Chapter 38: Yumina, The Fair Maiden.

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"Awaken, Sylnya, awaken." Yumina jumps up and down among the bed. Sylnya sighing.

"Jeez, young one. Calm down." Sylnya admonishes, flicking the young teen girl onto the floor.

"You are unreasonable!" Yumina shouts, with a laugh. Hopping into  the arms of her first love. Though Sylnya does not know he is. He is rather an impeccable elf.

"I am simply an elf. We are very unreasonable." Sylnya snickers.

"K'nemi." Yumina gushes, blushing. Sylnya smirks. Those dimples of his shining like stars. Those light brown eyes and strawberry blonde shoulder length hair defining the perfect pointed ears. Perfectly sculpted cheekbones, jaw, flushed lips.

"I love you too." Sylnya chirps, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Pulling Yumina from the foot of the bed into his defined arms. "So how should I invade your innocence today?"

"Oh stop it. We mustn't. Not until we are wed." Yumina sniggers, slipping out of Sylnya's grip.

"Fine, fine. I shall wait."

Hours later...Yumina kneeled beside Sylnya's side, clutching his hand as he fell in and out of consciousness. The castle walls tattered with fallen soldiers and broken bricks. In the mid of the room, Yumina cried. Her beloved betrothed Sylnya smiling sadly.

"It's alright, my love. I'm of mixed breed origin, we do not die. We enter the eternal slumber until we can awaken once again." Sylnya says, merely a whisper.

"T'is not fair. We are to be wed in 2 days. I cannot-"

"Promise me, that you will continue on, my sweet maiden."

"O-Of course." Yumina stammers, knowing that Sylnya is slipping away. Yumina hums the lullaby of the Mystiks, brushing her fingers through Sylnya's hair as he draws his last breathe.

The change took several years. The blood in Yumina was not blood but water that would feed the everlasting rose morsel that wanted ever so much to flourish. Yumina's very appearance, very being had drastically changed as well.

Alone and broken hearted Yumina heard the great voice of Sylnya one late evening. The voice so powerful it quaked under her feet. Yumina gasped. Sylnya's body began to levitate from the ground. Right below his body sprung up a glass encasement. Shielding his corpse from the venomous air.

"Sylnya!" Yumina exclaimed.

"My love, in order for me to awaken, I task you with finding hearts. Hearts of the powerful. The mighty. The loving. Place them upon the case." Sylnya's voice commands, Yumina nods.

"Yes, yes, anything for you."

"I also need...a voice. A powerful, mighty voice..."

"I almost have it all now, Sylnya. All I need the voice."


Sorry it's suuuuper short. Do you think Sylnya is good or evil? Hehe

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