, rolled into my stomach. Glaring up at Kiopi. "You dare to hit me. I love you!"

"I have no memory of any sort of love between us, please die!" Kiopi hisses back, swinging his magical flaming sword at me.

Hopping away, I duck my head, holding my head. The sword flies over me quickly. Kiopi stabs at the air close to me as I softly dodge his shots. My body won't hit him and my heart won't allow me to think of hurting him without hurting myself. I yelp, the sword sinking into my shoulder blade. Falling to my knees, I stare into those eyes I adore. Reaching out to Kiopi.

"I...I won't hurt you." I say, Kiopi glares slapping my hand away from him. Pulling the blade from my shoulder. I swallow my pride. Heart heavy and mind fogged. "I'll protect you. I won't hurt you."

"Don't beg like a mutt." Kiopi growls, I close my eyes, placing the sword to my chest. Peeking up.

"Kiopi please. Please remember me. Please!" I continue begging, drops of tears wetting my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Kiopi mutters, causing me to open my eyes. This...this is Xyrie's curse. It possesses the others. I hold the blade, the heat burning my hands. Before I look into Kiopi's eyes. There is love somewhere in you. Where? Only you could possibly answer that.

"Only you could kill me." I admit.

"Pfft." Kiopi pulls the sword from my hands. Raising it up above my head. I nod. Closing my eyes.

This is my test....

Let me be reborn...


O_o <- ur reaction when Sye started acting like a weakling alla sudden eh?

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