Chapter 11: Dragon Say What? (^•^) (<<) What?

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"Hello?" My eyes snap open. Deep scarlet eyes gaze at me, confused.

"H-hi!" I exclaim, sitting up and putting my hands on my lap.

"Where am I?" The guy asks, rubbing his forehead. I smile.

"You're in Wysteria. We're at Barenzith. A tomb for Tita-"

"So I didn't make it back home." The guy sighs, grimacing attempting to sit up. I hastily grab his arm and help him up.

"Sorry." I concede. The guy looks me over. Then glances around.

"The Empire shot at me. What the hell? Those damn freaks. What the he did they think I was a unicorn?! Shoot a Dragon from the sky! Who does that?! Who fucking does that?! Well they freaking did it!!" The guy rants, temper raging.

"I felt you before you crashed. I made sure you weren't hurt any worse than you already were." I say, gently touching his arm. "I'm Sye. What's your na-"

"I'm Red." The guy interrupts, "I'm the next Grand King of Verruchi."

"King?" I manage, slapped in the face from the very word. Cupping my face, having a mini panic attack. "They shot a king. The Empire shot a king. I saved a king. It's a king."

"So?" Red says, pursing his lips obviously thinking nothing of it.

"Well...I'm from Earth." I say, letting it go. Hopefully he believes me. Others, other then Vinmir, Ajax, and Kiopi, don't believe me.

"So you're like Canton and Daegi? Like earth earth right?"

"I'm like who?" I question, sounding too eager.

"Canton and Daegi. Well Canton was born in Enda but he was sent away to Earth to grow up amongst the humans there. Daegi was originally from earth. He was offered to go back to Earth but he declined. Saying that he more purpose here than there. I personally think he won't leave because of his miserable Orc." Red explains, shaking his head.

"I found a watch and was here." I tell him, Red blinks his eyes.

"So? Canton had it worse. Fell into the sewers and almost got turned into water by the purifier." Red scolds me, my shoulders tense up.

"But I changed. I turned into this." I exclaim, peeved off a bit.

"Eh, that's normal." Red shrugs it off. I glare at him. Wanting to scratch his eyes out.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. Get me out of here! I cringe.

"Well yeah." Red snarls. I dart up.

"I'll go get you some food." I walk.

"Wait!" Red yells, grasping into my wing tightly.

"Eek!!!" I screech out. Shivering at the touch. Sachi scurries into the tent door, toppling over, face planting onto the ground, moving like a worm to me in his wolf form. Lifting his head, eyes closed shut.

"Nyan." Sachi manages, flicking Red's hand off my wings with his paw. Nuzzling my leg.

"Sachi? Sye?" Vinmir grumbles, rubbing his eyes. Struggling to keep them open. Grabbing Sachi's hind legs and dragging him out of the tent. Holding the flap open for me, "Coming for food?"

"Yes. Yes I am." I answer. Hurrying away from the Dragon. Following Vinmir holding Sachi in his arms as Sachi sleeps in his wolf form. His paws dangling high up from the ground. I snicker.

"So I'm assuming that you and Sachi are getting along well?"

"Huh?" Vinmir responds, then blushes looking at Sachi. "Oh..oh's nice. Sachi's been nice."

"That's go-" I stop, seeing Ajax with the horned human sitting together and laughing. I peek to Vinmir raising an eyebrow. "So what have I missed anyways?"

"Hey, now. I'm just seeing this too." Vinmir answers, innocently.

"Hey, Ajax." I greet, taking a bowl of fruit from the horned guy. Smirking at him, puzzled.

"You need to feed the Dragon right? Well fruit is better for them because it helps them rejuvenate their inner spirit." The horned guy says. I stand still then bolt back to the dragon. Stumbling into the tent. Scratching my head.

"The frig was that all about?" I question, glancing over my shoulder. Sighing, meeting red eyes. Boring into my soul.

"Is that fruit?" Red asks, rather chipper. Before popping a tomato into his mouth. Making a face, hanging his tongue out spitting the red tomato onto his palm and tossing it at my face. I glare.

"Hey!" I hiss, dodging. Whipping the bowl at his face. "Eat you fucker eat!!!"

"But I don't like this." Red whines, pouting like a child. Gah! I pull my hair. Freaking out.

"That horny guy out there said that Dragons need it to rejuvenate the spirit in them." I shout, Red giggles.

"I'm kidding." Red snickers, chewing on a grape. Picking the red tomatoes out from the other fruits. Flinging them at my feet.

"Hey, you just sai-"

"I don't like tomatoes." Red says.

"Why not?" I chirp, bored of him.

"They're red. They have skins. Imagine eating little red people and feeling the juices splatter on your tongue. It's like being a little red people murderer. I just don't like it." Red quietly tells me. I stare down at the tomatoes in a new light. Grimacing.

"Ew." Red rolls a cherry on his palm with his finger.

"You get me now, sweet cheeks."

"Nope, I'm out." I yell out, leaving the tent. Hearing Red shout something incoherent to me. I shrug, quickly walking to the guys and that thing. That horny thing!

"So?" Sachi questions, smirking at me. Shovelling oatmeal into his mouth. Not allowing himself to breathe. Vinmir shakes a finger.

"Look at this guy. Thinking it's all free and shit." He scolds Sachi.

"I'm Taltiano." The horny guy informs me. I nod, ignoring him.

"Sye, he just-"

"Whatever!" I growl, eating grapes.

"Perhaps you are jealous?" Ajax assumes, my eyes almost pop out of my face from how much I want to Rocky Balboa his ass. Vinmir snaps his finger in a z formation.

"Oh no you didn't." He sings.

"Pfft, me?" I usher to myself, "I'm jealous? Maybe you're the one who's jealous. I saved a hot Dragon guy and you felt threatened."

"Oh hell naw. He bought property, Sachi. He bought property." Vinmir comments, poking Sachi in the ribs leaning close to him. Sachi stares at him like he's regretting 'them'. Mouth full of oatmeal.

"Me? Jealous? That's preposterous. What could have made you come down with such a conclusion?" Ajax spits back.

"You rammed a Centaur last night?" Red's voice chimes in, disgusted. He makes a face, "It's like riddled with disease."

"You're supposed to be in your tent resting." Taltiano says.

"Mm no. I'm done resting."

"Good. I want us to proceed into the tomb." Kiopi says to us.

"Hey guys?" I ask, pointing to Red, grimacing, "This guys a King."



The Empire really f-d up. •_• Picture is Red. The next Grand Dragon King

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